VHDM and VHDM-HSD* *VHDM and VHDM HSD are Trademark of Teradyne, Inc
Doc. No: TM-622010999 Release Date: 08-10-99 UNCONTROLLED COPY Page 8 of 23
Revision: H Revision Date: 03-15-10
Figure 2-1
Figure 2-2
2.1 Printed Circuit Board Support
The HSD / VHDM tooling requires up to 15 lb per pin of
force to press the connectors into the printed circuit
boards. Therefore, a backup or support is required to
prevent damage to the printed circuit boards. The
support fixture should have clearance for the connector
terminals when they protrude through the underside of
the printed circuit board. It is also recommended that
the support fixture have locating pins. Due to the
custom nature of each application, Molex does not
supply support and locating fixtures, the customer
normally supplies them.
The following is one simple way of making a printed
circuit board support and locating fixture:
1. Locate a suitable piece of material for the backup. It
should be approximately 3/4 inch thick and same
size or a little larger than the printed circuit board to
be used. While aluminum could be used, a rigid
nonconductive material such as a phenolic is
preferred. (A stack of scrap p.c. boards of suitable
size could be fastened together and used.)
2. Obtain a scrap p.c. board like the ones to be
assembled. Attach this board to the material from
step 1.
3. Using an oversize drill bit, drill through each hole
where a pin from the connector will go. Drill deep
enough into the lower material to be certain the pins
do not bottom out when inserted (at least 5mm
[0.20in] deep).
4. Locate two (2) holes on the p.c. board to use as
locating points. Drill for and mount suitably sized
dowel pins in these two locations on the support
5. Clear out the support for any components mounted
on the underside of the printed circuit board.
6 Place a p.c. board on top of the support, located by
the two pins, and check that the holes for the
connector pins are aligned.
7. Pre-insert a connector in the p.c. board in the
correct position.
8. Insert the press-in tool of proper size into the
9. Place the support with p.c. board under the press
10. Press the connector into the p.c. board and observe
for any deflection of the board when the ram is at
the bottom of its stroke.
2.2 Press Stroke Adjustment
Most presses have some means of adjusting the stroke;
please refer to the appropriate manual (for the press
being used) for press stroke adjustments. The stroke
should be adjusted so that when the press ram stops in
the down position, the bottom of the connector is flush to
.155mm (.006 in.) above the surface of the printed circuit
See Figure 2-1.
2.3 Installation
The only installation required is when you need to install
insertion modules into a tooling holder. To do this, use
the following procedure:
1. Along the lower edge of the tooling holder is a row of
M3 set screws, back these out so that they do not
protrude into the inside of the holder. See Figure 2-
2. Slide the insertion modules into the tooling holder in
the proper order. See Figure 2-3. The modules are
keyed so that they cannot be put in backwards.