Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Features Introduction * Fits for X.25 (level-2) data formats recommended The PT7A8952 consists of single channel HDLC con- by CCITT troller which is able to handle bit oriented protocol * Supports up to 128 bytes FIFO in both transmit structure and to format the data as per the packet and receive directions switching protocol defined in the X.25 (Level 2) rec- * Transmit/receive channel number arbitrarily ommendations of the CCITT. HDLC data format is selectable shown in Table 4. In the transferring of the data * Programmable FIFO interrupt for full and empty * Optional transparent mode, no HDLC frame is * * * * * * * * * packet, the PT7A8952 is responsible for zero insertion and deletion and performs cyclic redundancy performed check according to the polynomial specified by Memory-mapped read and write registers. CCITT. In addition, it generates and detects various Handshake signals for multiplexing data link flags and sequences according to the state of trans- 2 Mb/s ST-Bus compatible I/O mission. It also performs the single byte address de- Produces and detects various sequences and tection of the received packet by setting RxAD bit in flags the control register. Supports single byte address detection Interface to Motorola microprocessor With provision to allow the PT7A8952 to be used in Independent Watchdog Timer other protocol, the HDLC protocol process can be TTL/CMOS compatible input/output disabled. Thus, the microprocessor can process the Package Available: 28-pin PDIP and 28-pin PLCC data on the ST-Bus directly. Applications * Data link controllers and protocol generators * Digital Phoneset, Pairgain, WLL, DLC, PBXs and private packet networks * Analog Linecard signalling controllers * D-channel controllers for ISDN access * Interprocessor communication PT0012(01/00) 1 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Table of Contents Contents Page Features .............................................................................................................................................. 1 Applications ....................................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 1 Block Diagram ................................................................................................................................... 3 Pin Information .................................................................................................................................. 4 Pin Assignment ......................................................................................................................... 4 Pin Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 4 Pin Description ......................................................................................................................... 5 Functional Description ....................................................................................................................... 7 HDLC Frame Format ............................................................................................................... 8 Channel State ............................................................................................................................ 8 Timing Mode ............................................................................................................................ 8 Watchdog Timer ..................................................................................................................... 10 Register ................................................................................................................................... 10 Reset Operation ...................................................................................................................... 17 Transmit Operation ................................................................................................................. 17 Receive Operation .................................................................................................................. 18 Detailed Specifications ..................................................................................................................... 19 Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................................... 19 Recommended Operating Conditions ..................................................................................... 19 DC Electrical, Power Supply and Capacitance Characteristics ............................................... 20 AC Electrical Characteristics .................................................................................................. 21 Mechanical Information .......................................................................................................... 28 Ordering Information ....................................................................................................................... 30 Notes ................................................................................................................................................ 31 PT0012(01/00) 2 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Block Diagram Figure 1. Block Diagram TEOP Transmit FIFO D0-D7 A0-A3 R/W CS E Transmit Logic Zero Insertion Flag/Abort Generator CDSTo Control & Status Register Timing Logic F0i CP RxCEN TxCEN Flag/Abort Idle Detection CDSTi MicroProcessor Interface C-Channel Interface IRQ WD VCC Address Decoder Input Register Receive Logic Address Detection FIFO Length Control GND RST Receive FIFO Zero Deletion REOP PT0012(01/00) 3 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pin Information Pin Assignment Table 1. Pin Assignment G r ou p Symb ol F u n ct ion Chip Clock F0i, CP Clock Power & Ground GND, Vcc Power Microprocessor Interface D0-D7, A0-A3, TxCEN, RxCEN, E, CS, IRQ, WD, R/W, REOP, TEOP, RST Control, Data, or Address Serial Interface CDSTo, CDSTi Serial Data Pin Configuration 4 3 2 F0i RST VCC TxCEN RxCEN CDSTo CDSTi Figure 2. Pin Configuration TxCEN RxCEN CDSTo CDSTi WD IRQ A0 A1 A2 A3 CS E R/W GND 1 28 27 26 WD 5 25 CP IRQ 6 24 TEOP A0 7 23 REOP A1 8 22 D7 A2 9 21 D6 A3 10 20 D5 CS 11 19 D4 28-Pin PLCC 28-Pin DIP 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 VCC RST F0i CP TEOP REOP D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D3 D2 D1 D0 GND R/W E 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Top View PT0012(01/00) 4 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pin Description Table 2. Pin Description P in Na me Typ e Descr ip t ion 1 TxCEN I Tr a n smit C on t r ol E n a b le. In the External Timing Mode, CDSTo is enabled when this pin is LOW. A HIGH level present at this pin would put CDSTo in high impedance state. In the Internal Timing Mode, this input is ignored. 2 RxCEN I R eceive C on t r ol E n a b le. In the External Timing Mode, a low level at this pin would enable CDSTi .When the level is HIGH, CDSTi is inhibited. In the Internal Timing Mode, this input is ignored. O C a n d D C h a n n el Tr a n smit Da t a . In the Internal Timing Mode, the data is output from the device via the pin according to the ST-Bus format. D channel data would go out in any selected timeslots except timeslot 1. C channel data would go out only in timeslot 1. In the External Timing Mode, packeted data would go out from this pin on the rising edge of the clock CP when TxCEN is LOW. If TxCEN is HIGH, CDSTo is in high impedance state. 3 CDSTo 4 CDSTi I C a n d D C h a n n el R eceive Da t a . In the Internal Timing Mode, the serial data on the ST-Bus is input to the device via the pin. D channel data is input in any selected timeslots except timeslot 1. C channel data is input only in timeslot 1. In External Timing Mode, when RxCEN is LOW, CDSTi data is sampled on the falling edge of the clock CP. If RxCEN is HIGH, CDSTi is inhibited. 5 WD O Wa t ch -Dog Timer O u t p u t . Normally output a HIGH level. Going LOW if the watchdog timer times out or if the external reset (RST) is held LOW. The WD output remains LOW as long as RST is held LOW. 6 IRQ O I n t e r r u p t R e q u e s t ( O p e n D r a i n ) . W h e n i n L OW l e v e l , t h i s p i n n o t i f i e s t h e microprocessor that an interrupt request from this device is present.It is effective only w h e n t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g b i t s i n t h e I n t e r r u p t E n a b l e R eg i s t e r a r e p r o g r a m m e d t o acknowledge the interrupt. The source of interrupt is according to the setting in the Interrupt Flag Register. 7-10 A0-A3 I Ad d r ess Bu s. It is the address bus of the microprocessor interface used to select various internal registers in conjunction with CS , R/W signals and E clock. 11 CS I C h ip Select . When in LOW level, this pin enables the Read or Write operation to the internal register of the device. 12 E I E n a b le. This Pin enables the followings : A0-A3, R/W and D0-D7. 13 R/W I R ea d /Wr it e. When this input is HIGH, the device is in read operation. When LOW, the device is in write operation. 14 GND Power 15-22 D0-D7 I/O 23 REOP O PT0012(01/00) G r ou n d (0 Volt ) Da t a Bu s. Data bus of the microprocessor interface. R eceive E n d of Pa cket . This pin would present a one bit wide positive pulse as either of the followings is detected: 1. Closing flag 2.abort flag 3. 24 bits (or more) of the invalid packets. 5 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Table 2. Pin Description (Continued) P in Na me Typ e Descr ip t ion 24 TEOP O Tr a n smit E n d of Pa cket . When transmission of the packet is closed (normal or abnormal close), this pin has one bit wide positive pulse output. 25 CP I Da t a C lock . This is the clock used for shifting in/out the serial data to/from the device. In the Internal Timing Mode, the BRCK bit in the Timing Control Register decides this clock either at the bit rate or twice the bit rate. In the External Timing Mode, the clock is at the bit rate only. 26 F0i I F r a me P u lse. In the Internal Timing Mode , this input is the Frame synchronous signal and the clock of the watchdog timer as well. In the External Timing Mode, this input is the clock of the watchdog timer only. 27 RST I R eset Sign a l (Sch mit t Tr igger ). When in LOW, it resets all the registers, including the transmit and receive FIFO registers and the watchdog timer. 28 VCC Power PT0012(01/00) Power Su p p ly (+5V). 6 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| The microprocessor interface contains the following pins : D0-D7, A0-A3, E, CS and R/W. The microprocessor can access various registers through this interface. The addresses of these registers are given in Table 3. Functional Description The functional diagram of the PT7A8952 is shown in figure 1. It has two kinds of interfaces, one is serial interface and another is microprocessor interface. The former is used to transceive data between the communication link, and the latter is used for the microprocessor to access the registers in the PT7A8952 . IRQ is an open drain output. When in LOW level, it notifies the microprocessor that there is an interrupt request. The level of IRQ is controlled by both the Interrupt Flag Register and Interrupt Enable Register. This not only requires the associated bit of interrupt flag register to be 1, but also requires the corresponding bit of Interrupt Enable Register to be 1 to generate a LOW level at IRQ . When IRQ is in LOW level, IRQ bit of status register is 1. When IRQ is in High level, IRQ bit of status register is 0. The serial interface can be programmed to work in internal or external timing mode through IC bit of the Timing Control Register. In internal timing mode, it transfers data packet in selected timeslot according to ST-BUS format. In external mode, it transfers data at the same rate as the clock CP by using the enable signals (TxCEN & RxCEN) . Table 3. Register Addresses Ad d r ess Bit s R egist er s A3 A3 A2 A2 A1 A1 A0 A0 R ea d Wr it e 0 0 0 0 FIFO Status Register - 0 0 0 1 Receive FIFO Register Transmit FIFO Register 0 0 1 0 Control Register Control Register 0 0 1 1 Receive Address Register Receive Address Register 0 1 0 0 C-Channel Transmit Register C-Channel Transmit Register 0 1 0 1 Timing Control Register Timing Control Register 0 1 1 0 Interrupt Flag Register Watchdog Timer Register 0 1 1 1 Interrupt Mask Register Interrupt Enable Register 1 0 0 0 Status Register - 1 0 0 1 C-Channel Receive Register C-Channel Receive Register 1 1 0 0 - Transmit Valid Channel Register 1 1 1 0 - Receive Valid Channel Register 1 1 1 1 - FIFO Length Control Register PT0012(01/00) 7 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| G(X) = X16+X12+X5+1 HDLC Frame Format During transmitting, after calculating all the bits of the data field by this formula, the PT7A8952 inserts the calculated FCS into the data packet before the closing flag. During receiving, the PT7A8952 performs similar computation to the received data field and FCS, and then compares the result with the value F0B8 (Hex). If matched, the received data is assumed to be error free. If not, there are errors in the received data, and the error status is indicated by D7 and D6 bits in the FIFO status Register. Except in transparent mode, all data packets start with an opening flag and end with a closing flag. Between these two flags contained is the data field and Frame Check Sequence (FCS), which should be at least 32 bits in length ( at least 16 bits data field and 16 bits FCS). Any data packets less than 32 bits are considered as invalid packets. During receiving, any data packet with length less than 24 bits between flags will be ignored. For the packet in length of 24-32 bits between flags, the PT7A8952 will deposit the data field in the receive FIFO and indicate it as bad FCS in FIFO status registers. Zero Insertion and Deletion During transmitting, the PT7A8952 will automatically inserts a ZERO after every five continuous ONEs to the out going data stream (including the last five bits of FCS) to ensure that no other data field in the bit stream would be mixed up with the Opening and Closing flags. Similarly, it will delete the zero following the five continuous ONEs to resume the original data pattern. Table 4. Data Packet Format O p en in g F la g Da t a F ield FCS C losin g F la g One Byte n Bytes (n 2) Two Bytes One Byte Channel State Flag When the PT7A8952 has no data packet to transmit, it will work in one of the following three channel states: Channel Idle State, Interframe Fill State and Go Ahead State. In which state the PT7A8952 works dependents on IFTF0 and IFTF1 bits in the Control Register. These two bits are also used to select transparent data transmit state in which all the protocol will be forbidden. The meaning of each state is shown in Table 5. The Opening Flag and the Closing Flag are 8 bits (01111110), which define the data packet boundary. They are generated automatically and added to the data packet during transmission. On receiving side, they are checked on a bit-by-bit basis on the incoming data packet and are used to establish receive synchronization. As they are only used to identify and synchronize the received data packet, they are not present in the transmit and receive FIFO. Timing Modes Data Field There are two timing modes, Internal Timing Mode and External Timing Mode. For a valid data packet, the length of its data field is at least 16 bits. The first byte in the data field is the address of the data packet. If RxAD bit in the Control Register is 1, the received data packet is recognized only when the data packet address matches the content in the Receive Address Register or the data packet address is the All-Call Address (all Ones). The lowest bit of the Receive Address Register is always 0. If the bit RA6/7 of the Control Registers is 0, the address detection will only be performed on the upper seven bits. If the bit RA6/7 of the Control Register is 1, only the upper six bits are used for address detection. Internal Timing Mode In Internal Timing Mode, the data is transmitted in ST-BUS format synchronized by Frame Sync. signals F0i and Clock CP. The PT7A8952 reserves one channel (Channel 1) for carrying control information (C-channel). The data can be transferred only in some specific timeslot and in some specific bits in each timeslot which are defined by TC0-TC3 bits of Timing Control Register and the values of D4~D0 bits of Transmit/ Receive Valid Channel Register. The BRCK bit of Timing Control Register is used to select the rate of CP clock (see Table 6). In this mode, the pins TxCEN and RxCEN are invalid. Frame Check Sequence (FCS) The 16 bits following the data field are the Frame Check Sequence bits. The generator polynomial is: PT0012(01/00) 8 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Table 5. Channel State IFTF1 IFTF0 St a t e 0 0 Idle State 0 1 Interframe Fill State 1 1 0 1 St a t e Seq u en ce Descr ip t ion After the chip detects the Idle state sequence in receiving the data, it will More or Equal set the Idle Bit in the status Register as 1. On the transmission side, if the 15 Continuous chip is in the idle state, it will send continuously the idle state sequence Ones until data is loaded into the transmit FIFO register to end this state. 7E(Hex) If the chip is in the Interframe Fill state, it will send continuously to CDSTo the interframe fill state until data is loaded into the transmit FIFO register to end this state. Transparent Data Transfer State In this state, the chip will disable the above described protocol function. The device no longer sends various flags and sequences, adds 0 and calculates FCS. The chip only sends directly the content in the Transmit FIFO. The last byte or part of it loaded in the Transmit FIFO will be sent repeatedly. Meanwhile, during receiving, the data received from CDSTi will not contain the protocols of various sequences and flags, etc. The received data is loaded directly into the Receive FIFO. This state can work in two kinds of timing modes. However, it cannot work in the situation of Timing Control Bits being set as 1 bit per frame in the internal timing mode. Go Ahead State If the chip is in the Go Ahead state, it will send continuously to CDSTo the go ahead sequence. This state will not change even when there is data being loaded into the transmit FIFO. This state can only be ended by 011111110 setting the IFTF0 and IFTF1 bits in the Control Register to reselect other (7F(Hex) Adds states. During receiving, after detecting the go ahead state sequence, the One Zero) device sets the GA bit of the Status Register as 1. If the GA bit of the Interrupt Enable Register is 1 (agrees to interrupt), it will generate an interrupt by setting IRQ to LOW. Table 6. Bit Rate in Internal Timing Mode PT0012(01/00) BR C K Bit CP I nput Bit R a t e 0 4.096MHz / C4i 2.048 Mb/s 1 2.048 MHz / C2i 2.048 Mb/s 9 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| External Timing Mode Registers In External Timing Mode, the data transfer rate is equal to CP clock rate under controlled of TxCEN and RxCEN. The data is transmitted on the rising edge of the CP clock and received on the falling edge of the CP clock. TxCEN and RxCEN are valid only after the transmission/receiving of the current bit of data is finished. There are many registers in the chip, they can be accessed by microprocessor to change operation of the device. The addresses of them are given in table 3, and the function details of them are described below. Watchdog Timer This register (Table 7) contains the general status information of the chip. The chip has an eleven-bit binary counter with F0i as the input and WD as the output. This timer has two ways to reset, (1) external reset (2) software reset by writing xxx01010 to the Watchdog Timer Register. The WD output is normally HIGH. If xxx01010 is not written to the Watchdog Timer Register again within 210 cycles of F0i, the WD output will go LOW for a period of 210 cycles of F0i. No matter in which timing mode, the operation of F0i to the Watchdog Timer is always effective. Status Register (Read) FIFO Length Control Register (Write) Only D0, D1 bits in this register are useful, they are used to define the length of the transmit/receive FIFO register. The content of this register controls the FIFO operation with the concerned bit of FIFO status register and interrupt flag register together. Refer to Table 8 for details. FIFO Status Register (Read) The FIFO Status Register and FIFO Length Control Register (Table 8) indicate the status of transmit/receive FIFO and the status of the current received byte. Table 7. Status Register (Read) Descr ip t ion Bit Na me D7 RxOFLW Receives FIFO Overflow This bit is set to 1 to indicate that the Receive FIFO is being overflowed. All the bytes causing this overflow and the following bytes will be lost. This bit and the RxOFLW bit of the Interrupt Flag Register are same and they can be cleared only through reading the Interrupt Flag Register. D6 TxURUN Transmits FIFO Underrun This bit is set to 1 to indicate that the Transmit FIFO Register is being underrun. Under this condition, the packet will be aborted by the device. This bit and the TxURUN of the Interrupt Flag Register are same which can be cleared only through reading the Interrupt Flag Register. D5 GA Go Ahead The bit is set to 1 to indicate that the chip has detected the Go Ahead state sequence from the received data at CDSTi. This bit and GA bit in the Interrupt Flag Register are the same and they can be reset only through reading the Interrupt Flag Register. D4 ABRT Abnormal Closing This bit is set to 1 when the chip detects the abnormal closing sequence from the received data at CDSTi. Under this condition, the chip will begin to search the Opening Flag. Reading the Status Register will reset this bit. D3 IRQ Interrupt Request This bit is the reverse of IRQ. When it is 1, IRQ is in the Low level. When it is 0, IRQ is in the High level. D2 IDLE Idle State This bit is set to 1 when the chip detects the idle state sequence from the received data at CDSTi. It can be reset only by reading the Status Register. D1-D0 Low High 0-1 PT0012(01/00) 10 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Table 8. FIFO Status Register Bit D7-D6 Na me Receive Byte Status Va lu e St a t u s 00 Data Packet Byte 01 First Byte 10 Last Byte (Good FCS) 11 Last Byte (Bad FCS) 00 Vacant 01 D5-D4 Receive FIFO Register Status 10 11 00 01 D3-D2 Transmit FIFO Register Status 10 11 D1-D0 PT0012(01/00) 00 F I F O len gt h con t r ol R egist er D1-D0 Descr ip t ion The two bits indicate the status of the byte that is ready to be read from the receive FIFO register. Receive FIFO register (vacant). 14 Byte 00 112 Bytes 01 96 Bytes 10 64 Bytes 11 19 Bytes 00 128 Bytes Other values except 0 0 15 Bytes 00 113 Bytes 01 97 Bytes 10 65 Bytes 11 19 Bytes 00 128 Bytes Other values except 0 0 5 Bytes 00 16 Bytes 01 32 Bytes 10 64 Bytes 11 The two bits and the D1~D0 bits of t he FI FO l e ngt h c ont r ol r egi s t e r indicate the status of bytes remained in the RFIFO. Receive FIFO register (full). The two bits and the D1~D0 bits of t he FI FO l e ngt h c ont r ol r egi s t e r indicate the status of bytes remained in the RFIFO. Transmit FIFO register (full) Vacant The two bits and the D1~D0 bits of t he FI FO l e ngt h c ont r ol r egi s t e r indicate the status of bytes remained in the TFIFO Transmit FIFO register (vacant) 4 Bytes 00 15 Bytes 01 31 Bytes 10 63 Bytes 11 - - 11 The two bits and the D1~D0 bits of t he FI FO l e ngt h c ont r ol r egi s t e r indicate the status of bytes remained in the TFIFO Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Control Register (Read/Write) The bits and their respective functions in the Control Register are described below. Table 9. Control Register Bit Na me Descr ip t ion D7 TxEN Transmit Enable Setting this bit to 1 will enable the transmitter. Otherwise, the CDSTo will be put in the high impedance state. If this bit is set to 0 during transmission of a packet, CDSTo will not be in the high impedance state until the transmission of the whole data packet is finished with either closing flag or the abnormal closing sequence. If this bit is set from 1 to 0 with the chip in transparent data transfer state, the CDSTo will be put in the high impedance state within two bit periods (maximum). D6 RxEN Receive Enable Setting this bit to 1 will enable the receiver. If this bit is set from 1 to 0 during receiving of a packet, the receiver will not be disabled until the receiving of the whole data packet is finished with the closing flag or the abnormal closing sequence. If this bit is set from 1 to 0 with the chip in transparent data transfer state, the receiver will be disabled immediately. D5 RxAD Receive Address Detect Setting this bit to 1 will enable the single byte address detection for the received data packet. The data packet is received only when the received data packet address matches with the content in the Receive Address Register or the received address is the ALL-CALL Address (all ONEs). When this bit is set to 0, the single byte address detection will be disabled. So every valid packet will be received. D4 RA6/7 Receive Address Six/Seven bits Setting this bit to 1 will limit the single byte address detection only to the upper six bits of the data packet address, and the all ONE address only means the address in the upper six bits is 1. When set to 0, the chip compares the upper seven bits of the incoming data packet address. If the single byte address detection is forbidden (RxAD=0), RA6/7 will be invalid. IFTF1-IFTF0 These are state selection bits. One can select freely the channel state and transparent data transmission state through these two bits: IFTF1=0, IFTF0=0: Idle State; IFTF1=0, IFTF0=1: Interframe Fill State; IFTF1=1, IFTF0=0: Transparent Data Transmission State; IFTF1=1, IFTF0=1: Go-Ahead State. D3-D2 D1 D0 When setting to 1, this bit will cause the device to "mark" the next byte which will be written FA into the transmit FIFO. Then, the device will produce immediately an abnormal closing sequence Data Packet (eight ONEs) instead of transmitting the "marked" byte when this data byte reaches the bottom Abnormal Closing of the FIFO. Writing data to the transmit FIFO will reset the FA bit to 0. EOP Packet Closing PT0012(01/00) When setting at 1, this bit will "mark" the next byte which will be written into the transmit FIFO to indicate that this byte is the last byte of the data packet. Writing data to the transmit FIFO will reset the EOP bit to 0. 12 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Receive FIFO Register (Read) Table 13. C-Channel Transmit Register Reading from the Receive FIFO Register (Table 10) is to take a byte from the bottom of the Receive FIFO. When receiving, the first bit of the data received from CDSTi input is considered as the lowest bit, so it acts as the D0. D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 CT7 CT6 CT5 CT4 CT3 CT2 CT1 CT0 Table 10. Receive FIFO Register D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 RD7 RD6 RD5 RD4 RD3 RD2 RD1 RD0 Timing Control Register (Read / Write) This register is used to select the timing mode and its related operation, or to provide a software reset to the chip. The functions of various bits in this register are described below (Table 14 and Table 15). Transmit FIFO Register (Write) Watchdog Timer Register (Write) Writing to the Transmit FIFO Register (Table 11) is to write the data on the top of the transmit FIFO. When transmitting, the D0 bit of the byte at the bottom of the Transmit FIFO is transmitted firstly to CDSTo output. The relation among Watchdog Timer Register, Watchdog Timer and WD is: writing xxx01010 to the Watchdog Timer Register will reset the Watchdog Timer. After resetting the Watchdog Timer, if this register is not rewritten within 210 cycles of F0i , WD output will go LOW. Table 11. Transmit FIFO Register D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 TD7 TD6 TD5 TD4 TD3 TD2 TD1 TD0 Receive Address Register (Read / Write) This register defines the address of the receiving data packet. If the RxAD bit of the Control Register enables the Single Byte Address Detection function, and the address of the incoming data packet (whether seven or six highest effective bits depends on the state of the bit RA6/7) matches the content of this register or it is ALL-CALL Address, the data packet will be recognized. Table 12. Receive Address Register D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 RA7 RA6 RA5 RA4 RA3 RA2 RA1 RA0 Interrupt Enable Register (Read/Write) Each bit of this register and the Interrupt Flag Register is corresponding one to one (see Table 17 for details). It is used to enable/disable the corresponding interrupts. If any bit in this register is 1, it will enable the corresponding interrupt. Similarly, when this bit is 0, it will disable the corresponding interrupt. However, this disabled interrupt is still active inside the device and cannot cause the IRQ to LOW. C-Channel Receive Register (Read) C-Channel Receive Register (Table 16) is active only in the internal timing mode. The data of timeslot 1 received from CDSTi input are stored in this register and are updated continuously. Table 16. C-Channel Receive Register D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 CR7 CR6 CR5 CR4 CR3 CR2 CR1 CR0 C-Channel Transmit Register (Read / Write) This register is active only in Internal Timing Mode. When the C1EN bit of the Timing Control Register enables the C-Channel transmit function of the device, the content of this register (Table 13) will be transmitted in timeslot 1 on the CDSTo. PT0012(01/00) 13 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Table 14. Timing Control Bit Timin g C on t r ol Bit s ST-BUS Tr a n smit C h a n n el Nu mb er ST-BUS R eceive C h a n n el Nu mb er Bit s/F r a me TC3 TC2 TC1 TC0 D4-D0 D4-D0 x 0 0 0 0+m 0+n 1 x 0 0 1 0+m 0+n 2 0 0 1 0 0+m 0+n 6 1 0 1 0 0+m 0+n 7 x 0 1 1 2+m 2+n 8 x 1 0 0 3+m 3+n 8 x 1 0 1 4+m 4+n 8 x 1 1 0 2+m, 3+m 2+n, 3+n 16 x 1 1 1 2+m, 3+m, 4+m 2+n, 3+n, 4+n 24 Legend: x : arbitrary m: the D4-D0 value of Transmit Valid Channel Register n: the D4-D0 value of Receive Valid Channel Register PT0012(01/00) 14 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Table 15. Timing Control Register Bit Na me Descr ip t ion RST Reset When 1, this bit resets all the registers in the chip and the data in the Transmit/Receive FIFO are lost. This is similar to the external reset with exception that this reset does not affect RST bit itself or the Watchdog Timer Register and WD output. When RST=0, this bit must be written into this register twice before the chip is removed from its reset state (see section of Reset Operation). IC Mode Control When 1, the chip is in the Internal Timing Mode in which the data transmit sequence is controlled by clock signal CP and frame synchronous signal F0i (Figure 12). The data is transmitted only in the timeslot specified by TC0-TC3 bits of this register and D0~D4 bits of transmit/receive valid register (Table14). When this bit is set to 0, the chip is in the External Timing Mode. The data transmission and reception are controlled by TxCEN and RxCEN respectively, and F0i is only used for the clock of the Watchdog Timer. D5 CIEN C-Channel Enable Only effective in the Internal Timing Mode. when set to 1, this bit enables C-Channel data transmission, during which the data in the C-Channel Transmit Register is put on the CDSTo on the timeslot 1. When set to 0, CDSTo enters high impedance state on timeslot 1. When receiving, the data in timeslot 1 is received independently and sent to the C-Channel Receive Register. So this Register is updated continuously. D4 BRCK Bit Rate Clock Only effective in the Internal Timing Mode. This bit is used to select CP clock rate. When set to 1, CP clock rate is the same as the bit rate. When set to 0, CP clock rate is twice the bit rate. In both cases, the phase relation of CP clock and F0i is shown in Figure 12. TC0-TC3 Timing Control Bits These bits specify the timeslot and the number of bits to be transmitted and received on the ST-BUS according to Table14. The receive channel number and bits/frame are specified by TC0~TC3 of Timing Control Register and D4~D0 bits of the Receive valid Register, while the transmit channel number and bits/frame are specified by TC0~TC3 of Timing Control Register and D4~D0 bits of the Transmit valid Register. In other unspecified channels, no data is read from CDSTi and CDSTo is put in the high impedance state. D7 D6 D3-D0 PT0012(01/00) 15 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Table 17. Interrupt Flag Register Bit Na m e D7 GA Go-Ahead Signal When 1, indicates that the Go-ahead status sequence detected from the received data of the CDSTi. D6 EOPD Packet Closing Signal When 1, indicates the Closing Flag or Abnormal Closing sequence, or a invalid packet constituted of 24 or more bits detected from the received data of the CDSTi. D5 TxDONE Transmit Done Signal When 1, indicates data packet transmission ended. When the Transmit FIFO Register is empty, the falling edge of TEOP output makes this bit to 1. D4 FA Data Packet Abnormal Closing When 1, it means the chip has detected an Abnormal Closing sequence after receiving the Opening Flag following at least 4 bytes (least valid packet). D3 D2 D1 D0 Tx Transmit FIFO Register status St a t u s F I F O L en gt h C on t r ol R egist er D1-D0 Tx 4/19 Full 00 When this bit is 1 and D1~D0=00 (FIFO length control Register), it means there are only 4 bytes remained in Transmit FIFO and the FIFO can receive up to 15 bytes more from microprocessor. Tx 15/128 Full 01 When this bit is 1 and D1~D0=01 (FIFO length control Register), it means there are only 15 bytes remained in Transmit FIFO and the FIFO can receive up to 113 bytes more from microprocessor. Tx 31/128 Full 10 When this bit is 1 and D1~D0=10 (FIFO length control Register), it means there are only 31 bytes remained in Transmit FIFO and the FIFO can receive up to 97 bytes more from microprocesor. Tx 63/128 Full 11 When this bit is 1 and D1~D0=11 (FIFO length control Register), it means there are only 63 bytes remained in Transmit FIFO and the FIFO can receive up to 65 bytes more from microprocessor. When 1, it indicates that Transmit FIFO is empty, but the indication of end of data packet is not given by the microprocessor.At this time the chip will automatically transmit an Abnormal Closing sequence.After TxURUN is 1,TxDONE will be set to 1 for 8-bit time. TxURUN Transmit FIFO Underrun Rx Receive FIFO Register status RxOFLW Receive FIFO Overflow PT0012(01/00) Descr ip t ion Rx 15/19 Full 00 When this bit is 1 and D1~D0=00 (FIFO length control Register), it means Receive FIFO Register has 15 bytes and can only receive 4 bytes more. Rx 113/128 Full 01 When this bit is 1 and D1~D0=01 (FIFO length control Register), it means Receive FIFO Register has 113 bytes and can only receive 15 bytes more. Rx 97/128 Full 10 When this bit is 1 and D1~D0=10 (FIFO length control Register),it means Receive FIFO has 97 bytes and can only receive 31 bytes more. Rx 65/128 Full 11 When this bit is 1 and D1~D0=11 (FIFO length control Register), it means Receive FIFO has 65 bytes and can only receive 63 bytes more. 19 00 When 1, it means Receive FIFO Register is full, and at this time more data is coming from CDSTi causing the RFIFO overflow. The bytes c a u s i n g o v e r f l ow a n d t h e b y t e s f o l l ow i n g w i l l a l l b e l o s t . T h e receiving circuit returns to detection of Opening Flag. 128 Other values except 0 0 16 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Interrupt Flag Register (Read) Reset Operation This register and FIFO Length Control Register indicate the status of Transmit/Receive FIFO. The functional details are provided in Table 17. When RST goes low (external reset) or RST bit of the Timing Control Register is 1 (internal reset), the chip will enter immediately the following status: In order to avoid Underrun of the Transmit FIFO, the Transmit FIFO Full Interrupt is used to control the transmission. For example, if the D1-D0 bits of FIFO Length Control Register are 00, and there are only 4 bytes remained in the Transmit FIFO, 4/19 Full Interrupt is generated. The microprocessor has to write no more than 15 bytes to the Transmit FIFO before all bytes in the FIFO is run out. If a byte among these bytes is the last byte of a packet, EOP will be set in the Control Register to indicate this. So the chip will automatically insert the Closing Flag after this byte in the TFIFO. To avoid Overflow of the Receive FIFO Register, Receive FIFO Full Interrupt is used to control the data packet reception. For example, when 15/19 Full Interrupt occurs, the Receive FIFO can hold 4 more bytes from the CDSTi. The microprocessor must read the data bytes out from the Receive FIFO immediately (Maximum 15 Bytes) to ensure room in Receive FIFO available to hold the incoming data. All bits in the Timing Control Register are cleared (logic 0) by an external reset. All bits except RST bit in the Timing Control Register are cleared (logic 0) by an internal reset. All bits in the Transmit/Receive Valid Channel Register are cleared (logic 0). All bits in the Interrupt Enable Register are cleared (logic 0). All bits in the Control Register are cleared ((logic 0). All bits in the Interrupt Flag Register are cleared (logic 0). Except two lowest effective bits, all bits in the Status Register are cleared (logic 0). The pointers of the Receive and Transmit FIFO Register return to the start. At this time the FIFO Status Register reflects immediately their status. The WD goes LOW if the watchdog timer times out or if the external reset (RST) is held LOW. The WD output remains LOW as long as RST is held LOW. It is not affected by the internal reset. The transmission and receiving are disabled. Transmit Valid Channel Register (Write) Transmit Operation This register is effective only in the internal timing mode. Its F4-F0 value and the Timing Control Register TC3-TC0 bits define concurrently the timeslot and bit number of each frame, as shown in table 14. When TC3-TC0 = X101, F4-F0 = 00101, the timeslot number of the data transmission is 9, the bit number per frame is 8. Power-on will cause a hardware reset to the chip. At this time the transmit section is disabled and the chip is in External Timing Mode. After selecting a proper timing mode and enabling transmission, the chip will enter to one of the Channel States. Table 18. Transmit Valid Channel Register D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 - - - F4 F3 F2 F1 F0 Receive Valid Channel Register (Write) This register works similarly to the Transmit Valid Channel Register except that it works on the receive side. Refer to Table 19. If the device is in Idle or Interframe Fill State, writing data into the Transmit FIFO via the Transmit FIFO Register will make the transmitter begin to transmit the data through the pin CDSTo. An Opening flag will be put prior to the first byte of the data packet. If the current state is Go-ahead state, the PT7A8952 will not begin to transmit the data until the device is programmed to enter other state. If the chip is currently in the Transparent Data Transmit state, the data in the Transmit FIFO will be transmitted directly through CDSTo with the protocol function disabled. Table 19. Receive Valid Channel Register D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 - - - R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 PT0012(01/00) 17 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| For normal ending of transmission of the present data packet, the EOP bit of the Control Register must be set at 1 before writing the last byte of the data packet to the Transmit FIFO. Then the chip will attach the 16 bits Frame Check Sequence (FCS) and Closing Flag after the last byte of the data packet. If there is other data packet to be transmitted in the Transmit FIFO following the last byte of the previous packet, an Opening Flag will be transmitted first before transmitting the new data packet. If there is no data in the Transmit FIFO, the transmitter will return to the selected channel state. In the transmission of the data or Frame Check Sequence, the chip will check the transmitted data bit by bit, and insert one 0 when it meets five successive 1. The bit corresponding to D0 is to be transmitted first through CDSTo. Receive Operation After reset, the receiver is disabled and the chip is in External Timing Mode. The Single Byte Address Detection function is disabled as well. After receiving enabling and initialization, PT0012(01/00) the data begin to be input to the Receive FIFO according to the clock rate through CDSTi. In this stage, the chip also begins to detect various state sequence and flag on the input data. If the device recognizes certain state sequence, it will show this state in the corresponding bits in the Status Registers. If the chip recognizes the Opening Flag, it will begin to receive data. During receiving, the chip will delete the inserted 0 and count at the same time. The data of the incoming packet will be stored into the Receive FIFO, but FCS and flags will not be found in the Receive FIFO. If the Address Detection function of the device is enabled, the first byte following the Opening Flag will be compared with the byte in the Received Address Register. If the address is not matched, the whole data packet will be neglected. If the address is matched or the address is ALL-CALL address, the data packet will be received in the normal way; the first bit received is the LSB corresponding to D0 on the Data Bus. 18 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Detailed Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings Storage Temperature ........................................................ -65oC to +150oC Ambient Temperature with Power Applied ........................ -40oC to +85oC Supply Voltage to Ground Potential (Inputs & Vcc Only) ... -0.3V to +7.0V Supply Voltage to Ground Potential (Outputs & D/O Only) -0.3V to +7.0V DC Input Voltage ................................................................ -0.3V to +7.0V DC Output Current ........................................................................ 120mA Power Dissipation ......................................................................... 900mW Note: Stresses greater than those listed under MAXIMUM RATINGS may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. Recommended Operation Conditions Table 20. Recommended Operation Conditions Sym Descr ip t ion Test C on d it ion s VCC Supply Voltage VIH Input HIGH Voltage - except RST Pin For a noise margin of 400 mV VIL Input LOW Voltage - except RST Pin For a Noise Margin of 400 mV VSIH Schmitt Input HIGH Voltage RST Pin VSIL Schmitt Input LOW Voltage RST Pin fCL Frequency of Operation TA Operating Temperature Min Typ Ma x Un it s 4.5 5.0 5.5 V 2.8 VCC V 0 0.4 V 4.2 V When clock input is at twice the bit rate -40 25 0.8 V 5.0 MHz 85 O C Note: Typical figures are at 25OC and for design aid only; not production tested. PT0012(01/00) 19 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| DC Electrical, Power Supply and Capacitance Characteristics Table 21. DC Electrical, Power Supply and Capacitance Characteristics Sym Descr ip t ion Test C on d it ion s Min Typ Ma x VIH Input HIGH Voltage - except RST Pin VIL Input LOW Voltage - except RST Pin VT+ HIGH Switching Point for Schmitt Trigger (RST) pin 4.0 V VT- Low Switching Point for Schmitt Trigger (RST) Input 1.0 V VH Hysteresis on Schmitt Trigger (RST) Input 0.5 V IILK Input Leakage Current VIN = 0V or VIN = 5V IOH Output HIGH Current (on All the Outputs Except IRQ) VOH = 4V -5 -16 mA IOL Output LOW Current (on All the Outputs) VOL = 0.4V 5 10 mA ICCQ Quiescent Supply Current Outputs unloaded and clock input (CP) grounded 16 20 mA ICC Supply Current See Note 1. 29 35 mA CIN Input Capacitance 8 pF COUT Output Capacitance 10 pF 2.4 Un it s V 0.8 10.0 V A Note: 1. Outputs unloaded. Input pins 12 and 25 clocked at 2.048 MHz. All other input pins connected to GND. 2. Typical figures are at 25oC and are for design aid only; not production tested. PT0012(01/00) 20 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| AC Electrical Characteristics Microprocessor Interface Table 22. Timing Characteristics of Microprocessor Interface Sym Descr ip t ion Test C on d it ion s Min tCSE Delay between CS and E Clock 0 ns tECP Cycle Time 205 ns tEWH E Clock Pulse width HIGH 145 ns tEWL E Clock Pulse width LOW 60 ns tRWS Read/Write Setup Time 10 ns tRWH Read/Write Hold Time 10 ns tAS Address Setup Time 20 ns tAH Address Hold Time 60 ns tDSW Data Setup Time (Write) 35 ns tDHW Data Hold Time (Write) 10 ns tEDD E Clock to Valid Data Delay tDHR Data Hold Time (Read) 10 Typ Ma x Un it s 145 ns 60 ns Note: Typical figures are at 25oC and are for design aid only; not production tested. PT0012(01/00) 21 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Figure 5. Timing Diagram of Microprocessor Write CS tEWH tEWL tCSE E tECP tr tr CS tCSE E tRWH tRWS R/W tAS tAH A0-A3 tDSW tDHW D0-D7 Note: The write cycle can be initiated either by the falling edge of CS or the rising edge of E clock whichever occurs last. Similarly the cycle can be terminated by CS (rising edge) or E clock (falling edge) whichever occurs first. The timing relations are to be referenced from two edges causing actually the initiation and termination of the clock cycle. PT0012(01/00) 22 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Figure 6. Timing Diagram of Microprocessor Read CS tEWH tEWL tCSE E tECP tr tr CS tCSE E R/W tRWS tAS tRWH tAH A0-A3 tEDD D0-D7 tDHR High Impedance High Impedance Valid Data Note: The read cycle can be initiated by the falling edge of CS or the rising edge of E clock whichever occurs last. Similarly the cycle can be terminated by CS (rising edge) or E clock (falling edge) whichever occurs first. The timing relations are to be referenced from two edges causing actually the initiation and termination of the clock cycle. PT0012(01/00) 23 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Serial Port, RESET, WD Timer and IRQ Release Time Table 23. Timing Characteristics of Serial Port, Reset, WD and IRQ Release Time Sym Descr ip t ion tIRQR Test C on d it ion s Min Typ Ma x Un it s Interrupt Request Release Time 120 ns tWDHL WD Output Delay HIGH to LOW 135 ns tWDLH WD Output Delay LOW to HIGH 135 ns tEOPD TEOP/REOP Output Delay 110 ns tEOPH TEOP/REOP Output Hold Time 110 ns tSTOD CDSTo Delay from Clock 125 ns tSTIS CDSTi Setup Time 20 ns tSTIH CDSTi Hold Time 65 ns tRST RESET Pulse Width 100 ns Note: Typical figures are at 25oC and are for design aid only; not production tested. Figure 7. Diagram of Interrupt Request Release Time E t IR Q R IR Q Figure 8. Timing Diagram of Watchdog Timer Input and Output F0i tW DHL tW DLH WD PT0012(01/00) 24 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Figure 9. RESET Timing Diagram tRST RST Figure 10. Timing Diagram of Serial Port Input and REOP, Output and TEOP CP tSTOD CDSTo tEOPD TEOP tSTiS tEOPH tSTiH CDSTi tEOPD tEOPH REOP Note: The frequency of the clock input CP is assumed to be at the output bit rate. However, it can be at twice the bit rate in the Internal Timing Mode. PT0012(01/00) 25 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Serial Port in External Timing Mode Table 24. Timing Characteristics of Serial Port in External Timing Mode Sym Descr ip t ion Test C on d it ion s Min Typ Ma x tCP Clock Period on CP Pin tCPT CP Transition Time tCENS TxCEN and RxCEN Setup Time 60 ns tCENH TxCEN and RxCEN Hold Time 40 ns tSTiS CDSTi Setup Time 20 ns tSTiH CDSTi Hold Time 65 ns tSToZA CDSTo Delay 125 ns tSToAZ CDSTo Disable Time 85 ns 400 Un it s ns 20 ns Note: Typical figures are at 25oC and are for design aid only; not production tested. Figure 11. Timing Diagram of Serial Port Inputs and Outputs in External Timing Mode tCP CP tCENH tCPT RxCEN TxCEN tSTiS tSTiH tCENS CDSTi Valid Data tSToZA tSToAZ High Impedance High Impedance CDSTo Valid Data Note: The frequency of the clock input CP should be at the output bit rate in the External Timing Mode. PT0012(01/00) 26 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Serial Port in Internal Timing Mode Table 25. Timing Characteristics of Serial Port in Internal Timing Mode Sym Descr ip t ion Test C on d it ion s Min Typ Ma x Un it s tFOiW Frame Pulse (F0i) width 90 ns tFSS Frame Pulse (F0i) setup time 30 ns tFSH Frame Pulse (F0i) hold time 60 tSToZA CDSTo delay tSTiS CDSTi setup time 20 ns tSTiH CDSTi hold time 65 ns tC2i C2i clock period 400 ns tC4i C4i clock period 200 ns 125 ns 125 ns Note: Typical figures are at 25oC and are for design aid only; not production tested. Figure 12.Timing Diagram of Serial Port Input and Output in ST-BUS Format (Internal Timing Mode) tF0iW F0i tC4i tFSH CP(C4i) tC2i tFSS CP(C2i) tSToZA CDSTo High Impedance Ch0 Bit 7 tSTiH tSTiS CDSTi Ch32 Bit 0 Ch0 Bit 6 Ch0 Bit 7 Ch0 Bit 6 Note: Clock input CP can be either the ST-BUS clock C2i (2.048 MHz) or C4i (4.096MHz) in the Internal Timing Mode. The Frame Pulse setup and hold time measurements are to be referenced from the falling edge of C4i or the rising edge of C2i, depending on the present clock selected. PT0012(01/00) 27 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Mechanical Information Figure 13. 28-Pin PLCC PT0012(01/00) 28 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller Figure 14. 28-Pin DIP ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| PT0012(01/00) 29 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ordering Information Table 26. Ordering Information PT0012(01/00) Pa r t Nu mb er Pa ck a ge PT7A8952J 28-Pin PLCC PT7A8952P 28-Pin PDIP 30 Ver:2 Data Sheet PT7A8952 HDLC Controller ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Notes Pericom Technology Inc. Email: Web-Site:, China: No. 20 Building, 3/F, 481 Guiping Road, Shanghai, 200233, China Tel: (86)-21-6485 0576 Fax: (86)-21-6485 2181 Asia Pacific: Unit 1517, 15/F, Chevalier Commercial Centre, 8 Wang Hoi Rd, Kowloon Bay, Hongkong Tel: (852)-2243 3660 Fax: (852)- 2243 3667 U.S.A.: 2380 Bering Drive, San Jose, California 95131, USA Tel: (1)-408-435 0800 Fax: (1)-408-435 1100 Pericom Technology Incorporation reserves the right to make changes to its products or specifications at any time, without notice, in order to improve design or performance and to supply the best possible product. Pericom Technology does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described other than the circuitry embodied in Pericom Technology product. The company makes no representations that circuitry described herein is free from patent infringement or other rights, of Pericom Technology Incorporation. PT0012(01/00) 31 Ver:2