TS3005 Demo Board
TS3005-EVB Rev. 1.0 Page 2
The TS3005 requires only an RSET = 10M resistor
to set the FOUT/PWMOUT output period between
47.4ms and 27.6 hours. To change the output period,
an FDIV2:0 combination can be selected. With an on-
board 0.1µF CPWM capacitor, the duty cycle of
PWMOUT is set at approximately 63%. Further
reduction of the duty cycle is available with an on-
board 1M potentiometer. The complete circuit is
designed at a supply voltage of 5V and it is shown in
Figure 1.
The TS3005 is a user-programmable oscillator where
the period of the square wave at its FOUT terminal is
generated by an external resistor connected to the
RSET pin. The output period is given by:
tFOUT (s) = 8FDIV2:0 x 10M x 512
Equation 1. FOUT Frequency Calculation where
FDIV2:0 = 0 to 7
With RSET = 10M and FDIV2:0=000(0), the FOUT
period is approximately 47.4ms with a 50% duty
cycle. As design aids, Tables 1 lists TS3005’s typical
FOUT period for various standard values for RSET and
FDIV2:0 = 111(7).
The TS3005 also provides a separate PWM output
signal at its PWMOUT terminal that is anti-phase with
respect to FOUT. To adjust the pulse width of the
PWMOUT output, a single capacitor can be placed at
the CPWM pin. To determine the capacitance needed
for a desired pulse width, the following equation is to
be used:
CPWM(F)= Pulse Width(s) x ICPWM
Equation 2. CPWM Capacitor Calculation
where ICPWM and VCPWM is the current supplied and
voltage applied to the CPWM capacitor, respectively.
The pulse width is determined based on the period of
FOUT and should never be greater than the period at
FOUT. Make sure the PWM_CNTRL pin is set to at
least 400mV when calculating the pulse width of
PWMOUT. Note VCPWM is approximately 300mV,
which is the RSET voltage. Also note that ICPWM is
either 1µA or 100nA. Refer to Table 2 for the output
period range available with a 10M RSET resistor.
The PWMOUT output pulse width can be adjusted
further after selecting a CPWM capacitor. This can be
achieved by applying a voltage to the PWM_CNTRL
pin between VRSET and GND. With a voltage of at
least VRSET, the pulse width is set based on
Equation 2. For example, with a period of 47.4ms and
a 0.1µF capacitor at the CPWM pin generates a pulse
width of approximately 30ms. This can be calculated
using Equation 2. By reducing the PWM_CNTRL
voltage from VRSET ≅ 300mV to GND, the pulse width
can be reduced further. Note that VRSET can be set up
to VDD.
Required Equipment
TS3005 Demo Board
DC Power Supply
Oscilloscope Model Agilent DSO1014A or
Two 10X, 15pF//10M oscilloscope probes
Potentiometer screwdriver
0.360 59.67min
1 1.09hrs
2.49 6.87hrs
4.32 11.93hrs
6.81 18.81hrs
9.76 26.93hrs
12 33.1hrs
Table 1: tFOUT vs RSET for FDIV2:0 = 111
000 47.4ms 1µ
001 379.2ms 1µ
010 3.03s 100n
011 24.26s 100n
100 3.23min 100n
101 25.88min 100n
110 3.451hrs 100n
111 27.6hrs 100n
Table 2: FOUT and PWMOUT F req uency
Range per FDIV2:0 Combination
for RSET= 10M