Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales
Office/Distributors for availability and specifications.
Supply Voltage, VCC 7V
Input Voltage Range b0.15V to 7V
Strobe Input Voltage 7V
Maximum Power Dissipation*at 25§C (Note 2)
Molded Package 1687 mW
Operating Free-Air Temperature Range 0§Ctoa
Storage Temperature Range b65§Ctoa
*Derate molded package 13.5 mW/§C above 25§C.
Lead Temperature 260§C
(/16 Inch from Case for 4 Seconds: N Package
Recommended Operating
Min Typ Max Units
Supply Voltage, VCC 4.5 5.0 5.5 V
High-Level Output Current, IOH b0.4 mA
Low-Level Output Current, IOL 16 mA
Operating Free-Air Temperature, TA070
Electrical Characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range (Note 3)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
(Note 5)
VIH High-Level Input Voltage A 1.7 V
IL Low-Level Input Voltage A 0.7 V
S 0.7
VOH High-Level Output Voltage VCC e4.5V, VIL e0.7V, IOH e0.4 mA 2.4 3.1 V
VOL Low-Level Output Voltage VCC e4.5V, VIH e1.7V, IOL e16 mA 0.4 0.5 V
VIInput Clamp Voltage S VCC e4.5V, IIeb
18 mA b1.5 V
IIH High-Level Input Current A VCC e5.5V, VIe3.11V 0.3 0.42 mA
CC e5.5V, VIe2.7V 20 mA
IIL Low-Level Input Current A VCC e5.5V, VIe0.15V b0.24 mA
CC e5.5V, VIe0.4V b0.4
IOS Short-Circuit Output Current VCC e5.5V, VOe0V b18 b60 mA
(Note 4)
rIInput Resistance VCC e4.5V, 0V, or Open, DV, e0.15V to 4.15V 7 20 kX
ICC Supply Current VCC e5.5V, Strobe at 0.4V, All A Inputs at 0.7V 19 31 mA
VCC e5.5V, Strobe at 0.4V, All A Inputs at 4V 32 53
Note 1: ‘‘Absolute Maximum Ratings’’ are those values beyond which the safety of the device cannot be guaranteed. Except for ‘‘Operating Temperature Range’’
they are not meant to imply that the devices should be operated at these limits. The table of ‘‘Electrical Characteristics’’ provides conditions for actual device
Note 2: For operation above 25§C free-air temperature, refer to Thermal Ratings for ICs, in App Note AN-336.
Note 3: All currents into device pins shown as positive, out of device pins as negative, all voltages referenced to ground unless otherwise noted. All values shown
as max or min on absolute value basis.
Note 4: Only one output should be shorted at a time.
Note 5: All typical values are at VCC e5V, TAe25§C.
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