PicoScope for power, portability and versatility
These handy, economical oscilloscopes
have all the power you need for your
application, whether it’s design,
research, test, education, service
or repair. They are available with
bandwidths from 10 MHz to 200 MHz.
PicoScope oscilloscopes are small, light
and portable. They easily slip into a
laptop bag and so are ideal for the
engineer on the move. They don’t need an external power supply, so they
are perfect for field use. The connection to your PC means that functions
such as printing, copying and email are always at your fingertips.
The first USB-powered 1 GS/s oscilloscopes!
The series includes the first USB-powered oscilloscopes to offer a 1 GS/s
real-time sampling rate, previously possible only with mains-powered
instruments. Most other USB-powered oscilloscopes are limited to only
100 or 200 MS/s. For repetitive signals, equivalent-time sampling (ETS)
mode boosts the maximum effective sampling rate even higher to 10 GS/s,
allowing exceptionally fine timing resolution.
Digital triggering
Most digital oscilloscopes sold today
still use an analog trigger architecture
based on comparators. This can cause
time and amplitude errors that cannot
always be calibrated out. The use of
comparators often limits the trigger
sensitivity at high bandwidths and can
also create a long trigger re-arm delay.
Since 1991 we have been pioneering the use of fully digital triggering
using the actual digitized data. This reduces trigger errors and allows our
oscilloscopes to trigger on the smallest signals, even at the full bandwidth.
Trigger levels and hysteresis can be set with great precision and resolution.
The reduced re-arm delay provided by digital triggering, together with
segmented memory, allows the capture of events that happen in rapid
sequence. At the fastest timebase, rapid triggering can capture a new
waveform every 2 microseconds until the buffer is full. The mask limit
testing feature (see below) helps to detect waveforms that fail to meet
your specifications.
Advanced triggers
As well as the standard range of triggers found on all oscilloscopes, the
PicoScope 2000 Series offers one of the best selections of advanced
triggers available, including pulse width, windowed and dropout triggers
to help you find your signal quickly.
Custom probe settings
The custom probes feature allows
you to correct for gain, attenuation,
offsets and nonlinearities in special
probes, or to convert to different
units of measurement (such as
current, power or temperature).
You can save definitions to disk for
later use. Definitions for standard
Pico-supplied oscilloscope probes
and current clamps are built in.
Arbitrary waveform and function generator
All units have a built-in function
generator with sine, square,
triangle, DC level and many
more standard waveforms.
As well as level, offset and
frequency controls, more
advanced options allow you
to sweep over a range of
frequencies. Combined with
the spectrum peak hold option,
this creates a powerful tool
for testing amplifier and filter
The PicoScope 2000 Series scopes also include a full arbitrary waveform
generator. Waveforms can be created or edited using the built-in AWG
editor, imported from oscilloscope traces, or loaded from a spreadsheet.
Spectrum analyzer
With the click of a button,
you can display a spectrum
plot of selected channels. The
spectrum analyzer allows
signals up to the full scope
bandwidth to be viewed in the
frequency domain. A full range
of settings gives you control
over the number of spectrum
bands, window types and
display modes: instantaneous,
average, or peak-hold.
PicoScope allows you to display multiple spectrum views with different
channel selections and zoom factors, and see these alongside time-domain
waveforms of the same data. A comprehensive set of automatic frequency-
domain measurements, including THD, THD+N, SNR, SINAD and IMD,
can be added to the display.
Math channels
The PicoScope 2000 Series
oscilloscopes offer a full
range of math functions for
processing and combining
channels. The functions can
also operate on reference
Use the built-in list for simple
functions such as addition and
inversion, or open the equation
editor and create complex
functions involving trigonometry, exponentials, logarithms, statistics,
integrals and derivatives.
You can add any combination of automatic measurements to the
display, chosen from a list of 26 scope and spectrum parameters. Every
measurement includes statistics of minimum, maximum, average, standard
deviation and sample size.
PicoScope 2000 Series Oscilloscopes