Subminiature D Connectors
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HDP Metal Shell Connectors
Choice of zinc-plated shell or tin-plated shell with grounding indents on the plugs. Insert is black
thermoplastic, rated 94V-O. Contact Rating (with 20 AWG Wire): 7.5 amps. Termination Resistance:
5 K megohms. Engagement Force: 12 oz. Separation Force: .75 oz. Mating Force: 8 oz. per contact.
CONTACTS NOT INCLUDED. Select contacts from those offered below. Recognized under the
components program of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., File No. E28476. Certified by Canadian
Standards Association, File No. LR 16455.
Zinc Plated Shells
Stock Mfr.Õs Contacts
No. Type (Not Included)
1-99 100-499 500-999
512-0005 205204-1 Plug 9 .71 .64 .53
512-0010 205203-1 Receptacle 9 .82 .74 .62
512-0015 205206-1 Plug 15 1.03 .93 .77
512-0020 205205-1 Receptacle 15 .91 .82 .68
512-0025 205208-1 Plug 25 .91 .82 .68
512-0030 205207-1 Receptacle 25 .74 .66 .55
512-0035 205210-1 Plug 37 1.43 1.29 1.07
512-0040 205209-1 Receptacle 37 1.43 1.29 1.07
512-0045 205212-1 Plug 50 1.75 1.57 1.31
512-0050 205211-1 Receptacle 50 2.16 1.97 1.80
Tin-Plated Shells, Plugs with Grounding Indents
512-0105 205204-4 Ind. plug 9 .62 .56 .46
512-0110 205203-3 Receptacle 9 .59 .53 .44
512-0115 205206-3 Ind. plug 15 .74 .66 .55
512-0120 205205-2 Receptacle 15 .65 .58 .49
512-0125 207464-2 Ind. plug 25 .65 .58 .49
512-0130 207463-1 Receptacle 25 .74 .66 .55
512-0135 205210-3 Ind. plug 37 1.24 1.11 .93
512-0140 205209-2 Receptacle 37 .88 .80 .66
512-0145 205212-3 Ind. plug 50 1.33 1.19 .99
512-0150 205211-2 Receptacle 50 1.75 1.57 1.31
Stock Mfr.Õs Style Contacts
No. Type
1-99 100-499 500-999
512-0305 747904-4 Plug 9 1.47 1.33 1.11
512-0310 747905-4 Receptacle 9 2.04 1.84 1.53
512-0315 747908-4 Plug 15 2.04 1.84 1.53
512-0325 747912-4 Plug 25 2.88 2.59 2.16
512-0330 747913-4 Receptacle 25 3.69 3.33 2.77
512-0335 747916-4 Plug 37 3.79 3.45 3.16
Tin-Plated Shells, Plugs with Grounding Indents
512-0405 747904-2 Ind. plug 9 1.24 1.11 .93
512-0410 747905-2 Receptacle 9 1.67 1.50 1.25
512-0415 747908-2 Ind. plug 15 2.01 1.81 1.51
512-0420 747909-2 Receptacle 15 2.77 2.49 2.07
512-0425 747912-2 Ind. plug 25 2.35 2.12 1.76
512-0430 747913-2 Receptacle 25 2.94 2.64 2.20
512-0435 747916-2 Ind. plug 37 4.31 3.88 3.23
512-0440 747917-2 Receptacle 37 5.30 4.77 3.98
Stock Mfr.Õs Contacts
M24308/ Style
No. Type (Not Included)
1-24 25-49 50-99
512-0205 205162-1 4-259 Plug 9 2.97 2.67 2.23
512-0210 205161-1 2-281 Receptacle 9 2.83 2.55 2.13
512-0215 205164-1 4-260 Plug 15 3.45 3.10 2.58
512-0220 205163-1 2-282 Receptacle 15 3.45 3.10 2.58
512-0225 205166-1 4-261 Plug 25 3.72 3.35 2.79
512-0230 205165-1 2-283 Receptacle 25 3.72 3.35 2.79
512-0235 205168-1 4-262 Plug 37 5.42 4.88 4.06
512-0240 205167-1 2-284 Receptacle 37 5.42 4.88 4.06
Stock Mfr.Õs Description
No. Type
PER PKG./100
1-4 5-9 10-24
512-9500 6-66506-1 Pin, select gold flash over nickel overall, 15.96 14.36 11.98
Additional .000030" gold on mating end
512-9510 7-66504-0 Socket, select gold flash over nickel overall, 17.75 15.98 13.31
Additional .000030" gold on mating end
512-9035 1-66506-0 Pin, gold flash over nickel 12.52 11.26 9.39
512-9040 1-66504-0 Socket, gold flash over nickel 13.25 11.93 9.94
512-9042 5-66506-9 Pin, nickel overall, gold flash on mating 10.31 9.28 7.74
end, tin-lead term. end
512-9044 5-66504-7 Socket, nickel overall, gold flash on mating 11.24 10.22 9.37
end, tin-lead term. end
Crimp Style (24-20 AWG Wire) .068" Max. Insulation Diameter without Insulation
512-9099 2-205201-8 Socket select gold flash over nickel overall, 51.45 46.31 38.59
Additional .000030" gold on mating end
512-9091 205202-7 Pin, gold flash over nickel 11.67 10.61 9.72
512-9093 205201-7 Socket, gold flash over nickel 13.73 12.48 11.44
Crimp Style (28-24 AWG Wire) .040" Max. Insulation Diameter
512-9590 6-66505-9 Socket, select gold flash over nickel overall 16.10 14.63 13.41
.000030" gold on mating end
512-9095 1-66507-0 Pin, gold flash over nickel 11.26 10.24 9.38
512-9100 1-66505-0 Socket, gold flash over nickel 13.89 12.51 10.42
Solder Cup Type (18 AWG Max. Wire Size)
512-9520 66570-8 Pin, gold flash over nickel, .000030" gold 19.52 17.57 14.64
on mating end
512-9530 1-66569-0 Socket, gold flash over nickel, .000030" 23.01 21.12 17.60
gold on mating end
Stock Mfr.Õs Description
No. Type
PER PKG./100
1-4 5-9 10-24
512-9015 205089-1 Pin, M39029/64-369 19.96 18.15 16.63
512-9017 205090-1 Socket, M39029/63-368 28.70 25.83 21.52
Insertion/Extraction Tools
Stock Mfr.Õs Description EACH
No. Type
512-9045 91067-1 Insertion/extraction tool M81969/1-04 5.87
512-9110 91067-2 Insertion/extraction tool M81969/1-02 5.87
Crimp Tool and Positioner
512-6011 601966-1 Crimp tool (M22520/2-01) 496.89
512-6015 601966-5 Positioner (M22520/2-08) 153.00
Contact Size 20-DF Pin and Socket Contacts
HDP-20 Solder Cup Connectors
Pre-loaded duplex plated solder cup contacts with shell finish of standard zinc chromate or tin. One-
piece 94 V-O rated plastic insert. Anti-solderwicking contact design. Intermateable with other
subminiature-D connectors. Available in 9, 15, 25, and 37 position plugs and receptacles. Recognized
under the components program of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., File No. E28476. Certified by
Canadian Standards Association, File No. LR 16455.
Zinc-Plated Shells
Listed Certified
Insertion/Extraction Tool
For size 20 crimp and solder cup contacts.
512-0470. 91285-1 ..................................................EACH 21.42
HDM-20 (MIL-C-24308) Connectors
Stainless steel retention springs. Insert material per MIL-C-24308.
MIL-Spec. Pins, Sockets, and Tools
Crimp Tools
Ratchet crimp tool for contacts on 28-24 AWG wire and on
24-20 AWG wire. Recommended for field repair use only.
512-9128. 58448-2 .....................................................EACH 150.09
Considered by AMP to be the best crimp tool. Designed to
exacting specifications. Long service life.
contacts for 28-24 and 24-20 AWG wire.
512-9132. 90302-1 .................................................................................................................EACH 418.84
contacts (without insulation support) for 24-20 AWG wire.
512-2651. 90265-1 .................................................................................................................EACH 376.04
Shell constructed of steel, class G, cadmium plated per QQ-P-416.
Pin Diameter: .040". Materials: Pins Ñ brass; Sockets Ñ phosphor bronze.
Crimp Style (24-20 AWG Wire).060" Max. Insulation Diameter with Insulation Support