7. Firmware
This section describes the reference design application firmware.
7.1 Obtaining the Firmware Application
The firmware application is loaded into the flash of the ERF32MG1P232F256 or ERF32MG12P432F1024 during the manufacturing
process. The firmware application source code is delivered as part of EmberZNet PRO, which is available to registered users of a wire-
less starter kit such as the SLWSTK6000B.
For more information, visit the Zigbee Getting Started page.
7.2 Firmware Build Instructions
The instructions below describe how to build the device firmware.
1. Install EmberZNet PRO.
2. Create a new Application Framework Configuration in AppBuilder and select the SoC stack release.
3. Create a project using Z3SmartOutlet sample application.
4. During Project Setup, verify that the proper chip is selected.
5. In AppBuilder, under the “hal configuration tab”, verify the architecture EFR32MG1P232F256GM48 and Board header ist_a0051:
Smart Outlet Reference Design are properly selected. Alternately, select architecture EFR32MG12P432F1024GM48 and Board
header ist_a0100: Smart Outlet Reference Design.
6. Generate and note the directory in which the project files were created.
7. Save the project file into the directory you just created.
8. Compile with IAR (for version compatibility information see the EmberZNet PRO release notes and QSG106: Getting Started with
EmberZNet PRO). At this point you can load the image onto the Smart Outlet reference design using the Board Header Reprog-
ramming method described above.
7.3 Programming the Reference Design
The reference design provides two methods to reprogram the demo board:
• Using a wireless starter kit mainboard and SLSDA001A Simplicity debug adapter board with an .s37 or .hex image file.
• Using the over-the-air (OTA) upgrade feature with an .ota image file.
7.3.1 Board Header Reprogramming
The reference design can be reprogrammed with a wireless starter kit mainboard and SLSDA001A debug adapter. The debug adapter
plugs into the Mini Simplicity connector on the wireless starter kit mainboard and the debug header on the reference design. Notice the
orientation of the connector, where the keyed side of the connector corresponds to the Mini Simplicity key marking found with the silk-
screen drawing surrounding the debug header. The SLSDA001A debug adapter ships with the reference design kit after December
2017, and is also available separately for purchase.
When using the board header for programming, it is possible to update or replace the bootloader in addition to updating the application.
A bootloader is a special piece of firmware that is primarily intended to allow future application firmware updates when a hardwired
connection to the device is no longer available (allowing over-the-air firmware updates of deployed devices, for example). The refer-
ence design ships with a bootloader already installed, so you do not need to replace it. However, if you ever need to reload the boot-
loader, it is important to select the app-bootloader-spiflash.s37 for the EFR32MG1P232F256GM48 and bootloader-storage-inter-
nal.s37 for the EFR32MG12P432F1024GM48.
SHOCK HAZARD: Do not connect the debug header while the reference design is plugged into AC-mains power as this will cause
damage to the wireless starter kit, the reference design, or both. Programming may be done while the AC-mains power is disabled. An
isolation transformer may be used on the AC-mains supply to allow operation while the programmer is connected. Alternately, an
RD-0091-0201 Isolated Debug Adapter may be used to isolate the system. The RD-0091-0201 isolated debug adapter ships with the
outlet reference design kit after December 2017, or is available by contacting Silicon Labs.
7.3.2 Over-the-Air Reprogramming
The demo board can be reprogrammed with an available .ota file and a device that can perform OTA upgrades such as the RD-0001 or
RD-0002 Zigbee USB Gateway Kit supported by Silicon Labs. Refer to the gateway documentation for more information on how to re-
program via OTA upgrade.
UG171: Smart Outlet Reference Design Kit User's Guide (RD-0051-0201, RD-0100-0201)
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