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5A Rated Output Current, Non-Isolated, Step-Down Switching Regulator
Module with AnyVoltage™ Technology
Doc. No. MV-S102822-00 Rev. B Copyright@ 2006 Marvell
Page 2 Document Classification: Proprietary Information April 4, 2006, Advance
Document Status
Information This document contains design specifications for initial product development. S pecifications may change
without notice. Contact Marvell Field Application Engineers for more information.
Information This document contains preliminary data, and a revision of this document will be published at a later date.
Specifications may change without notice. Contact Marvell Field Application Engineers for more information.
Information This document contains specifications on a product that is in final release. Specifications may change without
notice. Contact Marvell Field Applicatio n Engineers for more information.
Revision Code: Rev. B
Advance Technical Publicati on: 0.61