DIODE MODULE PT308 30A/800V/1000V PT3010 OUTLINE DRAWING FEATURES * Isolated Base * 3 Phase Bridge Circuit * High Surge Capability * UL Recognized, File No. E187184 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS * Rectified For General Use Maximum Ratings Parameter Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage *1 Non Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage *1 Approx Net Weight:70g Symbol VRRM VRSM Parameter Type / Grade PT308 800 900 Conditions Average Rectified Output Current IO(AV) Surge Forward Current *1 IFSM I Squared t *1 Operating JunctionTemperature Range Storage Temperature Range Isoration Voltage Case mounting Mounting torque Terminals I2t Tjw Tstg Viso Ftor 3-Phase Full Wave Rectified Tc=60C 50 Hz Half Sine Wave,1Pulse Non-repetitive 2msec to 10msec Unit PT3010 1000 1100 V Max Rated Value Unit 30 A 400 A 800 -40 to +150 -40 to +125 Base Plate to Terminals, AC1min 2000 Greased M5 Screw 2.4 to 2.8 A2s C C V N *m Electrical * Thermal Characteristics Characteristics Peak Reverse Current *1 Peak Forward Voltage *1 Thermal Resistance *1: Value Per 1Arm Symbol IRM VFM Test Conditions VRM= VRRM, Tj= 25C IFM= 10A, Tj=25C Junction to Case with Thermal Rth(j-c) Compound (total) Max. Unit 10 1.2 0.92 A V C/W PT308/3010 OUTLINE DRAWING (Dimensions in mm)