TEMIC Semiconductors U2791B 1000 MHz Quadrature Demodulator Description U2791B silicon monolithic integrated circuit is a quadra- ture demodulator that is manufactured using TEMIC Semiconductors advanced UHF technology. This demodulator features a frequency range from 100 1000 MHz, low current consumption, selectable Features @ Supply voltage 5 V (typ.) @ Very low power consumption 125 mW (typ.) @ Very good image rejection by means of phase control loop for precise 90 phase shifting @ Duty cycle regeneration for single ended LO input signal gain, power down mode and is adjustment free. The IC is suitable for direct conversion and image rejection applications in digital radio systems up to 1 GHz such as cellular radio, cordless telephone, cable TV and satellite TV systems. Low LO input level 10 dBm (typ.) LO frequency from 100 MHz to 1 GHz Power down mode 25 dB gain control Block Diagram Vs PD TIX II S64 | 14 4 3 wer "| OUTPUT own | + H . 90Control 0 Frequency Duty cycle | RFin x loop 9oX[ | doubler [| ] regenerator [- 8 i . | OUTPUT 11 15,16,18 10 9 GC [GND QQX QQ 95 9755 Rev. A3, 15-Oct-98 11)U2791B TEMIC Semiconductors Pin Description x [1 - 20) Qx 1 [2 19) 1 [3 18 ux |4 17 Vs [5 16, Vs (6 15) RFin [7 14 RFX, [8 | 13 | QQ 19 12) QQx [10 11] 94 9441 Electrostatic sensitive device observe precautions for handling. Absolute Maximum Ratings Q GND LOin GND GND PD PC PCX GC Pin | Symbol Function 1 IX IX output 2 I I output 3 II II low pass filter I 4 IIx IIX low pass filter I 5 Vs Supply voltage 6 Vs Supply voltage 7 RF, | RF input 8 RFX;, | RFX input 9 QQ QQ low pass filter Q 10 QQXK =| QQX low pass filter Q 11 GC GC gain control 12 PCX | PCX phase control 13 PC PC phase control 14 PD PD power down 15 GND | Ground 16 GND | Ground 17 LOj, | LO input 18 GND | Ground 19 Q Q output 20 QX* QX output Parameters Symbol Value Unit Supply voltage Pins 5 and 6 Vs 6 Vv Input voltage Pins 7, 8 and 17 Vi 0 to Vs Vv Junction temperature Tj 125 C Storage temperature range Tstg 40 to 125 C Operating Range Parameters Symbol Value Unit Supply voltage range Pins 5 and 6 Vs 4.75 to 5.25 Vv Ambient temperature range Tamb A0 to 85 C Thermal Resistance Parameters Symbol Value Unit Junction ambient SSO 20 Rina 140 K/W 2 (11) Rev. A3, 15-Oct-98TEMIC Semiconductors U2791B Electrical Characteristics Test conditions (unless otherwise specified); Vs = 5 V, Tamb = 25C, referred to test circuit System impedance Zo = 50 Q fiLO = 950 MHz, PiLO =-10 dBm Parameters Test Conditions / Pins Symbol Min, Typ. Max Unit Supply voltage range Pins 5 and 6 Vs 4.75 5.25 Vv Supply current Pins 5 and 6 Is 30 mA Power down mode, PD OFFmode supply Vpp <0.5 V_ Pins 5,6 Vpp IsPD <1 vA current =10V Pin 14 20 Note 1 Switch voltage Pin 14 Power ON VPON 4 Vv Power DOWN VPOFF 1 Vv LO input, LOjn Pin 17 Frequency range fiLO 100 1000 MHz Input level Note 2 PiLO 12 10 -5 dBm Input impedance See figure 6 ZiLO 50 Q Voltage standing wave _| See figure 2 VSWRLO ratio 1.2 2 Duty cycle range LODCR 0.4 0.6 RF input, RF;, Noise figure (DSB) @ 950 MHz Note 3 NF 12 dB symmetrical output @ 100 MHz Pins 7 and 8 10 Frequency range Pins 7 and 8 fiRF >fiLO 1 dB input Pins 7 and 8 compression point High gain ICPHG -8 dBm Low gain ICPLG 43.5 Second order ITP Note 4 Pins 7 and 8 IIP2HG 35 dBm Third order IIP Pins 7 and 8 High gain IIP3HG +3 dBm Low gain IIP3LG +13 LO leakage Pins 7 and 8 LOL Symmetric input < 60 dBm Asymmetric input <-55 Input impedance Pins 7 and 8 ZiRF 500Q|| see figure 6 0.8pF Note 1: During power down status a load circuitry with dc-isolation to GND is assumed otherwise a current of I (Vs -0.8 V) /RI has to be added to the above power down current for each output I, IX, Q, QX. Note 2: The required LO-Level is a function of the LO-frequency (see figure 3). Note 3: Measured with input matching. For 950 MHz the optional transmission line T3 at the RF input may be used for this purpose. Noise figure measurements without using the differential output signal result in a worse noise figure. Note 4: Using Pins 7 and 8 as a symmetric RF input, the second order IIP can be improved. Rev. A3, 15-Oct-98 3 (11)U2791B TEMIC Semiconductors Electrical Characteristics (continued) Test conditions (unless otherwise specified); Vs = 5 V, Tamb = 25C, referred to test circuit System impedance Zo = 50 Q fiLO = 950 MHz, PiLO =-10 dBm Parameters Test Conditions / Pins Symbol Min. Typ. Max Unit I/O outputs Emitter follower I, IX/Q, 1=0.6mA QX 3-dB bandwidth Note 5 w/o external C Pins 1, 2, 19 and 20 BWI/Q > 30 MHz T/Q amplitude imbalance Pins 1, 2, 19 and 20 AII/Q < +0. dB T/Q quadrature error Pins 1, 2, 19 and 20 QEI/Q <+1.5 Deg T/Q maximum output Pins 1, 2, 19 and 20 Max I/Q 2 Vpp swing Symm. output Ry > 5 kQ DC output voltage Pins 1, 2, 19 and 20 VOUT 2.8 V DC output offset voltage | Note 6 Pins 1, 2,19 and 20 | VOFSI/Q < 30 mV T/IX Q/QX Output impedance Pins 1, 2, 19 and 20 Zout 50 Q. see figure 6 Gain control, GC Control range power Note 7 Pin 11 GCR 25 dB gain, gain high/gain low PGH/GGL 23/2 Switch voltage Gain high Pin 11 GCVHigh 1 Vv Gain low Note 8 Pin 11 GCVLow Vv Settling time, ST Power OFF ON STON <4 Us Power ON OFF STOFF <4 Us Note 5: Due to test board parasitics this bandwidth is reduced and not equal for I, IX, Q, QX. If symmetry and full bandwidth is required the low-pass Pins 3, 4, 9 and 10 should be isolated from the board. The bandwidth of the I/Q outputs can be increased further by using a resistor between the Pins 3, 4, 9 and 10. This resistors shunt the internal loads of RI ~ 5.4 kQ The decrease in gain here has to be considered. Note 6: Output emitter follower internal acurrent I = 0.6 mA allows only small voltage swing with a 50 Q load. For low signal distortion the load impedance should be RI > 5 kQ. Note 7: Referred to the level of the output vector /I? + Q2. Note 8: The low gain status is achieved with an open or high ohmic Pin 11. A recommended application circuit for switching between high and low gain status is shown in figure 1. 4d) Rev. A3, 15-Oct-98JEMIC U2791B Semiconductors Test Circuit * +Vs 95 9841 +Vs * AD620 AD620 > -Vs -Vs -=- LOin +Vs ghigh gain only 0 Gc 100p T 27k * optional for single ended tests (notice 3 dB bandwidth of AD620) T1, T2 = transmission line Zp = 50 Q. If no GC function is required, connect Pin 11 to GND. For high and low gain status GC is to be switched to GND respectively to Vs. Figure 1. Rev. A3, 15-Oct-98 5 (11)U2791B TEMIC 11 18 9 16 m +14 e S e LS jan Oo ; 0 | 1 8 100 300 500 700 900 1100 0 200 400 600 800 1000 95 9800 LO frequency ( MHz) 95 9856 LO frequency ( MHz ) Figure 2. Typical VSWR frequency response Figure 4. Noise figure vs. LO frequency; of the LO input o: value at 950 MHz with RF input matching with T3 30 26 @ a = ~ 22 S S = s Q 3 = O 18 14 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 95 9855 LO frequency ( MHz ) 95 10069 LO frequency (MHz ) Figure 3. Typical suitable LO power range vs. frequency Figure 5. Gain vs. LO frequency, x: value at 950 MHz with RF input matching with T3 6 (11) Rev. A3, 15-Oct-98TEMIC U2791B 95 9976 J Figure 6. Typical S11 frequency response of the a: LO input, LO frequency from 100 MHz to 1100 MHz, marker: 950 MHz b: RF input, RF frequency from 100 MHz to 1100 MHz, marker: 950 MHz c: I/Q outputs, baseband frequency from 5 MHz to 55 MHz, marker: 25 MHz Rev. A3, 15-Oct-98 71)U2791B Semiconductors Board Layout eH x< U2791B 8 (11) Rev. A3, 15-Oct-98TEMIC Semiconductors U2791B Board Layout eo OPEN SHORT LOAD en Le oO al eco coo obs QXx me nn RF . External Components CUCC 100 nF CRFX 1nF CLO 100 pF CNLO 0Q CRF 100 pF CII, CQQ optional external lowpass filters T3 transmission line for RF-input matching to connect optionally CI, CIX, optional for ac-coupling at CQ, CQX baseband outputs CPDN 100 pF CGC 100 pF CPC 100 pF _ 7: as te CO oa m [cox : _. a ox , | wf mmm, om . ". | n a CLO Li 5 5 C1 cuce mS i 4 genca - . 3 (CICPpN 0 7 " a CGC cNPC cpc 9 7 mee, Ha RBEHERHEHHEESE 95 9852 CNPC 100 pF GSW gain switch Calibration Part CO,CS,CL 100 pF RL 509 Conversion to Single Ended Output OP1,O0P2 AD620 RG1,RG2 prog. gain, see datasheet, for 5.6 kQ a gain of 1 to 50 Q is achieved together with RD1 and RD2 RDI,RD2 450Q CS1, CS2 100 nF CS3,CS4, 100 nF Rev. A3, 15-Oct-98 9d)U2791B TEMIC Semiconductors Description of Evaluation Board Board material: epoxy; er = 4.8, thickness = 0.5 mm transmission lines: Zo = 50 Q The board offers the following functions @ The test circuit for the U2791B: The supply voltage and the control inputs GC, PC and PD are connected via a plug strip. The control input voltages can be generated via external potentio- meters; then the inputs should be ac-grounded (time requirements in burst-mode for power up have to be considered). The outputs I, IX, Q, QX are de coupled via an plug strip or can be ac-connected via SMB plugs for high frequency tests e.g. noise figure or s-parameter measurement. The pins II, ITX, QQ, QQX allow user definable filtering with 2 external capacitors CII, CQQ. Ordering Information Also the offsets of both channels can be adjusted with two potis or resistors. The LO- and the RF-inputs are ac-coupled and con- nected via SMB plugs. If transmission line T3 is connected to the RF-input and ac-grounded at the other end, gain and noise performance can be improved (input matching to 50 Q). The complementary RF-input is ac-coupled to GND (CRFX = 1 nF). A calibration part, which allows to calibrate an S-parameter analyzer directly to the in- and output- signal ports of the U2791B. For single ended measurements at the demodulator outputs, two OPs (e.g., AD620 or other) can be configured with programmable gain; together with an output-divider network RD = 450 @ to RL=50Q direct measurements with 50 Q load-impedances are possible at frequencies < 100 kHz. Extended Type Number Package Remarks U2791B-FS SSO 20 Dimensions in mm Package SSO20 2, Dimensions in mm 75 z Z 6.50 43 | Haar | a 0.15 0.25 0.15 0.05 6.6 0.65 5.85 6.3 20 ul RRA E AEE __ ao technical drawings according to D. specifications 13007 10 (11) Rev. A3, 15-Oct-98TEMIC U2791B Ozone Depleting Substances Policy Statement It is the policy of TEMIC Semiconductor GmbH to 1. Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements. 2. Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operating systems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment. It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs). The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances. TEMIC Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents. 1. Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively 2. Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA 3. Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances ) respectively. TEMIC Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances. We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical design and may do so without further notice. Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use TEMIC products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify TEMIC against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use. TEMIC Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, Germany Telephone: 49 (0)7131 67 2594, Fax number: 49 (0)7131 67 2423 Rev. A3, 15-Oct-98 1 (11)