SONET / SDH Clock Recovery & Data Retiming Series SCDR-192 | Preliminary Specifications Features - Ultra Low Jitter Superior Phase Stability - 360 degrees Adjustable Phase - Adjustable Threshold Level - Low Input Level Sensibility - > 1 V p-p Data Output - Small Size, Measures only 2.5 x 2 x 0.8 - NRZ or RZ Formats - For Smaller Sizes Contact the Factory Applications - Long Haul Optical Networks - 12.249 Gb/s, 9.953 Gb/s, 10.709Gb/s, 10.312Gb/s, 10.664 Gb/s models - 3R Receivers 2.5 x 2 x 0.8 Description The SCDR-192 clock and data recovery module is designed to meet the requirements of most critical applications, such as long haul SONET/SDH fiber optic networks. Elcoms proprietary design emphasizes the high reliability and low power consumption of this product series. Specifications Parameter Max (-5oC to +75oC) Data Rates 12.249Gb/s, 10.664Gb/s, 9.953 Gb/s, 10.709Gb/s, 10.512Gb/s * 300 mV p-p 1 V p-p 4 psec p-p +/- 15 Degrees 30 psec -10 dB 10 to 90% 1 Vp-p -10dB 0 to 360 degrees +/- 5 ps < -60 dBc -30 dBc -5 to +75 +5V/500mA, -5V/500mA Data Input Level Data Output Level Output Jitter Clock Phase Stability Data Output Transition Times Data Output Return Loss Threshold Control Clock Output Level Clock Return Loss Clock Phase Control Clock Phase Stability Spurious Harmonics Operating Temperature DC Power Condition (Optional 100mV p-p) Complementary Over Temperature 0 to 3.3Vdc VSWR 1.5.1 0 to +15Vdc Over Temperature *20 and 40 Gbit/s Models under development Te c h n o l o g i e s 1 1 Vo l v o D r i v e , R o c k l e i g h , N J 0 7 6 4 7 U S A Te l : 2 0 1 - 7 6 7 - 8 0 3 0 , F a x : 2 0 1 - 7 6 7 - 6 2 6 6 , w w w . e l c o m - t e c h . c o m SONET / SDH Clock Recovery & Data Retiming Series SCDR - 192 Ordering Information SCDR-192-F[GHz] Example: SCDR-192-9.95328 Outline drawing 2.500 MAX. 2X .100 O.128 -.134 THRU MOUNTING HOLES 2X 2.275 PHASE ADJUST LOCK DETECT 1.900 MAX. 2X 1.675 +5V REF -5V 2X .100 4X SMA FEMALE JACK .760 MAX. DATA IN DATA OUT D ata Ou tp u t 2 0 p s/d i v CLK OUT Clock Output 20.0 ps/div Additional Products for Fiber Optic Synthesized Clock Generator Clock Recovery Module Clock Encoder and Decoder Te c h n o l o g i e s 1 1 Vo l v o D r i v e , R o c k l e i g h , N J 0 7 6 4 7 U S A Te l : 2 0 1 - 7 6 7 - 8 0 3 0 , F a x : 2 0 1 - 7 6 7 - 6 2 6 6 , w w w . e l c o m - t e c h . c o m