Connector EMI Suppression Plates (2644236501)
Part Number: 2644236501
Explanation of Part Numbers:
– Digits 1 & 2 = Product Class
Digits 3 & 4 = The 44 Material Grade
To provide suppression of conducted EMI at critical interfaces Fair- Rite has available a line of suppression plates that can be
used with many types of connectors. All connector plates are supplied in the NiZn 44 grade ideally suited for this application
because of its high impedance along with a high resistivity.
For any connector EMI suppression plate requirement not listed here, feel free to contact our customer service group for
availability and pricing.
Catalog Drawing
3D Model
The C dimension can be modified to suit specific applications.
Weight: 4.9 (g)
Chart Legend
+ Test frequency
Typical Impedance (Ω)
25 MHz+78
100 MHz+110
Connector plates are controlled for impedances only.
Minimum impedance values are specified for the + marked frequencies.
The minimum impedance is listed on our catalog drawing.
Catalog Drawing
Single turn impedance tests are performed on the E4990A Impedance Analyzer, using the shortest practical wire length.
Dim mm mm tol nominal inch inch misc.
A 22.55 ±0.25 0.888 _
B 7.75 -0.25 0.3 _
C 6.86 ±0.13 0.27 _
D 2.75 ±0.13 0.108 _
E 2.85 ±0.13 0.112 _
F 1.6 ±0.08 0.063 _
Connector Plate
# Holes # Rows
15 2
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Fair- Rite Products Corp. One Commercial Row, Wallkill, New York 12589-0288
888-324-7748 845-895-2055 Fax: 845-895-2629 ferrites@fair- www.fair-