APPLICATION NOTE a - MITSUBISHI TENTATIVE CM100DUS-12F | Pre. |N.Honda Revi A} Uf Uchuala Apr. _|M.Tabata 28-Jan-99 Zt Yaemeemote May rb "a2. _. HIGH POWER SWITCHING USE Notice : This is not a final specification. Some parametric limits are subject to change. CM100DUS-12F OUTLINE DRAWING Dimensions in mm Te measured point 2-4 6.5 Mounting Holes 3-M65: Nuts ' ws ss Tf as TAB #110 t=0.5 | | ie . ry TT ff 5 | LABEL | s | CIRCUIT DIAGRAM | o 5 | RTO Oa Dior tet e tence eee e eee es 100A comt , (=) Overs eee 600V : ld Lt a .|@Insulated Type og @2-clements in a pack - og APPLICATION . Welder ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T, = 25 C) Symbol item Conditions | Ratings Units |. Vees | Collector-emitter voltage G-E Short 600 V Vees | Gate-emitter voltage C-E Short +20 Vv He Collector current Tco= 25 C 100 A lon | | | Pulse @ | 200 le Emitter current Tc= 25 C 100 AU lem G) Pulse (2) - 200 Pc @) Maximum collector dissipation. |Tc= 25 C 350 w al] Tj Junction temperature -40 ~ +150 C Tstg | Storage temperature -40 ~ +125 C Viso _jlsolation voltage Charged part to base plate , AC 1 min. 2500 Vv > {Torque strength {Main Terminals M5 2.5 ~ 3.5 Nem Mounting holes M 6 3.5 ~ 4.5 Nem -__ | Weight Typical value 310 g TSM-1384-A 1-2 APPLICATION NOTE MITSUBISHI _CM100DUS-12F HIGH POWER SWITCHING USE ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T, = 25 C) Symbol ltern Conditions Min. | Typ. | Max. | Units loes Collector cutoff current Vce=Voes:Vec= OV. a - 1 mA Vaecty threcheld voltage Io=10MA,Voe= 10V S 6 | 7? Vv lees Gate leakage current Vee=Veces Vee= OV - - 20 pA Vee(ean Collector to emitter T= 25 C } Ie = 100A 1.7 | 20 | 27 Vv saturation voltage T= 125 C | Vee= 15V - 195} - Cies Input capacitance Vce= 10V - - 27 Coes Output capacitance Vee= OV - - 1.8 nF Cres Reverse transfer capacitance - - | 1 Qe Total gate charge ve ey 100A . 620 - Ine td{on) Turn-on delay time Voc=300V,Ic= 100A - - 100 tr Turn-on rise time Voge Vape= 1 SV. - - 80 ns. td(off) Turn-off delay time Re=6.32,Inductive load - - 300: tf Turn-off fall time switching operation - - 150 trr 1) Reverse recovery time I= 100 A | - - 150 | ns Qrr J) _ |Reverse recovery charge - 19]: - uc Vec qt) .| Emitter-collector. volatge le= 100 A.Vge= OV - - 2.6 Vv Rth(j-c}Q -| Thermal resistance! IGBT part(1/2 module) - - 0.35 Al Rth{j-c)R FWDi part(1/2 module) - - 0.70 | C/AV Rth(c-f) Contact thermal resistance a ap rede - 0.07 - Rth(j-c)Q Thermal resistance re dovihe chice is just - 0,23 - A |. @) le, Veo, trr,Qrr & die/dt represent characteristics of the anti-parallel,emitter to collector free-wheel diode (FWD). (3) Pulse width and repetition rate should be such that the device junction temp.(T. ;)} dose not exceed Tjmax rating. (3) Junction temperature (T}) should not increase beyond 150C. (4) Pulse width and repetition rate should be such as to cause neglible temperature rise. *1:Tc measured point is shown in page "1-2". *3:lf you use this value , Rth(f-a) should be measured just under the chips. TSM-1384-A