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404802692038 Product Details
T E I nternal N umber: 3- 1 6 2 5 9 3 1 -1
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Variable Resistors
Converte d to EU RoHS/ELV Co mpliant (Statem ent of Compliance)
Product Highlights:
lVariable Resistor
lResistor Type = Potentiometer
lResistance Selection = K ?
lResistance = 10K ?
lPower Rating = 2.00 W
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Documentation & Additional Information
Product Drawings:
lNone Available
Catalog Pages/Data Sheets:
lSpindle Operated Potentiometers - Type M Series - Ty... (PDF, English)
Product Specifications:
lNone Available
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lNone Available
Instruction Sheets:
lNone Available
CAD Files: (CAD Format & C ompression Information)
l2D Drawing (DXF, Version P00K)
l3D Model (IGES, Version P00K)
l3D Model (STEP, Version P00K)
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Product Features (Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity)
Product Type Features:
lProduct Type = Variable Resistor
lResistor Type = Potentiometer
lResistance (?) = 10K
lElement = C ermet
lSealed = Yes
lTermination Type = PCB Terminations
Electrical Characteristics:
lResistance Selection (?) = K
lPower Rating (W) = 2.00
lTolerance (%) = 10
Termination Related Features:
lTermination Post Orientation = 5.0 x 3.9
Body Related Features:
lSeries = M
lShaft Style = Plain, 1"
lPackage, C omponent Size = 19
Configuration Related Features:
lSections = Single
lAdjustment Location = Top
lAdjustment Style = Spindle
lOperating Function = Single Turn
Industry Standards:
lRoHS/ELV C ompliance = RoHS compliant, ELV compliant
lLead Free Solder Processes = Wave solder capable to 240?C , Wave
solder capable to 260?C, Wave solder capable to 265?C , Reflow
solder capable to 245?C, Reflow solder capable to 260?C, Pin-in-
Paste capable to 245?C , Pin-in-Paste capable to 260?C
lRoHS/ELV C ompliance History = C onverted to comply with RoHS
lBrand = C itec
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