For more information www.linear.com/LT8705
When VOUT is much higher than VIN the duty cycle of
switch M3 will increase, causing the M3 switch off-time
to decrease. The M3 switch off-time should be kept above
245ns (typical, see Electrical Characteristics) to maintain
steady-state operation, avoid duty cycle jitter, increased
output ripple and reduction in maximum output current.
Light Load Current Operation (MODE Pin)
Under light current load conditions, the LT8705 can be set
to operate in discontinuous mode, forced continuous mode,
or Burst Mode operation. To select forced continuous mode,
tie the MODE pin to a voltage below 0.4V (i.e., ground). To
select discontinuous mode, tie MODE to a voltage above
2.3V (i.e., LDO33). To select Burst Mode operation, float
the MODE pin or tie it between 1.0V and 1.7V.
Discontinuous Mode: When the LT8705 is in discontinu-
ous mode, synchronous switch M4 is held off whenever
reverse current in the inductor is detected. This is to prevent
current draw from the output and/or feeding current to the
input supply. Under very light loads, the current compara-
tor may also remain tripped for several cycles and force
switches M1 and M3 to stay off for the same number of
cycles (i.e., skipping pulses). Synchronous switch M2 will
remain on during the skipped cycles, but since switch M4
is off, the inductor current will not reverse.
Burst Mode Operation: Burst Mode operation sets a VC
level, with about 25mV of hysteresis, below which switch-
ing activity is inhibited and above which switching activity
is re-enabled. A typical example is when, at light output
currents, VOUT rises and forces the VC pin below the thresh-
old that temporarily inhibits switching. After VOUT drops
slightly and VC rises ~25mV the switching is resumed,
initially in the buck-boost region. Burst Mode operation
can increase efficiency at light load currents by eliminating
unnecessary switching activity and related power losses.
Burst Mode operation handles reverse-current detection
similar to discontinuous mode. The M4 switch is turned
off when reverse current is detected.
Forced Continuous Mode: The forced continuous mode
allows the inductor current to reverse directions without
any switches being forced “off” to prevent this from hap-
pening. At very light load currents the inductor current will
swing positive and negative as the appropriate average
current is delivered to the output. During soft-start,
when the SS pin is below 1.6V, the part will be forced
into discontinuous mode to prevent pulling current from
the output to the input. After SS rises above 1.6V, forced
continuous mode will be enabled.
Voltage Regulation Loops
The LT8705 provides two constant-voltage regulation
loops, one for output voltage and one for input voltage.
A resistor divider between VOUT, FBOUT and GND senses
the output voltage. As with traditional voltage regulators,
when FBOUT rises near or above the reference voltage of
EA4 (1.207V typical, see Block Diagram), the VC voltage
is reduced to command the amount of current that keeps
VOUT regulated to the desired voltage.
The input voltage can also be sensed by connecting a
resistor divider between VIN, FBIN and GND. When the
FBIN voltage falls near or below the reference voltage of
EA3 (1.205V typical, see Block Diagram), the VC voltage is
reduced to also reduce the input current. For applications
with a high input source impedance (i.e., a solar panel), the
input voltage regulation loop can prevent the input voltage
from becoming too low under high output load conditions.
For applications with a lower input source impedance (i.e.,
batteries and voltage supplies), the FBIN pin can be used
to stop switching activity when the input power supply
voltage gets too low for proper system operation. See
the Applications Information section for more information
about setting up the voltage regulation loops.
Current Monitoring and Regulation
The LT8705 provides two constant-current regulation
loops, one for input current and one for output current.
A sensing resistor close to the input capacitor, sensed by
CSPIN and CSNIN, monitors the input current. A current,
linearly proportional to the sense voltage (VCSPIN-VCSNIN),
is forced out of the IMON_IN pin and into an external
resistor. The resulting voltage VIMON_IN is therefore linearly
proportional to the input current. Similarly, a sensing
resistor close to the output capacitor, and sensed by
CSPOUT and CSNOUT will monitor the output current and
generate a voltage VIMON_OUT that is linearly proportional
to the output current.