Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller W6692A PCI Bus ISDN S/T-Controller Data Sheet -1 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller The information described in this document is the exclusive intellectual property of Winbond Electronics Corp and shall not be reproduced without permission from Winbond. Winbond is providing this document only for reference purposes for W6692A-based system design. Winbond assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. All data and specifications are subject to change without notice. -2 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................................................. 8 2. FEATURES............................................................................................................................................................................ 8 3. PIN CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 4. PIN DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................................................................... 12 5. SYSTEM DIAGRAM AND APPLICATIONS................................................................................................................ 15 6. BLOCK DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 16 7. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS..................................................................................................................................... 17 7.1 MAIN BLOCK FUNCTIONS................................................................................................................................................... 17 7.2 LAYER 1 FUNCTIONS DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 18 7.2.1 S/T Interface Transmitter/Receiver ............................................................................................................................ 18 7.2.2 Receiver Clock Recovery And Timing Generation...................................................................................................... 22 7.2.3 Layer 1 Activation/Deactivation ................................................................................................................................ 22 States Descriptions And Command/Indication Codes .......................................................................................... 22 State Transition Diagrams................................................................................................................................... 24 7.2.4 D Channel Access Control ......................................................................................................................................... 28 7.2.5 Frame Alignment ....................................................................................................................................................... 28 FAinfA_1fr ......................................................................................................................................................... 29 FAinfB_1fr ......................................................................................................................................................... 29 FAinfD_1fr ......................................................................................................................................................... 29 FAinfA_kfr ......................................................................................................................................................... 29 FAinfB_kfr ......................................................................................................................................................... 29 FAinfD_kfr ......................................................................................................................................................... 30 Faregain.............................................................................................................................................................. 30 7.2.6 Multiframe Synchronization....................................................................................................................................... 30 7.2.7 Test Functions ........................................................................................................................................................... 31 7.3 SERIAL INTERFACE BUS ..................................................................................................................................................... 33 7.4 B CHANNEL SWITCHING .................................................................................................................................................... 33 7.6 D CHANNEL HDLC CONTROLLER...................................................................................................................................... 35 7.6.1 D Channel Message Transfer Modes.......................................................................................................................... 36 7.6.2 Reception of Frames in D Channel ............................................................................................................................ 36 7.6.3 Transmission of Frames in D Channel ....................................................................................................................... 37 7.7 B CHANNEL HDLC CONTROLLER ...................................................................................................................................... 38 7.7.1 Reception of Frames in B Channel ...................................................................................................................... 38 7.7.2 Transmission of Frames in B Channel........................................................................................................................ 39 7.8 GCI MODE SERIAL INTERFACE BUS.................................................................................................................................... 40 7.8.1 GCI Mode C/I0 Channel Handling ............................................................................................................................ 41 7.8.2 GCI Mode Monitor Channel Handling....................................................................................................................... 41 7.9 PCI/MP INTERFACE CIRCUIT ............................................................................................................................................. 42 7.9.1 PCI Slave Mode And Configuration Serial EEPROM ................................................................................................ 42 7.9.2 8-bit Microprocessor Interface .................................................................................................................................. 44 7.10 PERIPHERAL CONTROL ..................................................................................................................................................... 44 8. REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 46 -3 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 8.1 CHIP CONTROL AND D_CH HDLC CONTROLLER ................................................................................................................. 46 8.1.1 D_ch receive FIFO D_RFIFO Read Address 00H/00H ........................................................................................ 48 8.1.2 D_ch transmit FIFO D_XFIFO Write Address 04H/01H ...................................................................................... 48 8.1.3 D_ch command register D_CMDR Write Address 08H/02H ............................................................................... 49 8.1.4 D_ch Mode Register D_MODE Read/Write Address 0CH/03H ............................................................................... 49 8.1.5 Timer 1 Register TIMR1 Read/Write Address 10H/04H ...................................................................................... 50 8.1.6 Interrupt Status Register ISTA Read_clear Address 14H/05H ...................................................................... 51 8.1.7 Interrupt Mask Register IMASK Read/Write Address 18H/06H............................................................................... 52 8.1.8 D_ch Extended Interrupt Register D_EXIR Read_clear Address 1CH/07H ............................................................. 52 8.1.9 D_ch Extended Interrupt Mask Register D_EXIM Read/Write Address 20H/08H .................................................... 53 8.1.10 D_ch Status Register D_XSTA Read Address 24H/09H .................................................................................. 53 8.1.11 D_ch Receive Status Register D_RSTA Read Address 28H/0AH ....................................................................... 54 8.1.12 D_ch SAPI Address Mask D_SAM Read/Write Address 2CH/0BH..................................................................... 54 8.1.13 D_ch SAPI1 Register D_SAP1 Read/Write Address 30H/0CH............................................................................ 55 8.1.14 D_ch SAPI2 Register D_SAP2 Read/Write Address 34H/0DH .............................................................................. 55 8.1.15 D_ch TEI Address Mask D_TAM Read/Write Address 38H/0EH.......................................................................... 55 8.1.16 D_ch TEI1 Register D_TEI1 Read/Write Address 3CH/0FH............................................................................. 55 8.1.17 D_ch TEI2 Register D_TEI2 Read/Write Address 40H/10H.............................................................................. 56 8.1.18 D_ch Receive Frame Byte Count High D_RBCH Read Address 44H/11H ......................................................... 56 8.1.19 D_ch Receive Frame Byte Count Low D_RBCL Read Address 48H/12H........................................................... 56 8.1.20 Timer 2 TIMR2 Write Address 4CH/13H.......................................................................... 57 8.1.21 Layer 1_Ready Code L1_RC Read/Write Address 50H/14H................................................. 57 8.1.22 Control Register CTL Read/Write Address 54H/15H............................................................................................. 57 8.1.23 Command/Indication Receive Register CIR Read Address 58H/16H ................................................................. 58 8.1.24 Command/Indication Transmit Register CIX Read/Write Address 5CH/17H ..................................................... 59 8.1.25 S/Q Channel Receive Register SQR Read Address 60H/18H......................................................................... 59 8.1.26 S/Q Channel Transmit Register SQX Read/Write Address 64H/19H.............................................................. 60 8.1.27 Peripheral Control Register PCTL Read/Write Address 68H/1AH ............................................................. 60 8.1.28 Monitor Receive Channel 0 MO0R Read Address 6CH/1BH ...................................................................... 61 8.1.29 Monitor Transmit Channel 0 MO0X Read/Write Address 70H/1CH ........................................................... 61 8.1.30 Monitor Channel 0 Interrupt Register MO0I Read_clear Address 74H/1DH .............................................. 62 8.1.31 Monitor Channel 0 Control Register MO0C Read/Write Address 78H/1EH ...................................................... 62 8.1.32 GCI Mode Control/Status Register GCR Read/Write Address 7CH/1FH.................................. 62 8.1.33 Peripheral Address Register XADDR Read/Write Address F4H/3DH......................................................... 64 8.1.34 Peripheral Data Register XDATA Read/Write Address F8H/3EH .............................................................. 65 8.1.35 Serial EEPROM Control Register EPCTL Read/Write Address FCH/3FH.......................................................... 65 8.1.36 Monitor Receive Channel 1 Register MO1R Read Address 6DH/40H ............................................................. 66 8.1.37 Monitor Transmit Channel 1 Register MO1X Read/Write Address 71H/41H .................................................. 66 8.1.38 Monitor Channel 1 Interrupt Register MO1I Read_clear Address 75H/42H............................................... 66 8.1.39 Monitor Channel 1 Control Register MO1C Read/Write Address 79H/43H....................................................... 67 8.1.40 GCI IC1 Receive Register IC1R Read Address 6EH/44H ........................................................................ 67 8.1.41 GCI IC1 Transmit Register IC1X Read/Write Address 72H/45H.............................................................. 67 8.1.42 GCI IC2 Receive Register IC2R Read Address 6FH/46H......................................................................... 68 8.1.43 GCI IC2 Transmit Register IC2X Read/Write Address 73H/47H.............................................................. 68 8.1.44 GCI CI1 Indication Register CI1R Read Address 7DH/48H .................................................................... 68 8.1.45 GCI CI1 Command Register CI1X Read/Write Address 7EH/49H ........................................................... 68 8.1.46 GCI Extended Interrupt Register GCI_EXIR Read_clear Address 76H/4AH ......................................................... 69 8.1.47 GCI Extended Interrupt Mask Register GCI_EXIM Read/Write Address 7AH/4BH ............................................... 69 8.2 B1 HDLC CONTROLER ...................................................................................................................................................... 69 8.2.1 B1_ch receive FIFO B1_RFIFO Read Address 80H/20H ............................................................................... 71 8.2.2 B1_ch transmit FIFO B1_XFIFO Write Address 84H/21H .......................................................................... 71 8.2.3 B1_ch command register B1_CMDR Read/Write Address 88H/22H............................................................... 71 8.2.4 B1_ch Mode Register B1_MODE Read/Write Address 8CH/23H........................................................................ 72 -4 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 8.2.5 B1_ch Extended Interrupt Register B1_EXIR Read_clear Address 90H/24H........................................................... 73 8.2.6 B1_ch Extended Interrupt Mask Register B1_EXIM Read/Write Address 94H/25H ................................................. 74 8.2.7 B1_ch Status Register B1_STAR Read Address 98H/26H.................................................................................... 74 8.2.8 B1_ch Address Mask Register 1 B1_ADM1 Read/Write Address 9CH/27H ......................................................... 75 8.2.9 B1_ch Address Mask Register 2 B1_ADM2 Read/Write Address A0H/28H ......................................................... 75 8.2.10 B1_ch Address Register 1 B1_ADR1 Read/Write Address A4H/29H ................................................................. 76 8.2.11 B1_ch Address Register 2 B1_ADR2 Read/Write Address A8H/2AH................................................................. 76 8.2.12 B1_ch Receive Frame Byte Count Low B1_RBCL Read Address ACH/2BH .......................................................... 76 8.2.13 B1_ch Receive Frame Byte Count High B1_RBCH Read Address B0H/2CH ......................................................... 76 8.2.14 B1_ch Transmit Idle Pattern B1_IDLE Read/Write Address B4H/2DH ................................................................. 77 8.3 B2 HDLC CONTROLLER .................................................................................................................................................... 77 8.4 PCI CONFIGURATION REGISTER ......................................................................................................................................... 78 8.4.1 Device/Vendor ID Register Read Address 00 H ........................................................................................... 79 8.4.2 Status/Command Register Read/Write Address 04H..................................................................................... 80 8.4.3 Class Code/Revision ID Register Read Address 08H .................................................................................... 81 8.4.4 Header Type/Latency Timer Register Read Address 0CH ............................................................................... 82 8.4.5 Base Address Register 0 Read/Write Address 10H .................................................................................... 82 8.4.6 Base Address Register 1 Read/Write Address 14H ....................................................................................... 84 8.4.7 Subsystem/Subsystem Vendor ID Register Read Address 2CH ...................................................................... 84 8.4.8 Interrupt Line Register Read/Write Address 3CH ........................................................................................ 84 8.4.9 Capability Pointer Read Address 34H ......................................................................................................... 85 8.4.10 Power Management Capability Read Address 40H .................................................................................... 85 8.4.11 Power Management Control/Status Read/Write Address 44H .................................................................... 86 9. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................................... 88 9.1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING ........................................................................................................................................... 88 9.2 POWER SUPPLY.................................................................................................................................................................. 88 9.3 DC CHARACTERISTICS....................................................................................................................................................... 88 9.4 PRELIMINARY SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS ..................................................................................................................... 90 9.4.1 PCM Interface Timing ............................................................................................................................................... 90 9.4.2 Serial EEPROM Timing............................................................................................................................................. 91 9.4.3 Peripheral Interface Timing....................................................................................................................................... 92 9.4.5 8-bit Microprocessor Timing...................................................................................................................................... 92 9.5 AC TIMING TEST CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 95 10. ORDERING INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................... 95 11. PACKAGE SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 96 -5 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller LIST OF FIGURES FIG.3.1 W6692A PIN CONFIGURATION - PCI MODE ..............................................................................................................9 FIG.3.2 W6692A PIN CONFIGURATION - INTEL BUS MODE...............................................................................................10 FIG.3.3 W6692A PIN CONFIGURATION - MOTOROLA BUS MODE ....................................................................................11 FIG.5.1 ISDN INTERNET PASSIVE S-CARD WITH TWO POTS CONNECTIONS ................................................................15 FIG.6.1 W6692A FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM...............................................................................................................16 FIG.7.1 FRAME STRUCTURE AT S/T INTERFACE................................................................................................................19 FIG.7.2 W6692A WIRING CONFIGURATION IN TE APPLICATIONS...................................................................................20 FIG.7.3 EXTERNAL TRANSMITTER CIRCUITRY..................................................................................................................21 FIG.7.4 EXTERNAL RECEIVER CIRCUITRY..........................................................................................................................21 FIG.7.5 LAYER 1 ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION STATE DIAGRAM - NORMAL MODE .................................................26 FIG.7.6 LAYER 1 ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION STATE DIAGRAM - SPECIAL MODE ..................................................27 FIG.7.7 SSP AND SCP TEST SIGNALS ....................................................................................................................................32 FIG 7.8 GCI MODE CHANNEL STRUCTURE..........................................................................................................................41 FIG.7.9 SERIAL EEPROM DATA LAYOUT.............................................................................................................................43 -6 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller LIST OF TABLES TABLE 4.1 W6692A PIN DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 12 TABLE 7.1 OUTPUT PHASE DELAY COMPENSATION TABLE .................................................................................... 22 TABLE 7.2 LAYER 1 COMMAND CODES.......................................................................................................................... 24 TABLE 7.3 LAYER 1 INDICATION CODES........................................................................................................................ 24 TABLE 7.4 D PRIORITY CLASSES...................................................................................................................................... 28 TABLE 7.5 D PRIORITY COMMANDS/INDICATIONS..................................................................................................... 28 TABLE 7.6 MULTIFRAME STRUCTURE IN S/T INTERFACE ........................................................................................ 31 TABLE 8.1 REGISTER ADDRESS MAP: CHIP CONTROL AND D CHANNEL HDLC.................................................. 46 TABLE 8.2 REGISTER SUMMARY: CHIP CONTROL AND D CHANNEL HDLC .................................................... 47 TABLE 8.3 REGISTER ADDRESS MAP: B1 CHANNEL HDLC........................................................................................ 69 TABLE 8.4 REGISTER SUMMARY: B1 CHANNEL HDLC............................................................................................... 70 TABLE 8.5 REGISTER ADDRESS MAP: B2 CHANNEL HDLC........................................................................................ 77 TABLE 8.6 REGISTER SUMMARY: B2 CHANNEL HDLC............................................................................................... 78 TABLE 8.7 PCI CONFIGURATION SPACE .................................................................................................................... 79 -7 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Winbond's single chip PCI bus ISDN S/T interface controller (W6692A) is an all-in-one device suitable for ISDN Internet access. Three HDLC controllers are incorporated in the chip, one for D channel and the other two for B channels. These HDLC controllers facilitate efficient access to signaling and data services. The built in PCI 2.2 interface circuit makes glueless design for PCI bus add-on card application. It also provides 8-bit uC interface to serve as general purposed controller for embedded applications. 2. FEATURES * Full duplex 2B + D S/T-interface transceiver compliant with ITU-T I.430 Recommendation, TE mode * One D channel HDLC controller - Maskable address recognition - Transparent (HDLC) mode - FIFO buffer (2 x 128 bytes) * Two B channel HDLC controllers - Maskable address recognition - Bit rate options : 56 or 64 kbps - Transparent (HDLC mode) or extended transparent mode (clear channel) - FIFO buffer (2 x 128 bytes) per B channel - 128K IDSL or OCN with one HDLC to bundle two B channels * Two PCM codec interfaces for speech and POTS application * Various B channel switching capabilities and PCM intercom * GCI master/slave interface * Built in PCI 2.2 slave mode circuit * ACPI: PCI Power Management 1.1 compliant with elegant suspend/wakeup mechanism (Patent Pending) * Serial EEPROM interface for PCI configuration * Peripheral control pins * 8-bit microprocessor interface when PCI is disabled for embedded applications * Analog power down mode to 1.5mA power consumption * Advanced CMOS technology * 100-pin QFP and LQFP package -8 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 3. PIN CONFIGURATION I N T A # RST# VSSD VDDD CLK AD31 AD30 AD29 VSSB VDDB AD28 AD27 AD26 AD25 AD24 C/BE3# IDSEL AD23 AD22 AD21 AD20 I O 1 0 / X W R B I O 9 / X R D B I O 8 / X A L E E P S D I E P S D O E P S K E D F D D V V P C C D U S D C L S S D S D D 81 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 82 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 1 1 1 1 1 99 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 100 P R X D P T X D P F C K 1 P B C K P F C K 2 T P V V X X S S X X E M S D T T X X I I S E S D A A 2 1 N N T T T D D L L P 2 1 I I N N 1 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 5 5 8 7 I O 0 / X A D 0 I O 1 / X A D 1 I O 2 / X A D 2 I O 3 / X A D 3 V S S B V D D B A D 1 9 A D 1 8 A D 1 7 A D 1 6 C / B E 2 # F R A M E # I R D Y # T R D Y # 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 2 2 3 4 D E V S E L # A D 1 5 V S S D V D D D S T O P # P E R R # T P C O A / U R B T E 2 1 # 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 2 2 2 2 2 3 32 5 6 7 8 9 0 31 5 5 6 5 W6692A ISDN-PCI A D 1 4 V D D A A D 1 3 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 1 I O 4 / X A D 4 I O 5 / X A D 5 I O 6 / X A D 6 I O 7 / X A D 7 SR2 SR1 VSSA AD0 AD1 AD2 AD3 VDDB VSSB AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 C/BE0# AD8 AD9 AD10 AD11 VDDB VSSB A D 1 2 FIG.3.1 W6692A PIN CONFIGURATION - PCI MODE -9 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller I N T # RST# VSSD VDDD CLK VSSB VDDB I O 1 0 / X W R B I O 9 / X R D B D F D D V V C C D U S D S D L S D D I O 8 / X A L E 81 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 82 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 1 1 1 1 1 99 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 100 P R X D P T X D P F C K 1 P B C K P F C K 2 T E S T P V S S D V D D D X T A L 2 5 5 8 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 W6692A ISDN-PCI I O 0 / X A D 0 I O 1 / X A D 1 I O 2 / X A D 2 I O 3 / X A D 3 V S S B V D D B C A S L # E 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 V S S D V D D D T O U T 2 W R # 2 2 3 4 X S S X X T X X I I A 2 1 N N T T L I I 1 N N 1 0 V D D A 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 2 2 2 2 2 3 32 5 6 7 8 9 0 31 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 1 I O 4 / X A D 4 I O 5 / X A D 5 I O 6 / X A D 6 SR2 SR1 VSSA AD0 AD1 AD2 AD3 VDDB VSSB AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 RD# VDDB VSSB I O 7 / X A D 7 FIG.3.2 W6692A PIN CONFIGURATION - INTEL BUS MODE -10 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller I N T # RST# VSSD VDDD CLK VSSB VDDB I O 1 0 / X W R B I O 9 / X R D B D F D D V V C C D U S D S D L S D D I O 8 / X A L E 81 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 82 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 1 1 1 1 1 99 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 100 P R X D P T X D P F C K 1 P B C K P F C K 2 T E S T P V S S D V D D D X T A L 2 5 5 8 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 W6692A ISDN-PCI I O 0 / X A D 0 I O 1 / X A D 1 I O 2 / X A D 2 I O 3 / X A D 3 V S S B V A A A A D 7 6 5 4 D B C S # 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 V S S D V D D D T O U T 2 D S # 2 2 3 4 X S S X X T X X I I A 2 1 N N T T L I I 1 N N 1 0 V D D A 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 2 2 2 2 2 3 32 5 6 7 8 9 0 31 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 1 I O 4 / X A D 4 I O 5 / X A D 5 I O 6 / X A D 6 SR2 SR1 VSSA D0 D1 D2 D3 VDDB VSSB D4 D5 D6 D7 RW A0 A1 A2 A3 VDDB VSSB I O 7 / X A D 7 FIG.3.3 W6692A PIN CONFIGURATION - MOTOROLA BUS MODE -11 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 4. PIN DESCRIPTION TABLE 4.1 W6692A PIN DESCRIPTIONS Notation : The suffix "#" indicates an active LOW signal. In Intel or Motorola bus mode, all unspecified pins must be left unconnected. Pin Name Pin Number CLK 84 AD31-AD0 85,86,87,90,91, 92,93,94,97,98, 99,100,7,8,9,10, 23,24,25,30,33, 34,35,36,38,39, 40,41,44,45,46, 47 95,11,22,37 Type PCI C/BE3#-C/BE0# PAR FRAME# TRDY# IRDY# STOP# DEVSEL# IDSEL PERR# RST# INTA# CLK AD7-0 Functions Mode (Enabled when CLK toggles) I I/O PCI Mode : PCI Clock. All other PCI signals, except RST#, INTA# are sampled on the rising edge of CLK. According to PCI 2.1/2.2 specification, CLK is stable at least 100 s (Trst-clk) before deassertion of RST#. Intel Bus Mode : Must be pulled to HIGH. Motorola Bus Mode : Must be pulled to LOW. Address and Data are multiplexed on the same PCI pins. During the address phase, AD31-0 contains a 32-bit physical address. During the data phase, AD7-AD0 contains the least significant byte and AD31AD24 contain the most significant byte. I Bus command and Byte Enables. During the address phase of a transaction, they define the bus command. During data phase, they are used as Byte Enables. 21 I/O Parity is even parity across AD31-AD0 and C/BE3#-C/BE0#. 12 I FRAME# is asserted to indicate a bus transaction is beginning. 14 O Target Ready indicates W6692A is able to complete the current data phase of the transaction. 13 I Initiator Ready indicates the bus masters ability to complete the current data phase of the transaction. 18 O Stop indicates W6692A is requesting the master to stop the current transaction. 15 O Device Select indicates W6692A has decoded itself as the target of the current access. 96 I Initialization Device Select is used as chip select during configuration transactions. 19 O Parity Error is used for reporting of data parity errors. 81 I PCI Reset. RST# may be asynchronous to CLK when asserted or deasserted. 80 O Interrupt. This is level sensitive, active LOW and open drain output. Intel Bus Mode (Enabled when CLK=HIGH) 84 I This pin must be pulled to HIGH. 38,39,40,41,44,45 I/O Multiplexed address and data. During the address phase, AD7-0 ,46,47 contains a 8-bit physical address. During the data phase, AD7-AD0 -12 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller CS# DS# RW RST# INT# contains data. 12 I Chip select. 13 I Address Latch Enable. Used to latch addresses. 37 I Read. 22 I Write. 81 I Reset. 80 O Interrupt. This is a level sensitive, active LOW and open drain output. Motorola Bus Mode (Enabled when CLK=LOW) 84 I This pin must be pulled to LOW. 38,39,40,41,44,45 I/O Data. ,46,47 7,8,9,10,33,34,35, I Address. 36 12 I Chip select. 22 I Data strobe. 37 I Read/write identify. HIGH for read, and LOW for write. 81 I Reset. 80 O Interrupt. This is a level sensitive, active LOW and open drain output. DCL 72 I/O FSC DD 71 70 I/O I/O DU 69 I/O PFCK1 64 O PFCK2 62 O PBCK PTXD 63 65 O O PRXD 66 I SR1 SR2 SX1 SX2 XTAL1 49 50 54 55 56 XTAL2 57 CS# ALE RD# WR# RST# INT# CLK D7-D0 A7-A0 GCI PCM ISDN 73 74 76 75 Signals I I O O I and External Crystal S/T bus receiver input (negative). S/T bus receiver input (positive). S/T bus transmitter output (positive). S/T bus transmitter output (negative). Crystal or Oscillator clock input. The clock frequency: 7.68MHz100PPM. Crystal clock output. Left unconnected when using oscillator. O O O I O Interface PCM port 1 frame synchronization signal, with 8 KHz repetition rate and 8 bit pulse width. PCM port 2 frame synchronization signal, with 8 KHz repetition rate and 8 bit pulse width. PCM bit synchronization clock of 1.536 MHz. PCM transmit data output. A maximum of two channels with 64 Kbit/s data rate can be multiplexed on this signal. PCM receive data input. A maximum of two channels with 64 Kbit/s data rate can be multiplexed on this signal. Needs external pull-up. External EPCS EPSK EPSDI EPSDO Bus GCI Bus Data Clock of the frequency: 1.536 MHz. Needs external pullup. GCI Bus Frame Synchronization Clock: 8KHz. Needs external pull-up. GCI Bus Data Downstream : Slave mode - input, master mode - output. Needs external pull-up. GCI Bus Data Upstream : Slave mode - output, master mode - input. Needs external pull-up. EEPROM Interface Serial EEPROM chip select (active HIGH). Serial EEPROM data clock (clock frequency < 250 KHz). Serial EEPROM data input. Serial EEPROM data output. Functional Test -13 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller TESTP 61 I PME 60 O TOUT2 20 O XINTIN0 52 I XINTIN1 53 I IO10-IO0 79,78,77,29,28, 27,26,4,3,2,1 I/O XAD7-XAD0 I/O XALE 29,28,27,26, 4,3,2,1 77 XRDB 78 O XWRB 79 O VDDD VDDA VDDB VSSD VSSA VSSB 17,58,67,83 51 6,32,43,89 16,59,68,82 48 5,31,42,88 I I I I I I Used to enable normal operation (1) or enter test mode (0). PCI Power Management Power Management Event Signal. Level triggered, active HIGH. Drive a transistor to PME# in PCI slot. Peripheral Control O Timer 2 output. A square wave with 50 % duty cycle, 1~63 ms period can be generated. A level change (either direction) will generate a maskable interrupt on the PCI bus interrupt request pin INTA#. A level change (either direction) will generate a maskable interrupt on the PCI bus interrupt request pin INTA#. When confiured as simple IO mode (PCTL:XMODE = 0), these pins can read/write data from/to peripheral components. The pin directions are selected via register. After hardware reset, the output drivers are disabled. When configured as microprocessor mode (PCTL:XMODE = 1), address and data are multiplexed on these pins. When configured as microprocessor mode (PCTL:XMODE = 1), this is the Address Latch Enable output. When configured as microprocessor mode (PCTL:XMODE = 1), this is the read pulse. When configured as microprocessor mode (PCTL:XMODE = 1), this is the write pulse. Power and Ground Digital Power Supply (5V5%). Analog Power Supply (5V5%). PCI Bus Power Supply (5V5%). Digital Ground. Analog Ground. PCI Bus Ground. -14 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 5. SYSTEM DIAGRAM AND APPLICATIONS Typical applications include : - PCI passive S-card for data only service - PCI passive S-card with one handset/POTS connection - PCI passive S-card with two POTS connections - ISDN TA, Router or other embedded application The all-in-one characteristic of W6692A makes it excellent for passive ISDN PCI card. W6692A integrates three HDLC controllers in the chip and interfaces to PCI bus directly. In addition, W6692A provides peripheral control circuits for PCM CODEC and POTS interface. In the following application, only a few TTL-like glue circuits are needed for the two POTS interface control. W6692A also integrates the 8-bit Intel or Motorola microprocessor interface which makes it excellent for embedded application. NT EEPROM 4-wire S/T Transformer Module Protection Circuit W6692 PCI S-Controller Phone Fax POTS Circuit x2 PCM Codec x2 FIG.5.1 ISDN INTERNET PASSIVE S-CARD WITH TWO POTS CONNECTIONS -15 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 6. BLOCK DIAGRAM The block diagram of W6692A is shown in Figure 6.1 B2 2B+D 4-wire S/T Line Transceiver & AMI/BIN Conversion B1 Serial Interface Bus (SIB) 2B+D GCI Bus Crystal/Oscillator (7.68 MHz) POTS circuit GCI Circuit D B-channel Switching D HDLC Controller B1 HDLC Controller B2 HDLC Controller FIFO FIFO FIFO PCM Port PCM CODEC DPLL and Timing Generator PCI/MP Interface Circuit Peripheral Control Serial EEPROM Interface Serial EEPROM PCI Bus/Microprocessor FIG.6.1 W6692A FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM -16 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 7. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS 7.1 Main Block Functions The functional block diagram of W6692A is shown in Fig.6.1. The main function blocks are : - Layer 1 function according to ITU-T I.430 - Serial Interface Bus (SIB) - B channel switching - GCI bus interface - PCM port (x 2) and internal B channel switching - D channel HDLC controller - B channel HDLC controllers (x 2) - PCI/microprocessor interface circuit - Serial EEPROM interface for PCI Configuration purpose - Peripheral control The layer 1 function includes: - S/T bus transmitter/receiver - Timing recovery using Digital Phase Locked Loop (DPLL) circuit - Layer 1 activation/deactivation, TE mode - D channel access control - Frame alignment - Multi-frame synchronization - Test functions The serial interface bus performs the multiplexing/demultiplexing of D and 2B channels. The B channel switching determines the connection between layer 1/GCI, layer 2 and PCM. The GCI circuit is used to connect a U transceiver (slave mode) or other slave GCI device (master mode). The PCM port provides two 64 kbps clear channels to connect to PCM codec chips. The D channel HDLC controller performs the LAPD (Link Access Procedure on the D channel) protocol according to ITU-T I.441/Q.921 recommendation. There are two independent B channel HDLC controllers. They can be used to support HDLC-like protocols such as Internet PPP. Two S/T B channels can also be programmed to 128Kbps mode with one HDLC controller to support IDSL or OCN (in Japan) application. The PCI interface circuit implements PCI specification revision 2.2 target mode function. In embedded application, a 8-bit microprocessor interface is used to control the chip. -17 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller The peripheral control block is used to control other peripheral devices such as CODEC, SLIC, DTMF detector, LEDs. 7.2 Layer 1 Functions Descriptions The layer 1 functions includes : - Transmitter/Receiver which conform to the electrical specifications of ITU-T I.430 Receiver clock recovery and timing generation Output phase delay (deviation) compensation Layer 1 activation/deactivation procedures D channel access control Frame alignment Multi-frame synchronization Test functions 7.2.1 S/T Interface Transmitter/Receiver According to ITU-T I.430, pseudo-ternary code with 100% pulse width is used in both directions of transmission on the S/T interface. The binary "1" is represented by no line signal (zero volt), whereas a binary "0" is represented by a positive or negative pulse. Data transmissions on the S/T interface are arranged as frame structures. The frame is 250 s long and consists of 48 bits, which corresponds to a 192 kbit/s line rate. Each frame carries two octets of B1 channel, two octets of B2 channel and four D channel bits. Therefore, the 2B+D data rate is 144 kbit/s. The frame structure is shown in Fig.7.1. The frame begin is marked by a framing bit, which is followed by a DC balancing bit. The first binary "0" following the framing bit balancing bit is of the same polarity as the framing bit balancing bit, and subsequent binary zeros must alternate in polarity. -18 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 48 bits in 250 s NT TE DL F L B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1B1B1 E D A FA N B2 B2B2B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E D M B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E D S B2B2B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E D L F L F L B1 B1 B1 B1B1B1 B1 B1 L D L FA L B2 B2 B2B2B2B2 B2 B2 L D L B1B1 B1B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 L D L B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2B2 L D L F 0 1 0 2 bits offset TE NT DL L 0 1 0 F = Framing bit L = DC balancing bit D = D channel bit E = D channel echo bit FA = Auxiliary framing bit or Q-bit N = Bit set to a binary value N= NOT FA B1 = Bit within B channel 1 B2 = Bit within B channel 2 A = Bit used for activation S = Bit used for S channel M = Multiframe bit FIG.7.1 FRAME STRUCTURE AT S/T INTERFACE There are three wiring configurations according to I.430 : point-to-point, short passive bus and extended passive bus. They are shown in Fig.7.2. -19 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller W6692 1000 m TR TR NT TR NT TR NT TE (a) Point-to-point configuration 100~200 m TR 10m W6692 ..... W6692 TE8 TE1 (b) Short passive bus configuration 100~200 m 50m TR 10m W6692 TE1 ..... W6692 TE8 (c) Extended passive bus configuration TR : Terminating Resistor FIG.7.2 W6692A WIRING CONFIGURATION IN TE APPLICATIONS -20 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller The transmitter and receiver are implemented by differential circuits to increase signal to noise ratio (SNR). The nominal differential line pulse amplitude at 100 termination is 750 mV, zero to peak. Transformers with 2:1 turn ration are needed at transmitter and receiver for voltage level translation and DC isolation. To meet the electrical characteristic requirements in I.430, some additional circuits are needed. At the transmitter side, the external resistors (18 to 33 ) are used to adjust the output pulse amplitude and to meet the transmitter active impedance ( 20 ) when transmitting binary zeros. At the receiver side, the 1.8 k resistors protect the device inputs, while the 10 k resistors (1.8 k +8.2 k ) limit the peak current in impedance tests. The diode bridge is used for overvoltage protection. 18-33 2:1 SX1 100 VDD GND 18-33 SX2 FIG.7.3 EXTERNAL TRANSMITTER CIRCUITRY 1.8k 8.2k SR1 VDD GND 1.8k 2:1 100 8.2k SR2 FIG.7.4 EXTERNAL RECEIVER CIRCUITRY -21 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller After hardware reset, the receiver may enter power down state in order to save power consumption. In this state, the internal clocks are turned off, but the analog level detector is still active to detect signal coming from the S interface. The power down state is left either by non-INFO 0 signal from S interface or C/I command from microprocessor. 7.2.2 Receiver Clock Recovery And Timing Generation A Digital Phase Locked Loop (DPLL) circuit is used to derive the receive clock from the received data stream. This DPLL uses a 7.68 MHz clock as reference. According to I.430, the transmit clock is normally delayed by 2 bit time from the receive clock. The "total phase deviation from input to output" is -7% to +15% of a bit period. In some cases, delay compensation may be needed to meet this requirement (see OPS1-0 bits in D_CTL register). TABLE 7.1 OUTPUT PHASE DELAY COMPENSATION TABLE OPS1 0 0 1 1 OPS0 0 1 0 1 Effect No phase delay compensation Phase delay compensation 260 ns Phase delay compensation 520 ns Phase delay compensation 1040 ns W6692A does not need RC filter on receiver side, therefore zero delay compensation is selected normally. This is also the default setting. The PCM output clocks (PFCK1-2, PBCK) are locked to the S-interface timing with jitter. See the electrical specification. 7.2.3 Layer 1 Activation/Deactivation The layer 1 activation/deactivation procedures are implemented by a finite state machine according to TE mode. The state transitions are triggered by signals received at S interface or commands issued from microprocessor. The state outputs signals to S interface and indication to microprocessor. The CIX register is used by microprocessor to issue command, and the CIR register is used by microprocessor to receive indication. Some commands are used for special purposes. They are "layer 1 reset", "analog loopback", "send continuous zeros" and "send single zero". States Descriptions And Command/Indication Codes F3 Deactivated without clock This is the "deactivated" state of ITU-T I.430. The receive line awake unit is active except during a hardware reset pulse. After reset, once the indication "1111" has been read out, internal clocks will turn off and stay at this state if INFO 0 is received on the S line. The turn off time is approximate 93 ms. The ECK command must be issued to activate the clocks. F3 Deactivated with clock -22 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller This state is identical to "F3 Deactivated without clock" except the internal clocks are enabled. The state is entered by the ECK command. The clocks are enabled approximately 0.5 ms to 4 ms after the ECK command, depending on the crystal capacitances. (It is about 0.5 ms for 12pF to 33pF capacitance). F3 Awaiting Deactivation The W6692A enters this state after receiving INFO 0 (in states F5 to F8) for 16ms (64 frames). This time constant prevents spurious effect on S interface. Any non-INFO 0 signal on the S interface causes transition to "F5 Identifying Input" state. If this transition does not occur in a specific time (500 - 1000 ms), the microprocessor may issue DRC or ECK command to deactivate layer 1. F4 Awaiting Signal This state is reached when an activate request command has been received. In this state, the layer 1 transmits INFO1 and INFO 0 is received from the S interface. The software starts timer T3 of I.430 when issuing activate request command. The software deactivates layer 1 if no signal other than INFO 0 has been received on S interface before expiration of T3. F5 Identifying Input After the receipt of any non-INFO 0 signal from NT, the W6692A ceases to transmit INFO 1 and awaits identification of INFO 2 or INFO 4. This state is reached at most 50 s after a signal different from INFO 0 is present at the receiver of the S interface. F6 Synchronized When W6692A receives an activation signal (INFO 2), it responds with INFO 3 and waits for normal frames (INFO 4). This state is reached at most 6 ms after an INFO 2 arrives at the S interface (in case the clocks were disabled in "F3 Deactivated without clock"). F7 Activated This is the normal active state with the layer 1 protocol activated in both directions. From state "F6 Synchronized" , state F7 is reached at most 0.5 ms after reception of INFO 4. From state "F3 Deactivated without clock" with the clocks disabled, state F7 is reached at most 6 ms after the W6692A is directly activated by INFO 4. F8 Lost Framing This is the state where the W6692A has lost frame synchronization and is awaiting resynchronization by INFO 2 or INFO 4 or deactivation by INFO 0. Special States: Analog Loop Initiated On Enable Analog Loop command, INFO 3 is sent by the line transmitter internally to the line receiver (INFO 0 is sent to the line). The receiver is not yet synchronized. Analog Loop Activated The receiver is synchronized on INFO 3 which is looped back internally from the transmitter. The indication 'TI" or "ATI" is sent depending on whether or not a signal different from INFO 0 is detected on the S interface. Send Continuous Pulses -23 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller A 96 kHz continuous pulse with alternating polarities is sent. Send Single Pulses A 2 KHz , isolated pulse with alternating polarities is sent. Layer 1 Reset A layer 1 reset command forces the transmission of INFO 0 and disables the S line awake detector. Thus activation from NT is not possible. There is no indication in reset state. The reset state can be left only with ECK command. TABLE 7.2 LAYER 1 COMMAND CODES Command Enable clock Layer 1 reset Send continuous pulses Send single pulses Activate request at priority 8 Activate request at priority 10 Enable analog loopback Deactivate layer 1 Symbol ECK RST SCP SSP AR8 AR10 EAL DRC Code 0000 0001 0100 0010 1000 1001 1010 1111 Description Enable internal clocks Layer 1 reset Send continuous pulses at 96 kHz Send isolated pulses at 2 kHz Activate layer 1 and set D channel priority level to 8 Activate layer 1 and set D channel priority to 10 Enable analog loopback Deactivate layer 1 and disable internal clocks TABLE 7.3 LAYER 1 INDICATION CODES Indication Clock Enabled Deactivate request downstream Level detected Activate request downstream Test indication Symbol CE DRD LD ARD TI Code 0111 0000 0100 1000 1010 Awake test indication Activate indication with priority class 1 Activate indication with priority class 2 Clock disabled ATI AI8 1011 1100 Descriptions Internal clocks are enabled Deactivation request by S interface, i.e INFO 0 received Signal received, receiver not synchronous INFO 2 received Analog loopback activated or continuous zeros or single zeros transmitted Level detected during test function INFO 4 received, D channel priority is 8 or 9 AI10 1101 INFO 4 received, D channel priority is 10 or 11 CD 1111 Layer 1 deactivated, internal clocks are disabled State Transition Diagrams The followings are the state transition diagrams, which implement the activation/deactivation state matrix in I.430 (TABLE 5/I.430). The "command" and "s receive" entries in each state octagon keep the state, the "indication" and "s transmit" entries in each state octagon are the state outputs. For example, at "F3 Deactivated with clock" state, the layer 1 will stay at this state if the command is "ECK" and the INFO 0 is received on S interface. At this state, it provides "CE" indication to the microprocessor and transmits INFO 0 on S interface. The "AR8/10" command causes transition to F4 and non-INFO 0 signal causes transition to -24 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller F5. Note that the command code writtern by the microprocessor in CIX register and indication code written by layer 1 in CIR register are transmitted repeatedly until a new code is written. -25 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller F4 Await. Signal AR8/10 CE DRC ECK i0 i1 F3 Deact w/o clk AR8/10 ^i03) DRC CD ^i03) F5 Ident. Input i0 i4 ^RST1) LD any 2) ECK i0 DRC F3 Deact with clk AR8/10 i2 Lost Framing i0 i0 ECK CE ^i03) F6 Synchronized i0 ^RST 1) i2 ARD i0 i0 ECK i3 F3 Await. Deact. DRC i4 i2 ^i0 3) AR8/10 DRD F7 Activated i0 AR8/10 i4 AI8/10 i3 Lost Framing i2 i4 Notation: F8 Lost Framing ^RST1) any i0 i0 2) LD State i0 com i0 s receive Ind s trans. Note: 1. "^RST" means "NOT layer 1 reset command". 2. "Any" means any signal other than i0, which has not yet been determined. 3. "^i0" means any signal other than i0. FIG.7.5 LAYER 1 ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION STATE DIAGRAM - NORMAL MODE -26 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Ana. Loop Init. Reset EAL RST RST EAL None Ignored CE i35) Ignored i0 Y2) ECK i35) ^i35) Ana. Loop Act. EAL Send Cont. Pulses TI/ATI i35) Ignored SCP SCP Ignored Y2) TI ic3) Y2) Notation: Send Sing. Pulses State SSP SSP Ignored TI com is4) s receive Ind s trans. Y2) Note : 1. RST can be issued at any state, while SCP, SCZ and EAL can be issued only at F3 or F7. 2. Y is one of the commands : ECK, DRC, RST. 3. Continuous pulses at 96 kHz. 4. Isolated pulses at 2 kHz. 5. The INFO 3 is transmitted internally only. FIG.7.6 LAYER 1 ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION STATE DIAGRAM - SPECIAL MODE -27 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 7.2.4 D Channel Access Control The D channel access control includes collision detection and priority management. The collision detection is always enabled. The priority management procedure as specified in ITU-T I.430 is fully implemented in W6692A. A collision is detected if the transmitted D bit and the received echo bit do not match. When this occurs, D channel transmission is immediately stopped, and the echo channel is monitored to attempt the next D channel access. There are two priority classes: class 1 and class 2. Within each class, there are normal and lower priority levels. TABLE 7.4 D PRIORITY CLASSES Priority class 1 Priority class 2 Normal level 8 Lower level 9 10 11 The selection of priority class is via the AR8/AR10 command. The following table summarizes the commands/indications used for setting the priority classes: TABLE 7.5 D PRIORITY COMMANDS/INDICATIONS Command Activate request, set priority 8 Activate request, set priority 10 Indication Activate indication with priority 8 Activate indication with priority 10 Symbol AR8 AR10 Abbr. AI8 AI10 Code 1000 1001 1100 1101 Remarks Activation command, set D channel priority to 8 Activation command, set D channel priority to 10 Remarks Info 4 received, D channel priority is 8 or 9 Info 4 received, D channel priority is 10 or 11 7.2.5 Frame Alignment The following sections describe the behavior of W6692A in respect to the CTS-2 conformance test procedures for frame alignment. Please refer to ETSI-TM3 Appendix B1 for detailed descriptions. -28 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller FAinfA_1fr This test checks if TE does not lose frame alignment on receipt of one bad frame. The pattern for the bad frame is defined as IX_96 kHz. This pattern consists of alternating pulses at 96 kHz during the whole frame. Device W6692A Settings None Result Pass FAinfB_1fr This test checks if TE does not lose frame alignment on receipt of one IX_I4noflag frame which has no framing and balancing bit. Device W6692A Settings None Result Pass FAinfD_1fr This test checks if TE does not lose frame alignment on receipt of one IX-I4viol16 frame. The IX_I4viol16 frame remains at binary "1" until the first B2 bit which is bit position 16. The pulse sequences are: Framing bit, balancing bit, B2 bit, M bit, S bit, balancing bit. The TE should reflect the received FA bit (FA="1") in the transmitted frame. Device W6692A Settings None Result Pass FAinfA_kfr This is to test the number k of IX_96 kHz frames necessary for loss of frame alignment. Device W6692A Settings k =2 Result Pass FAinfB_kfr This is to test the number k of IX_I4noflag frames necessary for loss of frame alignment. -29 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Device W6692A Settings k =2 Result Pass FAinfD_kfr This is to test the number k of IX_I4noflag frames necessary for loss of frame alignment. Device W6692A Settings k=2 Result Pass Faregain This is to test the number m of good frames necessary for regain of frame alignment. The TE regains frame alignment at m+1 frame. The W6692A achieves synchronization after 5 frames, i.e m=4. Device W6692A Settings m=4 Result Pass 7.2.6 Multiframe Synchronization As specified by ITU-T I.430, the Q bit is transmitted from TE to NT in the position normally occupied by the auxiliary framing bit (FA) in one frame out of 5, whereas the S bit is transmitted from NT to TE. The S and Q bit positions and multiframe structure are shown in Table 7.6. The functions provided by W6692A are: - - - Multiframe synchronization: Synchronization is achived when the M bit pattern has been correctly received during 20 consecutive frames starting from frame number 1. Note: Criterion for multiframe synchronization is not defined in I.430 Recommendation. S bits receive and detect: When synchronization is achieved, the four received S bits in frames 1,6,11,16 are stored as S1 to S4 in the SQR register respectively. A change in the recived four bits (S1-4) is indicated by an interrupt. Multiframe synchronization monitoring: Multiframe synchronization is constantly monitored. The synchronization state is indicated by the MSYN bit in the SQR register. Q bits transmit and FA mirroring: When multiframe synchronization is achived, the four bits Q1-4 stored in the SQXR register are transmitted as the four Q bits (FA-bit position) in frames 1,6,11 and 16. Otherwise the FA bit transmitted is a mirror of the received FA-bit. At loss of synchronization, the mirroring is resumed at the next FAbit. The multiframe synchronization can be disabled by setting MFD bit in the D_MODE register. -30 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller - According to I.430 Recommendation, the S/Q channel can be used as operation and maintenance signalling channel. At transmitter, a S/Q code for a message shall be repeated at least six times or as many as necessary to obtain the desired response. At receiver, a message shall be considered received only when the proper codes is received three consecutive times. TABLE 7.6 Multiframe structure in S/T interface Frame Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 etc. NT-to-TE FA-bit position ONE ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ONE ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ONE ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ONE ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ONE ZERO NT-to-TE M bit ONE ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ONE ZERO NT-to-TE S bit S1 ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO S2 ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO S3 ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO S4 ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO S1 ZERO TE-to-NT FA-bit position Q1 ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO Q2 ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO Q3 ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO Q4 ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO Q1 ZERO 7.2.7 Test Functions The W6692A provides loop and test functions as follows: -31 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller - - - - Digital loop via DLP bit in D_MODE register: In the layer 2 block, the transmitted 2B+D data are internally looped (from HDLC transmitter to HDLC receiver), and in the PCM ports, the transmitted B channels are internally looped (from PCM inputs to PCM outputs). The clock timings are generated internally and are independent of the S bus timing. This loop function is used for test of PCM and higher layer functions, excluding layer 1. After hardware reset, W6692A will power down if S bus is not connected or if there is no signal on the S bus. In this case, the C/I command ECK must be issued to power up the chip. Analog loop via the C/I command EAL: The analog S interface transmitter is internally connected to the S interface receiver. When the receiver has synchronized itself to the internal INFO 3 signal, the message "Test Indication" or "Awake Test Indication" is delivered to the CIR register. No signal is transmitted over the S interface. In this mode, the S interface awake detector is enabled. Therefore if a level (INFO 2/ INFO 4) is detected on the S interface, this will be reported by the "Awake Test Indication (ATI)" indication. Remote loopback via RLP bit in D_MODE register: The digital 2B data received from the S interface receiver is loopbacked to the S interface transmitter. The D channel is not looped. When RLP is enabled, layer 1 D channel is connected to HDLC port and DLP cannot be enabled. Transmission of special test signals via layer 1 command: * Send Single Pulses (SSP): To send isolated single pulses of alternating polarity, with pulse width of one bit time, 250 us apart, with a repetition frequency of 2 kHz. * Send Continuous Pulses (SCP): To send continuous pulses of alternating polarity, with pulse width of bit time. The repetition frequency is 96 kHz. 250 us (a) Single pulses (b) Continuous pulses FIG.7.7 SSP AND SCP TEST SIGNALS -32 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 7.3 Serial Interface Bus The 192 kbps S/T interface signal consists of two B channels (64 kbps each), one D channel (16 kbps) and other control signals. The multiplexing/demultiplexing functions are carried out in the Serial Interface Bus (SIB) block. In addition, the B1 and B2 channels can be individually set to carry 64 kbps or 56 kbps traffic. 7.4 B Channel Switching There are three switching terminals in W6692A: layer 1, layer 2, CODEC interface. Layer 1 can be S/T or U. CODEC interface can be PCM port or GCI bus. They are set in in GCR register. GMODE GACT Layer 1 CODEC Interface GCI Mode 0 0 1 0 1 x internal S/T PCM Port internal S/T GCI Bus enternal U transceiver PCM Port Master Master Slave The B1 and B2 channel switchings are programmed independently. The switching matrix is controlled by PXC bit in PCTL register and B1_SW[1:0], B2_SW[1:0] bits in B1_MODE and B2_MODE registers as follows : PXC 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 PCM1/GCI_B1 Receive Table B1_SW[1:0] B2_SW[1:0] PCM1/GCI_B1 Rx 00 xx L1_B1 01 xx L1_B1 10 xx L2_B1 11 xx PCM1/GCI_B1 xx 00 L1_B2 xx 01 L1_B2 xx 10 L2_B2 xx 11 PCM2/GCI_B2 PXC 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 PCM2/GCI_B2 Receive Table B1_SW[1:0] B2_SW[1:0] PCM2/GCI_B2 Rx xx 00 L1_B2 xx 01 L1_B2 xx 10 L2_B2 xx 11 PCM2/GCI_B2 00 xx L1_B1 01 xx L1_B1 10 xx L2_B1 11 xx PCM1/GCI_B1 -33 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller PXC x x 0 1 x Layer2-B1 Receive Table B1_SW[1:0] B2_SW[1:0] L2_B1 Rx 00 xx L1_B1 01 xx L1_B1 10 xx PCM1/GCI_B1 10 xx PCM2/GCI_B2 11 xx L1_B1 PXC x x 0 1 x Layer2-B2 Receive Table B1_SW[1:0] B2_SW[1:0] xx 00 xx 01 xx 10 xx 10 xx 11 L2_B2 Rx L1_B2 L1_B2 PCM2/GCI_B2 PCM1/GCI_B1 L1_B2 PXC x 0 1 x x Layer1-B1 Receive Table B1_SW[1:0] B2_SW[1:0] 00 xx 01 xx 01 xx 10 xx 11 xx L1_B1 Rx L2_B1 PCM1/GCI_B1 PCM2/GCI_B2 High L2_B1 PXC x 0 1 x x Layer1-B2 Receive Table B1_SW[1:0] B2_SW[1:0] xx 00 xx 01 xx 01 xx 10 xx 11 L1_B2 Rx L2_B2 PCM2/GCI_B2 PCM1/GCI_B1 High L2_B2 For examples, if switching connection of Layer1-B1 and PCM2, Layer1-B2 and PCM1 are considered, then look up the destination as PCM2 from PCM2/GCI_B2 Receive Table. To achieve above switching function, chose Layer1-B2 as source, set PXC bit to 1 and set 00 or 01 to B1_SW[1:0]. It is the same procedure for Layer1-B2/PCM1 by searching PCI/GCI_B1 Receive table, seting PXC bit to 1 and seting 00 or 01 to B2_SW[1:0]. There are many switching combinations, and varieties of switching functions are easily programmed. -34 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 7.5 PCM Port There are two PCM ports in W6692A. Data is valid when respective PFCK is HIGH. The frame synchronization clocks (PFCK1-2) are 8 kHz and the bit synchronization clock (PBCK) is 1.536 MHz. 7.6 D Channel HDLC Controller There are two HDLC protocols that are used for ISDN layer 2 functions : LAPD and LAPB. Their frame formats are shown below. LAPB modulo 8 : flag address (1 octet) (1octet) control (1octet) Control field bits I frame S frame U frame 7 information (0 or N octets) 6 N(R) N(R) M M 5 M FCS (2 octets) 4 P P/F P/F 3 2 N(S) S M S M flag (1 octet) 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 LAPB modulo 128 : flag address (1 octet) (1octet) control (1 or 2 octets) Control field bits I frame 7 6 5 S frame X M X M X M U frame information (0 or N octets) 1st octet 4 3 N(S) X S P/F M FCS (2 octets) 2 1 0 S M 0 1 0 1 1 7 flag (1 octet) 6 5 2nd octet 4 3 2 1 N(R) N(R) 0 P P/F LAPD : modulo 128 only flag (1 octet) address (2 octets) control (2 octets) Control field bits I frame 7 6 5 S frame 0 M 0 M 0 M U frame information (0 or N octets) 1st octet 4 3 N(S) 0 S P/F M FCS (2 octets) 2 1 0 S M 0 1 0 1 1 7 6 5 flag (1 octet) 2nd octet 4 3 2 1 N(R) N(R) 0 P/F P/F -35 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 7.6.1 D Channel Message Transfer Modes The D channel HDLC controller operates in transparent mode. Chracteristics: - Receive frame address recognition Address comparison maskable bit-by-bit Flag generation / deletion Zero bit insertion/ deletion Frame Check Sequence (FCS) generation/ check with CRC_ITU-T Note. The LAPD protocol uses the CRC_ITU-T for Frame Check Sequence. The polynominal is X16 + X12 + X5 + 1. For address recognition, the W6692A provides four programmable registers for individual SAPI and TEI values, SAP1-2 and TEI1-2, plus two fixed values for group SAPI and TEI, SAPG and TEIG. The SAPG equals 02H(C/R=1) or 00H(C/R=0) which corresponds to SAPI = 0. The TEIG equals FFH which corresponds to TEI = 127. Incoming frame with 1st address octet= (SAP1 or SAP2 or SAPG) and 2nd address octet= (TEI1 or TEI2 or TEIG) will be stored in the receive FIFO, with flag and FCS fields being discarded and stuffed bits being removed. The valid address combinations are : - SAP1 and TEI1 SAP1 and TEI=127 SAP2 and TEI2 SAP2 and TEI=127 SAPI=0 and TEI1 SAPI=0 and TEI2 SAPI=0 and TEI=127 The receive frame address comparisons can be disabled (masked) per bit basis by setting the D_SAM and D_TAM registers, but comparisons with the SAPG or TEIG cannot be disabled. 7.6.2 Reception of Frames in D Channel A 128-byte FIFO is provided in the receive direction. The data movement is handled by interrupts. There are two interrupt sources: Receive Message Ready (D_RMR) and Receive Message End (D_RME). The D_RMR interrupt indicates that at least 64 bytes of data have been received and the message/ frame is not ended. Upon D_RMR interrupt, the microprocessor reads out 64 bytes of data from the FIFO. The D_RME interrupt indicates the last segment of a message or a -36 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller message with length 64 bytes has been received. The length of data is less than or equal to 64 and is specified in the D_RBCL register. If the length of the last segment of message is 64, only D_RME interrupt is generated and the RBC5-0 bits in D_RBCL register are 000000B. The data between the opening flag and the CRC field are stored in D_RFIFO. For LAPD frame, this includes the address field, control field and information field. When a D_RMR or D_RME interrupt is generated, the micro-processor must read out the data from D_RFIFO and issues the Receive Message Acknowledgement command (D_CMDR: RACK bit) to explicitly acknowledge the interrupt. The microprocessor must handle the interrupt before more than 64 bytes of data are received. This corresponds to a maximum microprocessor reaction time of 32 ms at 16 kbps data rate. If the microprocessor is late in handling the interrupt, the incoming additional bytes will result in a "data overflow" interrupt and status bit. 7.6.3 Transmission of Frames in D Channel A 128-byte FIFO is provided in the transmit direction. If the transmit FIFO is ready (which is indicated by a D_XFR interrupt), the micro-processor can write up to 64 bytes of data into the FIFO and use the XMS command bit to start frame transmission. The HDLC transmitter sends the opening flag first and then sends the data in the transmit FIFO. The microprocessor must write the address, control and information field of a frame into the transmit FIFO. Every time no more than 64 bytes of data are left in the transmit FIFO, the transmitter generates a D_XFR interrupt to request another block of data. The microprocessor can then write further data to the transmit FIFO and enables the subsequent transmission by issuing an XMS command. If the data written to the FIFO is the last segment of a frame, the microprocessor issues the XME (Transmit Message End) and XMS command bits to finish the frame transmission. The transmitter then transmits the data in the FIFO and appends CRC and closing flag. If the microprocessor fails to respond the D_XFR interrupt within a given time (32 ms), a data underrun condition will occur. The W6692A will automatically reset the transmitter and send inter frame time fill pattern (all 1's) on D channel. The microprocessor is informed about this condition via an XDUN (Transmit Data Underrun) interrupt in D_EXIR register. The microprocessor must wait until transmit FIFO ready (via XFR interrupt), re-write data, and issue XMS command to re-transmit the data. It is possible to abort a frame by issuing a D_CMDR:XRST (D channel Transmitter Reset) command. The XRST command resets the transmitter and causes a transmit FIFO ready condition. After the microprocessor has issued the XME command, the successful termination of transmission is indicated by an D_XFR interrupt. -37 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller The inter-frame time fill pattern must be all 1's, according to ITU-T I.430. Collisions which occur on the D channel of S interface will cause an D_EXIR:XCOL interrupt. A XRST (Transmitter Reset) command must be issued and software must wait until transmit FIFO ready (via XFR interrupt), re-write data, and issue XMS command to re-transmit the data. 7.7 B Channel HDLC Controller There are two B channel HDLC controllers. Each B channel HDLC controller provides two operation modes : - Transparent mode Characteristics : * 2 byte address field * Receive address comparison maskable bit-by-bit * Data between opening flag and CRC (not included) stored in receive FIFO * Flag generation/ deletion * Frame Check Sequence generation/ check with CRC_ITU-T polynominal * Zero bit insertion/ deletion - Extended transparent mode Characteristics : * All data transmitted/ received without modification * No address comparison * No flag generation/ detection * No FCS generation/ check * No bit stuffing For PCM-HDLC connection, only extended transparent mode can be selected. The data rate in B channel can be set at 64 kbps or 56 kbps by the B1_MODE (B2_MODE) : SW56 bit. 7.7.1 Reception of Frames in B Channel A 128-byte FIFO is provided in the receive direction. The receive FIFO threshold can be set at 64 or 96 bytes by the Bn_MODE register. If the number of received data reaches the threshold, a Receive Message Ready (RMR) interrupt will be generated. The operations for reception of frames differ in each mode: Transparent mode: The received frame address is compared with the contents in receive address registers. In addition, the comparisons can be selectively masked bit-by-bit via address mask registers. Comparison is disabled when the corresponding mask bit is "1". -38 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller In addition, flag recognition, CRC check and zero bit deletion are also performed. The result of CRC check is indicated in Bn_STAR: CRCE bit. The data between opening flag and CRC field (not included) is stored in receive FIFO. Two interrupts are used for the reception of data. The RMR interrupt in Bn_EXIR register indicates at least a threshold block of data have been put in the receive FIFO. The RME interrupt in Bn_EXIR register indicates the end of frame has been received. The micro-processor can read out a threshold length of data from receive FIFO at RMR interrupt, or all the data in receive FIFO at RME interrupt. At each RMR/ RME interrupt, micro-processor must issue a Receive Message Acknowledgement(RACK) command to explicitly acknowledge the interrupt. The microprocessor reaction time for RMR/ RME interrupt depends on the FIFO threshold setting and B channel data rate. For example, it is 8 ms if the FIFO threshold is 64 and the B channel data rate is 64 kbps. If the microprocessor is late in handling the interrupt, the incoming additional bytes will result in a "data overflow" interrupt and status bit. Extended transparent mode: In this mode, all data received are stored in the receive FIFO without any modification. Every time up to a threshold length of data has been stored in the FIFO, a Bn_RMR interrupt is generated. In this mode, there is no RME interrupt. The microprocessor must react to the RMR interrupt in time, otherwise a "data overflow" interrupt and status bit will be generated. 7.7.2 Transmission of Frames in B Channel A 128-byte FIFO is provided in the transmit direction. The FIFO threshold can be set at 64 or 96 bytes. The transmitter and receiver use the same FIFO threshold setting. The transmit operations differ in both modes: Transparent mode: In this mode, the following functions are performed by the transmitter automatically: - Flag generation - CRC generation - Zero bit insertion The fields such as address, control and information are provided by the microprocessor and are stored in transmit FIFO. To start the frame transmission, the microprocessor issues a XMS (Transmit Message Start) command. The transmitter requests another block of data via XFR interrupt when more than a threshold length of vacancies are left in the FIFO.The micro-processor then writes up to a threshold length of data into the FIFO and activates the subsequent transmission of the frame by a XMS command too. The microprocessor indicates the end of the frame transmission by issuing XME (Transmit Message End) and XMS commands at the same time. The transmitter then transmits all the data left in the transmit FIFO and appends the CRC and closing flag. After this, a XFR interrupt is generated. The inter-frame time fill pattern can be programmed to 1's or flags. -39 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller During the frame transmission, the microprocessor reaction time for the XFR interrupt depends on the FIFO threshold setting and B channel data rate. For example, it is 8 ms if the FIFO threshold is 64 and the B channel data rate is 64 kbps. If the microprocessor fails to responds within the given reaction time, the transmit FIFO will be underrun. In this case, the W6692A will automatically reset the transmitter and send the inter frame time fill pattern on B channel. The microprocessor is informed about this via a Transmit Data Underrun interrupt (XDUN bit in Bn_EXIR register). The microprocessor must wait until transmit FIFO ready (via XFR interrupt), re-write data, and issue XMS command to re-transmit the data. The microprocessor can abort a frame transmission by issuing a Transmitter Reset command (XRES bit in Bn_CMDR register). The XRES command resets the transmitter and sends inter frame time fill pattern on B channel. It also results in a transmit pool ready condition. Extended transparent mode: All the data in the transmit FIFO are transmitted without any modification, i.e. no flags and CRCs are inserted, and no bit stuffing is performed. Transmission is started by a XMS command. The transmitter requests another block of data via XFR interrupt when more than a threshold length of vacancies are left in the FIFO. The microprocessor reacts to this condition by writing up to a threshold length of data into the transmit FIFO and issues a XMS command to continue the message transmission. The microprocessor reaction time depends on the FIFO threshold setting and B channel data rate. For example, it is 8 ms if the FIFO threshold is 64 and the B channel data rate is 64 kbps. If the microprocessor fails to respond within the given reaction time, the transmit FIFO will hold no data to transmit. In this case, the W6692A will automatically reset the transmitter and send idle channel pattern defined in Bn_IDLE register. The microprocessor is informed about this via a Transmit Data Underrun interrupt (XDUN bit in Bn_EXIR register). The microprocessor must wait until transmit FIFO ready (via XFR interrupt), rewrite data, and issue XMS command to re-transmit the data. 7.8 GCI Mode Serial Interface Bus The GCI is a generalization and enchancement of the general purpose, serial interface bus. The channel structure of the GCI mode is depicted below. The timing is compatible with Siemens's IOM-2 TE mode. Channel Structure of the W6692A GCI Mode: FSC B1 B2 CH0 MON0 D C/I0 IC1 IC2 CH1 MON1 CH2 C/I1 C/I2 -40 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller B1 1st Octet B2 Monitor nd 2 Octet 3 rd D Octet C/I MR MX 4th Octet DD,DU FSC DCL : 768 kbits/s : 8 kHz : 1536 kHz FIG 7.8 GCI MODE CHANNEL STRUCTURE GCI slave mode: connects to U transceiver such as PEB 2091, CH0 used only. GCI master mode: connects to PSB 2165 ARCOFI, uses B1, B2, IC1 and IC2 for voice communication, uses MON1 for programming, uses C/I1 for pins SA-SD access. 7.8.1 GCI Mode C/I0 Channel Handling The Command/Indication channel 0 carries real-time status information between the W6692A and another device connected to the GCI bus interface. One C/I0 channel conveys the commands and indications between a layer 1 device and layer 2 device. This C/I0 channel is accessed via register CIR (in receive direction, layer 1 to layer 2) and register CIX (in transmit direction, layer 2 to layer 1). The C/I code is 4-bit long. * In the receive direction, the code from layer 1 is continuously monitored, with an interrupt being generated anytime a change occurs. A new code must be found in two consecutive GCI frames to be consided valid and to trigger a C/I code change interrupt status (double last look criterion). * In the transmit direction, the code written in CIX is continuously transmitted in the channel. 7.8.2 GCI Mode Monitor Channel Handling The Monitor channel protocol is a handshake protocol used for high speed information exchange between the W6692A and other devices. The Monitor channel is necessary for: * Programming and controlling devices attached to the GCI interface. * Data exchange between two microprocessor systems attached to two different devices on one GCI backplane. Use of the Monitor channel avoids the necessity of a dedicated serial communication path between two systems. The Monitor channel operates on an asynchronous basis. While data transfers on the bus take place synchronized to frame sync, the flow of data is controlled by a handshake procedure using the Monitor Channel Receiver (MOR) and Monitor Channel Transmit (MOX) bits. When data is placed into the Monitor channel and the MX bit is activated. This data will be transmitted repeatedly once per 8 KHz frame until the transfer is acknowledged via the MR bit. -41 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller The microprocessor may either enforce a 1 (idle state) in MR, MX by setting the control bit MRC or MXC (MOCR register) to 0, or enable the control of these bits internally by the W6692A according to the Monitor channel protocol. Thus, before a data exchange can begin, the control bit MRC, or MXC should be set to 1 by the microprocessor. The relevant status bits are: * For the reception of Monitor data: MDR (Monitor Channel Data Received ) MER (Monitor Channel End of Reception) * For the transmission of Monitor data: MDA (Monitor Channel Data Acknowledged ) MAB (Monitor Channel Data Abort) About the status bit MAC( Monitor Channel Transmit Active) indicates whether a transmission is progress. * If set MAC = 0, the previous transmission has been terminated. Before starting a transmission, the microprocessor should verify that the transmitter is inactive. * If set MAC = 1, after having written data into the Monitor Transmit Channel (MOX) register, the microprocessor sets this bit to 1. This enables the MX bit to go active (0), indicating the presence of valid Monitor data (contents of MOX) in the corresponding frame. The receiving device stores the Monitor byte in its MOR (Monitor Receive Register) and generates a MDR (Monitor Channel Data Receive) interrupt status. Alerted by the MDR interrupt, the microprocessor reads the MOR register. When it is ready to accept data, it sets the MR control bit MRC to 1 to enable the receiver to store succeeding Monitor channel bytes and acknowledge them according to the Monitor channel protocol. In addition, it enables other Monitor channel interrupts by setting Monitor Channel Interrupt Enable to 1. The first Monitor channel byte is acknowledged by the receiving device setting the MR bit to 0. This causes a MDA (Monitor Channel Data Acknowledge) interrupt status at the transmitter. A new Monitor channel data byte can now be written by the microprocessor in MOX register. The MX bit is still in the active (0) state. The transmitter indicates a new byte in the Monitor channel by returning the MX bit active after sending it once in the inactive state. The receiver stores the Monitor channel byte in MOR register and generates a new MDR interrupt status. When the microprocessor has read the MOR register , the receiver acknowledges the data by returning the MR bit active after sending it once in the inactive state. This in turn causes the transmitter to generate a MDA interrupt status. This MDA interrupt write data MDR interrupt read data MDA interrupt handshake procedure is repeated as long as the transmitter has data to send. When the last byte has been acknowledged by the receiver (MDA interrupt status), the microprocessor sets the Monitor channel Transmit Control bit MXC to 0. This enforces an inactive (1) state in the MX bit. Two frames of MX inactive signifies the end of a message. Thus, a MER (Monitor channel End of Reception) interrupt status is generated by the receiver when the MX is received in the inactive state in two consecutive frames. As a result, the microprocessor sets the MR control bit MRC to 0, which in turn enforces an inactive state in the MR bit. This marks the end of the transmittion, making the MAC (Monitor channel Active) bit return to 0. During a transmission process, it is possible for the receiver to ask a transmission to be aborted by sending an inactive MR bit value in two consecutive frames. This is effected by the microprocessor writing the MR control bit MRC to 0. An aborted transmission is indicated by a MAB (Monitor Channel Data Abort) interrupt status at the transmitter. 7.9 PCI/MP Interface Circuit 7.9.1 PCI Slave Mode And Configuration Serial EEPROM W6692A implements target mode function which meets PCI local bus specification revision 2.2 and PCI Power Management 1.1. All the signals are 5V, 33 MHz compatible. A single function, type 00h configuration header is implemented for control of -42 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller the internal ISDN device and external peripheral device(s). Memory mode and/or IO mode can be used for W6692A's register access. After power on reset, W6692A starts to read configuration data from serial EEPROM. The first word read is Vendor ID, if it equals FFFFH, a EEPROM empty condition is assumed and chip's internal default configuration data is used, otherwise, the configuration data stored in serial EEPROM is used. The default configuration data is as follows: Vendor ID Device ID Class Code Revision ID Interface Code Subclass Code Base Class Code Subsystem Vendor ID Subsystem ID Memory Base Address Register IO Base Address Register Power Management Capability (PMC) : 1050H (Winbond's ID) : 6692H : 02 04 00H : 00H : 00H : 04H : 02H : FFFFH : FFFFH : Enabled and Implemented at 10H : Enabled and Implemented at 14H : FE62H A 9346/93C46 type serial EEPROM is used for configuration data storage. Address/Byte 0H 2H 4H 6H 8H AH CH EH 1 The EEPORM's data layout is as follows : 0 Vendor ID Device ID Interface Code Revision ID Base Class Code Subclass Code Subsystem Vendor ID Subsystem ID Address Register Control PMC FIG.7.9 SERIAL EEPROM DATA LAYOUT Word 6 (Bytes 12,13) is for Address Register Control, its format is : 15 MEN 14 IEN 13 PRE 12 0 not used The Address Register Control determines the PCI address register's implementation. Bit 13 is the prefetchable bit in Memory Base Address register. MEN IEN PCI Configuration Space Location 10H PCI Configuration Space Location 14H Bit 13 used ? -43 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 EEPROM empty Memory Base Address Reg. Memory Base Address Reg. IO Base Address Reg. Not Implemented Memory Base Address Reg. IO Base Address Reg. Not Implemented Not Implemented Not Implemented IO Base Address Reg. yes yes no no PRE=0 In all cases, Memory Base Address register allocates 4096 byte spaces and IO Base Address register allocates 256 byte space. Word 7 is Power Management Capability register. It replaces the chip's default value if EEPROM is not empty. W6692A provides an EPCTL register for on-board access of the serial EEPROM. Software is responsible for creation of the serial EEPROM's waveform and timing and can read, write or erase the EEPROM's content. 7.9.2 8-bit Microprocessor Interface At power up, the reset pin RST# must be asserted to initialize the chip. At rising edge of RST#, data value at CLK pin determines the operation modes: active clock for PCI mode, HIGH for Intel bus mode, LOW for Motorola bus mode. 7.10 Peripheral Control In PCI card with POTS application, the peripheral devices such as CODEC, DTMF and SLIC can be directly controlled by W6692A, therefore eliminates the need for another PCI controller chip. The peripheral control function includes timer, interrupt inputs and programmable IOs or microprocessor interface. There are two timers implemented in W6692A: TIMR1 and TIMR2. TIMR1 is a long period timer whcich can be used to control the cadence of ring tone. TIMR2 is a short period timer which can be used to generate the 20 Hz ring signal. TIMR1 TIMR2 Address 10H 4CH Interrupt status DEXIR:T1EXP DEXIR:TIN2 Interrupt mask DEXIM:T1EXP DEXIM:TIN2 Output pin No TOUT2 Period (0..127)x 100 ms (1..63) ms Cyclic yes (CNT=7) yes(TMD=1) There are two interrupt input pins : XINTIN0, XINTIN1. Whenever signal level changes (eith rising or falling), a maskable interrupt is generated which in turn will make an interrupt request on PCI bus if it is unmasked. The interrupt status bits are ISTA:XINT0, ISTA:XINT1. The mask bits are IMASK:XINT0, IMASK:XINT1. In addition, the signal level can be read at bits SQR:XIND0, SQR;XIND1. These pins can be used for monitor of SLIC hook state and/or DTMF data valid status. The IO interface can be programmed as simple IO (PCTL:XMODE=0) or 8-bit microprocessor interface (PCTL:XMODE=1). As simple IOs, the pin data are accessed via XADDR and XDATA registers. The register data is output on the pin if its output enable bit is set, the read data reflects the current level of pin. In this mode, a maximum of 11 IO ports are supported. If programmed as 8-bit microprocessor mode, an 8-bit multiplexed bus is used to control peripheral deveces. The address and data are multiplexed on XAD7-0. XALE is used for address latch and XRDB, XWRB are used for read/write strobe. To access peripheral device, first write the desired address in XADDR register and then read/write data at XDATA register. In this mode, a maximum of 256 byte ports can be supported by adding some glue TTLs on board. -44 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller -45 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 8. REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS Note : For all the internal registers, only byte access is allowed in all cases. 8.1 Chip Control and D_ch HDLC controller TABLE 8.1 REGISTER ADDRESS MAP: CHIP CONTROL AND D CHANNEL HDLC Section 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1.4 8.1.5 8.1.6 8.1.7 8.1.8 8.1.9 8.1.10 8.1.11 8.1.12 8.1.13 8.1.14 8.1.15 8.1.16 8.1.17 8.1.18 8.1.19 8.1.20 8.1.21 8.1.22 8.1.23 8.1.24 8.1.25 8.1.26 8.1.27 8.1.28 8.1.29 8.1.30 8.1.31 Offset 00/00 04/01 08/02 0C/03 10/04 14/05 18/06 1C/07 20/08 24/09 28/0A 2C/0B 30/0C 34/0D 38/0E 3C/0F 40/10 44/11 48/12 4C/13 50/14 54/15 58/16 5C/17 60/18 64/19 68/1A 6C/1B 70/1C 74/1D 78/1E Access R W W R/W R/W R_clear R/W R_clear R/W R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R R R/W R/W R/W R R/W R R/W R/W R R/W R_clear R/W Register Name D_RFIFO D_XFIFO D_CMDR D_MODE TIMR1 ISTA IMASK D_EXIR D_EXIM D_XSTA D_RSTA D_SAM D_SAP1 D_SAP2 D_TAM D_TEI1 D_TEI2 D_RBCH D_RBCL TIMR2 L1_RC CTL CIR CIX SQR SQX PCTL MO0R MO0X MO0I MO0C Description D channel receive FIFO D channel transmit FIFO D channel command register D channel mode control Timer 1 Interrupt status register Interrupt mask register D channel extended interrupt D channel extended interrupt mask D channel transmit status D channel receive status D channel address mask 1 D channel individual SAPI 1 D channel individual SAPI 2 D channel address mask 2 D channel individual TEI 1 D channel individual TEI 2 D channel receive frame byte count high D channel receive frame byte count low Timer 2 GCI layer 1 ready code Control register Command/Indication receive Command/Indication transmit S/Q channel receive register S/Q channel transmit register Peripheral control register Monitor receive channel 0 Monitor transmit channel 0 Monitor channel 0 interrupt Monitor channel 0 control register -46 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 8.1.32 8.1.33 8.1.34 8.1.35 8.1.36 8.1.37 8.1.38 8.1.39 8.1.40 8.1.41 8.1.42 8.1.43 8.1.44 8.1.45 8.1.46 8.1.47 7C/1F F4/3D F8/3E FC/3F 6D/40 71/41 75/42 79/43 6E/44 72/45 6F/46 73/47 7D/48 7E/49 76/4A 7A/4B R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W R_clear R/W R R/W R R/W R R/W R_clear R/W GCR XADDR XDATA EPCTL MO1R MO1X MO1I MO1C IC1R IC1X IC2R IC2X CI1R CI1X GCI_EXIR GCI_EXIM GCI mode control/ status register Peripheral address register Peripheral data register Serial EEPROM control Monitor receive channel 1 Monitor transmit channel 1 Monitor channel 1 interrupt Monotor channel 1 control GCI IC1 receive GCI IC1 transmit GCI IC2 receive GCI IC2 transmit GCI CI1 indication GCI CI1 command GCI extended interrupt GCI extended interrupt mask TABLE 8.2 REGISTER SUMMARY: Offset R/W Name 00/00 04/01 08/02 0C/03 10/04 14/05 18/06 1C/07 20/08 24/09 28/0A 2C/0B 30/0C 34/0D 38/0E 3C/0F 40/10 44/11 48/12 4C/13 50/14 D_RFIFO D_XFIFO D_CMDR D_MODE TIMR1 ISTA IMASK D_EXIR D_EXIM D_XSTA D_RSTA D_SAM D_SAP1 D_SAP2 D_TAM D_TEI1 D_TEI2 D_RBCH D_RBCL TIMR2 L1_RC R W W R/W R/W R_clr R/W R_clr R/W R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R R W R/W 7 RACK 0 T1MD D_RMR D_RMR RDOV RDOV XDOW 0 SAM7 SA17 SA27 TAM7 TA17 TA27 VN1 RBC7 TMD 0 6 RRST RACT CNT6 D_RME D_RME XDUN XDUN 0 RDOV SAM6 SA16 SA26 TAM6 TA16 TA26 VN0 RBC6 TIDLE 0 CHIP CONTROL AND D CHANNEL HDLC 5 4 0 XACTB CNT5 D_XFR D_XFR XCOL XCOL XBZ CRCE SAM5 SA15 SA25 TAM5 TA15 TA25 LOV RBC5 TCN5 0 STT1 0 CNT4 XINT1 XINT1 TIN2 TIN2 DRDY RMB SAM4 SA14 SA24 TAM4 TA14 TA24 RBC12 RBC4 TCN4 0 3 XMS PMES CNT3 XINT0 XINT0 GCI GCI 0 0 SAM3 SA13 SA23 TAM3 TA13 TA23 RBC11 RBC3 TCN3 RC3 2 0 MFD CNT2 D_EXI D_EXI ISC ISC 0 0 SAM2 SA12 SA22 TAM2 TA12 TA22 RBC10 RBC2 TCN2 RC2 1 XME DLP CNT1 B1_EXI B1_EXI T1EXP T1EXP 0 0 SAM1 SA11 SA21 TAM1 TA11 TA21 RBC9 RBC1 TCN1 RC1 0 XRST RLP CNT0 B2_EXI B2_EXI 0 1 0 0 SAM0 SA10 SA20 TAM0 TA10 TA20 RBC8 RBC0 TCN0 RC0 -47 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Offset 54/15 58/16 5C/17 60/18 64/19 68/1A 6C/1B 70/1C 74/1D 78/1E 7C/1F F4/3D R/W R/W R R/W R R/W R/W R R/W R_clr R/W R/W R/W Name CTL CIR CIX SQR SQX PCTL MO0R MO0X MO0I MO0C GCR XADDR F8/3E R/W XDATA FC/3F 6D/40 71/41 75/42 79/43 6E/44 72/45 6F/46 73/47 7D/48 7E/49 76/4A 7A/4B EPCTL MO1R MO1X MO1I MO1C IC1R IC1X IC2R IC2X CI1R CI1X GCI_EXIR GCI_EXIM R/W R R/W R_clr R/W R R/W R R/W R R/W R_clr R/W 7 0 SCC 0 XIND1 0 OE5 0 MAC0 XA7 /IO7 XD7 6 0 5 SRST 4 0 3 0 CODR3 CODX3 S1 Q1 OE1 2 0 CODR2 CODX2 S2 Q2 OE0 1 OPS1 CODR1 CODX1 S3 Q3 XMODE 0 OPS0 CODR0 CODX0 S4 Q4 PXC TLP XA4 /IO4 XD4 MDR0 MRIE0 GRLP XA3 /IO3 XD3 SDI EN MER0 MRC0 SPU XA2 /IO2 XD2 /IO10 SK MDA0 MXIE0 PD XA1 /IO1 XD1 /IO9 CS MAB0 MXC0 GMODE XA0 /IO0 XD0 /IO8 SDO 0 IC1_4 IC1_4 IC2_4 IC2_4 CI1R_5 CI1X_5 MO1C MO1C MDR1 MRIE1 IC1_3 IC1_3 IC2_3 IC2_3 CI1R_4 CI1X_4 MO0C 0 MER1 MRC1 IC1_2 IC1_2 IC2_2 IC2_2 CI1R_3 CI1X_3 IC1 IC1 MDA1 MXIE1 IC1_1 IC1_1 IC2_1 IC2_1 CI1R_2 CI1X_2 IC2 IC2 MAB1 MXC1 IC1_0 IC1_0 IC2_0 IC2_0 CI1R_1 CI1X_1 CI1 CI1 ICC 0 XIND0 0 OE4 0 MSYN 0 OE3 0 SCIE SCIE OE2 0 MAC1 XA6 /IO6 XD6 0 GACT XA5 /IO5 XD5 0 0 0 0 IC1_7 IC1_7 IC2_7 IC2_7 0 0 0 1 0 IC1_6 IC1_6 IC2_6 IC2_6 0 0 0 1 8.1.1 D_ch receive FIFO 0 0 IC1_5 IC1_5 IC2_5 IC2_5 CI1R_6 CI1X_6 0 1 D_RFIFO Read Address 00H/00H The D_RFIFO has a length of 128 bytes. After a D_RMR interrupt, exactly 64 bytes are available. After a D_RME interrupt, the number of bytes available equals RBC5-0 bits in the D_RBCL register. 8.1.2 D_ch transmit FIFO D_XFIFO Write Address 04H/01H The D_XFIFO has a length of 128 bytes. -48 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller After an D_XFR interrupt, up to 64 bytes of data can be written into this FIFO for transmission. At the first time, up to 128 bytes of data can be written. 8.1.3 D_ch command register D_CMDR Write Address 08H/02H Value after reset: 00H 7 RACK 6 RRST 5 0 4 STT1 3 XMS 2 0 1 XME 0 XRST RACK Receive Acknowledge After a D_RMR or D_RME interrupt, the processor must read out the data in D_RFIFO and then sets this bit to acknowledge the interrupt. Writing "0" to this bit has no effect. RRST Receiver Reset Setting this bit resets the D_ch HDLC receiver and clears the D_RFIFO data. Writing "0" to this bit has no effect. STT1 Start Timer 1 The timer 1 is started when this bit is set to one. The timer is stopped when it expires or by a write of the TIMR1 register. Writing "0" to this bit has no effect. XMS Transmit Message Start/Continue Setting this bit will start or continue the transmission of a frame. The opening flag is automatically added by the HDLC controller. Writing "0" to this bit has no effect. XME Transmit Message End Setting this bit indicates the end of frame transmission.. The D_ch HDLC controller automatically appends the CRC and the closing flag after the data transmission. Writing "0" to this bit has no effect. Note: If the frame 64 bytes, XME plus XMS commands must be issued at the same time. XRST Transmitter Reset Setting this bit resets the D_ch HDLC transmitter and clears the D_XFIFO. The transmitter will send inter frame time fill pattern (which is 1's) immediately. This command also results in a transmit FIFO ready condition. Writing "0" to this bit has no effect. 8.1.4 D_ch Mode Register D_MODE Read/Write Address 0CH/03H Value after reset : 00H 7 0 6 RACT 5 XACTB 4 0 3 PMES 2 MFD 1 DLP 0 RLP -49 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller RACT Receiver Active Setting this bit activates the D_ch HDLC receiver. This bit can be read. The receiver must be in active state in order to receive data. XACTB Transmitter Active Resetting this bit activates the D_ch HDLC transmitter. This bit can be read. The transmitter must be in active state in order to transmit data. Note this bit is active LOW. PMES PME Trigger Select 0 : PCI power management event triggered by D_RMR or D_RME interrupt 1 : PCI power management event triggered by layer 1enters F7 state MFD Multiframe Disable This bit is used to enable or disable the multiframe structure on S/T interface : 0 : Multiframe is enabled 1 : Multiframe is disabled DLP Digital Loopback Setting this bit activates the digital loopback function. The transmitted digital 2B+D channels are looped to the received 2B+D channels. Note that after hardware reset, the internal clocks will turn off if the S bus is not connected or if there is no signal on the S bus. In this case, the C/I command ECK must be issued to enable loopback function. RLP Remote Loopback Setting this bit to "1" activates the remote loopback function. The received 2B channels from the S interface are looped to the transmitted 2B channels of S interface. The D channel is not looped in this loopback function. Bits 7, 4 Reserved These bits are reserved. The write values are don't care, but are read as zero. 8.1.5 Timer 1 Register TIMR1 Read/Write Address 10H/04H Value after reset : 00H 7 T1MD T1MD 6 CNT6 5 CNT5 4 CNT4 3 CNT3 2 CNT2 1 CNT1 0 CNT0 Timer1 Mode -50 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 0 = Single mode: The timer counts once and generates a T1EXP interrupt when expires. 1 = Periodical mode: The timer counts periodically and generates an interrupt at each expiration. CNT6-0 Count Value The expiration time is defined as: T1 = CNT[6:0] * 0.1 second After writing this register, STT1 bit in D_CMDR register must be set to start the timer. This register can be read only after the timer has been started. The read value indicates the timer's current count value. In case layer 1 is not activated, a C/I command "ECK" must be issued in addition to the STT1 command to start the timer. The timer is stopped when it expires (T1MD=0) or TIMR1 register is re-written. 8.1.6 Interrupt Status Register ISTA Read_clear Address 14H/05H Value after reset : 00H 7 D_RMR 6 D_RME 5 D_XFR 4 XINT1 3 XINT0 2 D_EXI 1 B1_EXI 0 B2_EXI D_RMR D_ch Receive Message Ready A 64-byte data is available in the D_RFIFO. The frame is not complete yet. D_RME D_ch Receive Message End The last part of a frame with length > 64 bytes or a whole frame with length 64 bytes has been received. The whole frame length is obtained from D_RBCH + D_RBCL registers. The length of data in the D_RFIFO equals: data length = RBC5-0 if RBC5-0 0 data length = 64 if RBC5-0 =0 D_XFR D_ch Transmit FIFO Ready This bit indicates that the transmit FIFO is ready to accept data. Up to 64 bytes of data can be written into the D_XFIFO. An D_XFR interrupt is generated in the following cases : - After an XMS command, when 64 bytes of XFIFO is empty - After an XMS together with an XME command is issued, when the whole frame has been transmitted - After an XRST command - After hardware reset XINT1 XINTIN1 Interrupt This bit indicates that level change occurs at XINTIN1 pin. Both positive and negative edges will cause an interrupt. XINT0 XINTIN1 Interrupt This bit indicates that level change occurs at XINTIN0 pin. Both positive and negative edges will cause an interrupt. -51 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller D_EXI D_ch Extended Interrupt This bit indicates that at least one interrupt bit has been set in D_EXIR register. B1_EXI B1_ch Extended Interrupt This bit indicates that at least one interrupt bit has been set in B1_EXIR register. B2_EXI B2_ch Extended Interrupt This bit indicates that at least one interrupt bit has been set in B2_EXIR register. Note : A read of the ISTA register clears all bits except D_EXI, B1_EXI and B2_EXI bits. D_EXI bit is cleared when all bits in D_EXIR register are cleared. B1_EXI bit is cleared by reading B1_EXI register and B2_EXI bit is cleared by reading B2_EXIR register. 8.1.7 Interrupt Mask Register IMASK Read/Write Address 18H/06H Value after reset: FFH 7 D_RMR 6 D_RME 5 D_XFR 4 XINT1 3 XINT0 2 D_EXI 1 B1_EXI 0 B2_EXI Setting the bit to "1" masks the corresponding interrupt source in ISTA register. Masked interrupt status bits are read as zero. They are internally stored and pending until the mask bits are zero. Setting the D_EXI, B1_EXI or B2_EXI bit to "1" masks all the interrupts in D_EXIR, B1_EXIR or B2_EXIR register, respectively. 8.1.8 D_ch Extended Interrupt Register D_EXIR Read_clear Address 1CH/07H Value after reset: 00H 7 RDOV 6 XDUN 5 XCOL 4 TIN2 3 GCI 2 ISC 1 T1EXP 0 0 RDOV Receive Data Overflow Frame overflow (too many short frames) or data overflow occurs in the receive FIFO. In data overflow, the incoming data will overwrite the data in the receive FIFO. If RDOV interrupt occurs, software has to reset the receiver and discard the data received. XDUN Transmit Data Underrun This interrupt indicates the D_XFIFO has run out of data. In this case, the W6692A will automatically reset the transmitter and send the inter frame time fill pattern (all 1's) on D channel. The microprocessor must wait until transmit FIFO ready (via XFR interrupt), re-write data, and issue XMS command to re-transmit the data. XCOL Transmit Collision -52 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller This bit indicates a collision on the S-bus has been detected. W6692A will automatically reset the transmitter and software must wait until transmit FIFO ready (via XFR interrupt), re-write data, and issue XMS command to re-transmit the data. TIN2 Timer 2 Expiration This bit is set when Timer 2 counts down to zero. GCI GCI Interrupt This bit is set when at least one bit is set in GCI_EXIR register. ISC Indication or S Channel Change A change in the layer 1 indication code or multiframe S channel has been detected. The actual value can be read from CIR or SQR registers. T1EXP Timer 1 Expiration Expiration occurs in the Timer 1. . 8.1.9 D_ch Extended Interrupt Mask Register D_EXIM Read/Write Address 20H/08H Value after reset: FFH 7 RDOV 6 XDUN 5 XCOL 4 TIN2 3 GCI 2 ISC 1 T1EXP 0 1 Setting the bit to "1" masks the corresponding interrupt source in D_EXIR register. Masked interrupt status bits are read as zero. They are internally stored and pending until the mask bits are zero. All the interrupts in D_EXIR will be masked if the IMASK:D_EXI bit is set to "1". 8.1.10 D_ch Status Register D_XSTA Read Address 24H/09H Value after reset: 00H 7 XDOW 6 0 5 XBZ 4 DRDY 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 XDOW Transmit Data Overwritten At least one byte of data has been overwritten in the D_XFIFO. This bit is set by data overwritten condition and is cleared only by XRST command. XBZ Transmitter Busy This bit indicates the D_HDLC transmitter is busy. The XBZ bit is active from the transmission of opening flag to the transmission of closing flag. DRDY D Channel Ready -53 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller This bit indicates the status of layer 1 D channel. 0: The layer 1 D channel is not ready. No transmission is allowed. 1: The layer 1 D channel is ready. Layer 2 can transmit data to layer 1. Note : Due to design mistake, DRDY=1 does not mean S/T layer 1 is in F7 state. Software has to check "DRDY=1 and C/I code=AI8/10" in order to transmit. 8.1.11 D_ch Receive Status Register D_RSTA Read Address 28H/0AH Value after reset: 20H 7 0 6 RDOV 5 CRCE 4 RMB 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 RDOV Receive Data Overflow A "1" indicates that the D_RFIFO is overflow. The incoming data will overwrite data in the receive FIFO. The data overflow condition will set both the status and interrupt bits. It is recommended that software must read the RDOV bit after reading data from D_RFIFO at RMR or RME interrupt. The software must abort the data and issue a RRST command to reset the receiver if RDOV = 1. The frame overflow condition will not set this bit. CRCE CRC Error This bit indicates the result of frame CRC check: 0: CRC correct 1: CRC error RMB Receive Message Aborted A "1" means that a sequence of seven 1's was received and the frame is aborted. Software must issue RRST command to reset the receiver. Note: Normally D_RSTA register should be read by the microprocessor after a D_RME interrupt. The contents of D_RSTA are valid only after a D_RME interrupt and remain valid until the frame is acknowledged via a RACK bit. 8.1.12 D_ch SAPI Address Mask D_SAM Read/Write Address 2CH/0BH Value after reset: 00H 7 SAM7 6 SAM6 5 SAM5 4 SAM4 3 SAM3 2 SAM2 1 SAM1 0 SAM0 This register masks(disables) the first byte address comparison of the incoming frame. If the mask bit is "1" the corresponding bit comparisons with D_SAP1, D_SAP2 are disabled. Comparison with SAPG is always performed. Note : For the LAPD frame, the least significant two bits are the C/R bit and EA =0 bit. It is suggested that the comparison with C/R bit be masked. EA=0 for two octet address frame e.g LAPD, EA=1 for one octet address frame. -54 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 8.1.13 D_ch SAPI1 Register D_SAP1 Read/Write Address 30H/0CH Value after reset: 00H 7 SA17 6 SA16 5 SA15 4 SA14 3 SA13 2 SA12 1 SA11 0 SA10 This register contains the first choice of the first byte address of received frame. For LAPD frame, SA17 - SA12 is the SAPI value, SA11 is C/R bit and SA10 is zero. 8.1.14 D_ch SAPI2 Register D_SAP2 Read/Write Address 34H/0DH Value after reset: 00H 7 SA27 6 SA26 5 SA25 4 SA24 3 SA23 2 SA22 1 SA21 0 SA20 This register contains the second choice of the first byte address of received frame. For LAPD frame, SA27 - SA22 is the SAPI value, SA21 is C/R bit and SA20 is zero. 8.1.15 D_ch TEI Address Mask D_TAM Read/Write Address 38H/0EH Value after reset: 00H 7 TAM7 6 TAM6 5 TAM5 4 TAM4 3 TAM3 2 TAM2 1 TAM1 0 TAM0 This register masks (disables) the second byte address comparison of the incoming frame. If the mask bit is "1" the corresponding bit comparisons with D_TEI1, D_TEI2 are disabled. Comparison with TEIG is always performed. Note : For the LAPD frame, the least significant bit is the EA =1 bit. 8.1.16 D_ch TEI1 Register D_TEI1 Read/Write Address 3CH/0FH Value after reset: 00H 7 TA17 6 TA16 5 TA15 4 TA14 3 TA13 2 TA12 1 TA11 0 TA10 TA17 - TA10 This register contains the first choice of the second byte address of received frame. For LAPD frame, TA17 - TA11 is the TEI value, TA10 is EA = 1. -55 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 8.1.17 D_ch TEI2 Register D_TEI2 Read/Write Address 40H/10H Value after reset: 00H 7 TA27 6 TA26 5 TA25 4 TA24 3 TA23 2 TA22 1 TA21 0 TA20 TA27 - TA20 This register contains the second choice of the second byte address of received frame. For LAPD frame, TA27 - TA21 is the TEI value, TA20 is EA = 1. 8.1.18 D_ch Receive Frame Byte Count High D_RBCH Read Address 44H/11H Value after reset: 40H 7 VN1 6 VN0 5 LOV 4 RBC12 3 RBC11 2 RBC10 1 RBC9 0 RBC8 VN1-0 Chip Version Number This is the chip version number. It is read as 01B. LOV Length Overflow A "1" in this bit indicates 8192 bytes are received and the frame is not yet complete. This bit is valid only after an D_RME interrupt and remains valid until the frame is acknowledge via the RACK command. RBC12-8 Receive Byte Count Four most significant bits of the total frame length. These bits are valid only after an D_RME interrupt and remain valid until the frame is acknowledge via the RACK command. 8.1.19 D_ch Receive Frame Byte Count Low D_RBCL Read Address 48H/12H Value after reset: 00H 7 RBC7 6 RBC6 5 RBC5 4 RBC4 3 RBC3 2 RBC2 1 RBC1 0 RBC0 RBC7-0 Receive Byte Count Eight least significant bits of the total frame length. Bits RBC5-0 also indicate the length of the data currently available in D_RFIFO. These bits are valid only after an D_RME interrupt and remain valid until the frame is acknowledged via the RACK command. -56 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 8.1.20 Timer 2 TIMR2 Write Address 4CH/13H Value after reset : 00H 7 TMD 6 TIDLE 5 TCN5 4 TCN4 3 TCN3 2 TCN2 1 TCN1 0 TCN0 TMD Timer 2 Mode 0: One shot count down mode. The timer starts when it is written a non-zero count value and stops when it reaches zero. 1: Cyclic timer mode. The timer starts when it is written a non-zero count value and counts cyclically (periodically) with the count value. In both cases, a maskable interrupt TIN2 is generated every time the timer reaches zero. When timer starts, pin TOUT2 changes to HIGH and toggles every half count time. Therefore, the period of TOUT2 equals count value. In both cases, timer counts with the new value if it is written again before expiration. The timer is stopped when it expires (TMD=0), or by writting zero count value (TMD=0 or 1). TIDLE TOUT2 Idle This bit defines value of TOUT2 pin when timer if off. TCN5-0 Timer 2 Count Value 0: Timer is off. 1-63: Timer count value in unit of ms. 8.1.21 Layer 1_Ready Code L1_RC Read/Write Address 50H/14H Value after reset: 0CH 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 RC3 2 RC2 1 RC1 0 RC0 RC3-0 Ready Code When GCI bus is being enabled, these four programmable bits are allowed to program different Layer 1_Ready Code (AI: Activation Indication) by user. For example: Siemens PEB2091: AI=1100, Motorola MC145572: AI=1100. 8.1.22 Control Register CTL Read/Write Address 54H/15H Value after reset : 00H 7 0 6 0 5 SRST 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 OPS1 0 OPS0 -57 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller SRST Software Reset When this bit is set to "1", a software reset signal is activated. The effects of this reset signal are equivalent to the hardware reset pin , except that it does not reset the PCI interface circuit. This bit is not auto-clear, the software must write "0" to this bit to exit from the reset mode. Note: When SRST = 1, the chip is in reset state. Read or write to any of the registers is inhibited at this time. The SRST bit is write-only. OPS1-0 Output Phase Delay Compensation Select1-0 These two bits select the output phase delay compensation. OPS1 0 0 1 1 OPS0 0 1 0 1 Effect No output phase delay compensation Output phase delay compensation 260ns Output phase delay compensation 520 ns Output phase delay compensation 1040 ns 8.1.23 Command/Indication Receive Register CIR Read Address 58H/16H Value after reset: 0FH 7 SCC 6 ICC 5 4 3 2 1 0 CODR3 CODR2 CODR1 CODR0 SCC S Channel Change A change in the received 4-bit S channel has been detected. The new code can be read from the SQR register. This bit is cleared via a read of the SQR register. ICC Indication Code Change A change in the received indication code has been detected. The new code can be read from the CIR register. This bit is cleared by a read of the CIR register. CODR3-0 Layer 1 Indication Code Value of the received layer 1 indication code. Note these bits have a buffer size of two. Note : If S/T layer 1 function is disabled and GCI slave mode is enabled (GMODE = 1 in GCR register), CIR register is used to receive layer 1 indication code from U transceiver. In this case, SCC bit is not used and the supported indication codes are : Indication Deactivation confirmation Power up indication Symbol DC PU Code 1111 0111 Descriptions Idle code on GCI interface U transceiver power up -58 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 8.1.24 Command/Indication Transmit Register CIX Read/Write Address 5CH/17H Value after reset: 0FH 7 6 5 4 3 CODX3 2 CODX2 1 CODX1 0 CODX0 CODX3-0 Layer 1 Command Code Value of the command code transmitted to layer 1. A read to this register returns the previous written value. Note: If S/T layer 1 function is disabled and GCI slave mode is enabled (GMODE = 1 in GCR register), CIX register is used to issue layer 1 command code to U transceiver. In this case, the supported command code is: Command Activate request command Symbol AR Code 1000 8.1.25 S/Q Channel Receive Register Descriptions Activate request command SQR Read Address 60H/18H Value after reset: XXH 7 XIND1 6 XIND0 5 MSYN 4 SCIE 3 S1 2 S2 1 S3 0 S4 XIND1 XINTIN1 Data This bit reflects the current level of XINTIN1 pin. XIND0 XINTIN0 Data This bit reflects the current level of XINTIN0 pin. MSYN Multiframe Synchronization When this bit is "1", a multiframe synchronization is achived, i.e the S/T receiver has synchronized to the received FA and M bit patterns. SCIE S Channel Change Interrupt Enable This bit reflects the bit written in the SQX register. S1-4 Received S Bits These are the S bits received in NT to TE direction in frames 1, 6, 11 and 16. S1 is in frame 1, S2 is in frame 6 etc. This four bits are double buffered. -59 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 8.1.26 S/Q Channel Transmit Register SQX Read/Write Address 64H/19H Value after reset: 0FH 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 SCIE 3 Q1 2 Q2 1 Q3 0 Q4 SCIE S Channel Change Interrupt Enable This bit is used to enable/disable the generation of CIR:SCC status bit and interrupt. 0 : Status bit and interrupt are disabled. 1 : Status bit and interrupt are enabled. Q1-4 Transmitted Q Bits These are the transmitted Q channels in FA bit positions in frames 1, 6, 11 and 16. Q1 is in frame 1 and Q2 is in frame 6 etc. A read to this register returns the previous written value. 8.1.27 Peripheral Control Register PCTL Read/Write Address 68H/1AH Value after reset: 00H 7 OE5 6 OE4 5 OE3 4 OE2 3 OE1 2 OE0 1 XMODE 0 PXC OE5 Direction Control for IO10 Used when XMODE=0 only. 0: Pin IO10's output driver is disabled. 1: Pin IO10's output driver is enabled. OE4 Direction Control for IO9-8 Used when XMODE=0 only. 0: Pin IO9-8's output drivers are disabled. 1: Pin IO9-8's output drivers are enabled. OE3 Direction Control for IO7-6 Used when XMODE=0 only. 0: Pin IO7-6's output drivers are disabled. 1: Pin IO7-6's output drivers are enabled. OE2 Direction Control for IO5-4 Used when XMODE=0 only. 0 : Pin IO5-4's output drivers are disabled. 1 : Pin IO5-4's output drivers are enabled. -60 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller OE1 Direction Control for IO3-2 Used when XMODE=0 only. 0 : Pin IO3-2's output drivers are disabled. 1 : Pin IO3-2's output drivers are enabled. OE0 Direction Control for IO1-0 Used when XMODE=0 only. 0 : Pin IO1-0's output drivers are disabled. 1 : Pin IO1-0's output drivers are enabled. XMODE Peripheral Bus Mode 0: Simple programmable IO. This is the default state. XADDR register and XDATA register are used for data access. 1: 8-bit multiplexed microprocessor bus. Pins IO7-0 are used as XAD7-0, IO8 as XALE, IO9 as XRDB and IO10 as XWRB. XADDR register is used for peripheral address generation and XDATA register is used for peripheral data access. PXC PCM Cross-connect This bit determines whether or not the PCM ports are cross-connected with the B channel ports. The setting of PXC is independent of the BSW1-0 bits. See section 7.4 for details. PXC 0 Connection PCM1 B1, PCM2 B2 1 PCM1 B2, PCM2 B1 8.1.28 Monitor Receive Channel 0 MO0R Read Address 6CH/1BH Value after reset: FFH 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Contains the Monitor channel data received in GCI Monitor channel 0 according to the Monitor channel protocol. 8.1.29 Monitor Transmit Channel 0 MO0X Read/Write Address 70H/1CH Value after reset: FFH 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -61 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Contains the Monitor channel data transmitted in GCI Monitor channel 0 according to the Monitor channel protocol. 8.1.30 Monitor Channel 0 Interrupt Register MO0I Read_clear Address 74H/1DH Value after reset: 00H 7 MDR0 MER0 MDA0 MAB0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MDR0 MER0 MDA0 MAB0 Monitor channel 0 Data Receive Monitor channel 0 End of Reception Monitor channel 0 Data Acknowledged The remote end has acknowledged the Monitor byte being transmitted. Monitor channel 0 Data Abort 8.1.31 Monitor Channel 0 Control Register MO0C Read/Write Address 78H/1EH Value after reset: 00H 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 MRIE0 2 MRC0 1 MXIE0 0 MXC0 MRIE0 Monitor Channel 0 Receive Interrupt Enable Monitor channel interrupt status MDR0, MER0 generation is enabled (1) or masked (0). MRC0 MR Bit Control Determines the value of the MR bit: 0: MR bit always 1. In addition, the MDR0 interrupt is blocked, except for the first byte of a packet (if MRE=1). 1: MR internally controlled by the W6692A according to Monitor channel protocol. In addition, the MDR0 interrupt is enabled for all received bytes according to the Monitor channel protocol (if MRE=1). MXIE0 Monitor channel 0 Transmit Interrupt Enable Monitor interrupt status MDA0, MAB0 generation is enabled (1) or masked (0). MXC0 MX bit Control Determines the value of the MX bit: 0: MX always 1. 1: MX internally controlled by the W6692A according to Monitor channel protocol. 8.1.32 GCI Mode Control/Status Register 7CH/1FH GCR Read/Write Address -62 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Value after reset: 00H 7 MAC0 6 MAC1 5 GACT 4 TLP 3 GRLP 2 SPU 1 PD 0 GMODE MAC0 Monitor Transmit Channel 0 Active (Read Only) Data transmission is in progress in GCI mode Monitor channel 0. 0: the previous transmission has been terminated. Before starting a transmission, the microprocessor should verify that the transmitter is inactive. 1: after having written data into the Monitor Transmit Channel 0 (MO0X) register, the microprocessor sets this bit to 1. This enables the MX bit to go active (0), indicating the presence of valid Monitor channel data (contents of MOX) in the correspond frame. MAC1 Monitor Transmit Channel 1 Active (Read Only) Data transmission is in progress in GCI mode Monitor channel 1. 0: the previous transmission has been terminated. Before starting a transmission, the microprocessor should verify that the transmitter is inactive. 1: after having written data into the Monitor Transmit Channel 1 (MO1X) register, the microprocessor sets this bit to 1. This enables the MX bit to go active (0), indicating the presence of valid Monitor channel data (contents of MOX) in the correspond frame. GACT GCI Switching Active Determines which CODEC interface is to be activated in B channle switching. Valid only in GCI master mode. In GCI slave mode, PCM ports are always enabled. 0: PCM ports are enabled 1: GCI bus is enabled. TLP Test Loop When this bit is set to 1 both the DU and DD lines are internally connected together. External input on DD is ignored. Valid in GCI slave mode. GRLP GCI Mode Remote Loop-back Setting this bit to 1 activates the remote loop-back function. The 2B+D channels data received from the GCI bus (DD) interface are looped to the transmitted channels (DU). Valid in GCI slave mode. SPU PD Software Power Up Power Down SPU 0 PD 1 1 0 0 0 Description After U transceiver power down, W6692A will receive the indication DC (Deactivation Confirmation) from GCI bus and then software has to set SPU 0, PD 1 to acknowledge U transceiver, by pulling DU pin to HIGH. W6692A remains normal operation. Setting SPU 1, PD 0 will pull the GCI bus DU line to low. This will enforce connected layer 1 devices (U transceiver) to deliver GCI bus clocking. After reception of the indication PU (Power Up indication) the reaction of the microprocessor should be: - To write an AR (Activate Request command) as C/I command code in the CIX register. -63 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 1 - To reset the SPU bit and wait for the following ICC (indication code change) interrupt. Unused. 1 GMODE GCI Mode . 0: Layer 1 is S/T interface; GCI is in master mode. This is default setting. 1: Layer 1 is U interface; GCI is in slave mode. 8.1.33 Peripheral Address Register XADDR Read/Write Address F4H/3DH Value after reset: Undefined The register content depends on PCTL:XMODE setting. XMODE = 0 : Simple IO mode, Valid in PCI or Intel/Motorola Bus mode 7 IO7 6 IO6 5 IO5 4 IO4 3 IO3 2 IO2 1 IO1 0 IO0 IO1-0 Read or Write Data of Pins IO1-0 On read operation, these are the present values of pins IO1-0. On write operation, the data are driven to pins IO1-0 only if PCTL:OE0=1. IO3-2 Read or Write Data of Pins IO3-2 On read operation, these are the present values of pins IO3-2. On write operation, the data are driven to pins IO3-2 only if PCTL:OE1=1. IO5-4 Read or Write Data of Pins IO5-4 On read operation, these are the present values of pins IO5-4. On write operation, the data are driven to pins IO5-4 only if PCTL:OE2=1. IO7-6 Read or Write Data of Pins IO7-6 On read operation, these are the present values of pins IO7-6. On write operation, the data are driven to pins IO7-6 only if PCTL:OE3=1. XMODE = 1: 8-bit multiplexed microprocessor mode, Valid in PCI Bus mode only 7 XA7 XA7-0 6 XA6 5 XA5 4 XA4 3 XA3 2 XA2 1 XA1 0 XA0 Peripheral Address -64 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller To access peripheral device, first write the peripheral address in this register and then perform read or write at XDATA register. The address written in this register is output on XAD7-0 in address phase of data access and can be latched by XALE signal. 8.1.34 Peripheral Data Register XDATA Read/Write Address F8H/3EH Value after reset: Undefined The register content depends on PCTL:XMODE setting. XMODE = 0 : Simple IO mode, Valid in PCI or Intel/Motorola Bus mode 7 6 5 4 3 2 IO10 1 IO9 0 IO8 IO9-8 Read or Write Data of Pins IO9-8 Input data of pins IO9-8 if PCTL:OE4=0. Output data of pins IO9-8 if PCTL:OE4=1. IO10 Read or Write Data of Pins IO10 Input data of pins IO10 if PCTL:OE5=0. Output data of pins IO10 if PCTL:OE5=1. XMODE = 1 : 8-bit multiplexed microprocessor mode, Valid in PCI Bus mode only 7 XD7 6 XD6 5 XD5 4 XD4 3 XD3 2 XD2 1 XD1 0 XD0 XD7-0 Peripheral Data During data phase of peripheral access, they are outputs to XAD7-0 if write, or inputs from XAD7-0 if read. 8.1.35 Serial EEPROM Control Register EPCTL Read/Write Address FCH/3FH Value after reset : X0H 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 SDI 3 EN 2 SK 1 CS 0 SDO SDI Input Data of EPSDI When read, this bit returns the current data on pin EPSDI. Write operation is ignored. -65 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller EN Enable Output 0 : Disable outputs of bits 2-0 to pins. 1 : Enable outputs of bits 2-0 to pins. SK Output Data of EPSK When enabled, this bit is output on pin EPSK. CS Output Data of EPCS When enabled, this bit is output on pin EPCS. SDO Output Data of EPSDO When enabled, this bit is output on pin EPSDO. A read to bits 3-0 returns the previous written values. 8.1.36 Monitor Receive Channel 1 Register MO1R Read Address 6DH/40H Value after reset: FFH 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Contains the Monitor channel data received in GCI Monitor channel 1 according to the Monitor channel protocol. 8.1.37 Monitor Transmit Channel 1 Register MO1X Read/Write Address 71H/41H Value after reset: FFH 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Contains the Monitor channel data transmitted in GCI Monitor channel 1 according to the Monitor channel protocol. 8.1.38 Monitor Channel 1 Interrupt Register MO1I Read_clear Address 75H/42H Value after reset: 00H 7 MDR1 6 5 4 3 MDR1 2 MER1 1 MDA1 0 MAB1 Monitor channel 1 Data Receive -66 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller MER1 MDA1 MAB1 Monitor channel 1 End of Reception Monitor channel 1 Data Acknowledged The remote end has acknowledged the Monitor byte being transmitted. Monitor channel 1 Data Abort 8.1.39 Monitor Channel 1 Control Register MO1C Read/Write Address 79H/43H Value after reset: 00H 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 MRIE1 2 MRC1 1 MXIE1 0 MXC1 MRIE1 Monitor Channel 1 Receive Interrupt Enable Monitor channel interrupt status MDR1, MER1 generation is enabled (1) or masked (0). MRC1 MR Bit Control Determines the value of the MR bit: 0: MR bit always 1. In addition, the MDR1 interrupt is blocked, except for the first byte of a packet (if MRE=1). 1: MR internally controlled by the W6692A according to Monitor channel protocol. In addition, the MDR1 interrupt is enabled for all received bytes according to the Monitor channel protocol (if MRE=1). MXIE1 Monitor channel 1 Transmit Interrupt Enable Monitor interrupt status MDA1, MAB1 generation is enabled (1) or masked (0). MXC1 MX bit Control Determines the value of the MX bit: 0: MX always 1. 1: MX internally controlled by the W6692A according to Monitor channel protocol. 8.1.40 GCI IC1 Receive Register IC1R Read Address 6EH/44H Value after reset: Undifined 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit 7-0 Receive data of GCI IC1 channel. 8.1.41 GCI IC1 Transmit Register IC1X Read/Write Address 72H/45H Value after reset: FFH 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -67 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Bit 7-0 Transmit data of GCI IC1 channel. A read to this register returns the previously written value. 8.1.42 GCI IC2 Receive Register IC2R Read Address 6FH/46H Value after reset: Undefined 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit 7-0 Receive data of GCI IC2 channel. 8.1.43 GCI IC2 Transmit Register IC2X Read/Write Address 73H/47H Value after reset: FFH 7 6 5 4 Bit 7-0 Transmit data of GCI IC2 channel. 3 2 1 0 A read to this register returns the previously written value. 8.1.44 GCI CI1 Indication Register CI1R Read Address 7DH/48H Value after reset : Undefined 7 6 5 CI1R_6 4 CI1R_5 3 CI1R_4 2 CI1R_3 1 CI1R_2 0 CI1R_1 CI1R_6-1 Input data of GCI CI1 channel. Example application is data of ARCOFI's Peripheral Control Interface input pins. 8.1.45 GCI CI1 Command Register 7EH/49H CI1X Read/Write Address Value after reset: 3FH 7 0 6 0 5 CI1X_6 4 CI1X_5 3 CI1X_4 2 CI1X_3 1 CI1X_2 0 CI1X_1 -68 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller CI1X6_1 Transmitted data of GCI CI1 channel. A read to these bits returns the previously written value. Example application is data of ARCOFI's Peripheral Control Interface output pins. 8.1.46 GCI Extended Interrupt Register GCI_EXIR Read_clear Address 76H/4AH Value after reset : 00H 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 MO1C 3 MO0C 2 IC1 1 IC2 0 CI1 MO1C Monitor Channel 1 Status Change A change in the Monitor Channel 1 Interrupt register ( MO1I ) has occurred. A new Monitor channel byte is stored in the MO1R register. MO0C Monitor Channel 0 Status Change A change in the Monitor Channel 0 Interrupt register (MO0I) has occurred. A new Monitor channel byte is stored in the MO0R register. IC1 IC1 Synchronous Transfer Interrupt When enabled, an interrupt is generated at end of GCI IC1 time slot every GCI frame (125 s). IC2 IC2 Synchronous Transfer Interrupt When enabled, an interrupt is generated at end of GCI IC2 time slot every GCI frame (125 s). CI1 GCI CI1 Synchronous Transfer Interrupt When enabled, an interrupt is generated when there is a change in the received CIR1_6-1 code without double last look criterion. 8.1.47 GCI Extended Interrupt Mask Register GCI_EXIM Read/Write Address 7AH/4BH Value after reset: F7H 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 MO1C 3 0 2 IC1 1 IC2 0 CI1 Bits 7-5 are fixed at "1" and bit 3 is fixed at '0". This means MO0C interrupt cannot be masked. The interrupt is disabled when the bit is set. 8.2 B1 HDLC controler TABLE 8.3 REGISTER ADDRESS MAP: B1 CHANNEL HDLC -69 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Section 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.2.5 8.2.6 8.2.7 8.2.8 8.2.9 8.2.10 8.2.11 8.2.12 8.2.13 8.2.14 Offset Access Register Name 80/20 R B1_RFIFO 84/21 W B1_XFIFO 88/22 R/W B1_CMDR 8C/23 R/W B1_MODE 90/24 R_clear B1_EXIR 94/25 R/W B1_EXIM 98/26 R B1_STAR 9C/27 R/W B1_ADM1 A0/28 R/W B1_ADM2 A4/29 R/W B1_ADR1 A8/2A R/W B1_ADR2 AC/2B R B1_RBCL B0/2C R B1_RBCH B4/2D R/W B1_IDLE Description B1 channel receive FIFO B1 channel transmit FIFO B1 channel command register B1 channel mode control B1 channel extended interrupt B1 channel extended interrupt mask B1 channel status register B1 channel address mask 1 B1 channel address mask 2 B1 channel address 1 B1 channel address 2 B1 channel receive frame byte count low B1 channel receive frame byte count high B1 channel transmit idle pattern TABLE 8.4 REGISTER SUMMARY: B1 CHANNEL HDLC Offset R/W 80/20 84/21 88/22 8C/23 90/24 94/25 98/26 9C/27 A0/28 R W R/W R/W R_clr R/W R R/W R/W Name B1_RFIFO B1_XFIFO B1_CMDR B1_MODE B1_EXIR B1_EXIM B1_STAR B1_ADM1 B1_ADM2 7 RACK MMS MA17 MA27 6 RRST ITF RMR RMR RDOV MA16 MA26 5 RACT EPCM RME RME CRCE MA15 MA25 4 XACTB B1_SW1 RDOV RDOV RMB MA14 MA24 3 2 1 B1_128K XMS B1_SW0 SW56 XME FTS1 XFR XFR MA13 MA23 XDOW MA12 MA22 MA11 MA21 0 XRST FTS0 XDUN XDUN XBZ MA10 MA20 -70 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller A4/29 A8/2A AC/2B B0/2C B4/2D R/W R/W R R R/W B1_ADR1 B1_ADR2 B1_RBCL B1_RBCH B1_IDLE RA17 RA27 RBC7 RA16 RA26 RBC6 IDLE7 IDLE6 8.2.1 B1_ch receive FIFO RA15 RA25 RBC5 LOV IDLE5 B1_RFIFO RA14 RA24 RBC4 RBC12 IDLE4 RA13 RA23 RBC3 RBC11 IDLE3 Read RA12 RA22 RBC2 RBC10 IDLE2 RA11 RA21 RBC1 RBC9 IDLE1 RA10 RA20 RBC0 RBC8 IDLE0 Address 80H/20H The B1_RFIFO is a 128-byte depth FIFO memory with programmable threshold. The threshold value determines when to generate an interrupt. When more than a threshold length of data has been received, a RMR interrupt is generated. After an RMR interrupt, 64 or 96 bytes can be read out, depending on the threshold setting. In transparent mode, when the end of frame has been received, a RME interrupt is generated. After an RME interrupt, the number of bytes available is less than or equal to the threshold value. 8.2.2 B1_ch transmit FIFO B1_XFIFO Write Address 84H/21H The B1_XFIFO is a 128-byte depth FIFO with programmable threshold value. The threshold setting is the same as B1_RFIFO. When the number of empty locations is equal to or greater than the threshold value, a XFR interrupt is generated. After a XFR interrupt, up to 64 or 96 bytes of data can be written into this FIFO for transmission. 8.2.3 B1_ch command register B1_CMDR Read/Write Address 88H/22H Value after reset: 00H 7 RACK 6 RRST 5 RACT 4 3 XACTB B1_128 K 2 XMS 1 XME 0 XRST RACK Receive Message Acknowledge After a RMR or RME interrupt, the microprocessor reads out the data in B1_RFIFO, it then sets this bit to explicitly acknowledge the interrupt. This bit is write only. It's auto-clear. RRST Receiver Reset Setting this bit resets the B1_ch HDLC receiver. This bit is write-only. It's auto-clear. RACT Receiver Active "1": transmitter is active, 64 kHz clock is provided. "0": transmitter is inactive, clock is LOW to save power. -71 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller This bit is read/write. Read operation returns the previously written value. XACTB Transmitter Active "0": transmitter is active, 64 kHz clock is provided. "1": transmitter is inactive, clock is LOW to save power. This bit is read/write. Read operation returns the previously written value. B1_128K 128K Mode "1": Both B1 and B2 channels in layer 1 are combined into single layer 2 channel. The layer 2 B1 channel can operates in transparent mode or extended transparent mode and layer 2 B2 channel is not used. "0": Both B1 and B2 channels in layer 1 are not combined. This bit is read/write. Read operation returns the previously written value. XMS Transmit Message Start/Continue In transparent mode, setting this bit initiates the transparent transmission of B1_XFIFO data. The opening flag is automatically added to the message by the B1_ch HDLC controller. Zero bit insertion is performed on the data. This bit is also used in subsequent transmission of the frame. In extended transparent mode, settint this bit activates the transmission of B1_XFIFO data. No flag, CRC or zero bit insertion is added on the data. This bit is write-only. It's auto-clear. XME Transmit Message End In transparent mode, setting this bit indicates the end of the whole frame transmission. The B1_ch HDLC controller transmits the data in FIFO and automatically appends the CRC and the closing flag sequence in transparent mode. In extended transparent mode, setting this bit stops the B1_XFIFO data transmission. This bit is write-only. It's auto-clear. XRST Transmitter Reset Setting this bit resets the B1_ch HDLC transmitter and clears the B1_XFIFO. The transmitter will send inter frame time fill pattern on B channel in transparent mode, or idle pattern in extended transparent mode. This command also results in a transmit FIFO ready condition. This bit is write only. It's auto-clear. 8.2.4 B1_ch Mode Register B1_MODE Read/Write Address 8CH/23H Value after reset: 00H 7 MMS 6 ITF 5 4 3 EPCM B1_SW1 B1_SW0 2 SW56 1 FTS1 0 FTS0 MMS Message Mode Setting Determines the message transfer modes of the B1_ch HDLC controller: -72 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 0: Transparent mode. In receive direction, address comparison is performed on each frame. The frames with matched address are stored in B1_RFIFO. Flag deletion, CRC check and zero bit deletion are performed. In transmit direction, the data is transmitted with flag insertion, zero bit insertion and CRC generation. 1: Extended transparent mode. In receive direction, all data are received and stored in the B1_RFIFO. In transmit direction, all data in the B1_XFIFO are transmitted without alteration. ITF Inter-frame Time Fill Defines the inter-frame time fill pattern in transparent mode. 0 : Mark. The binary value "1" is transmitted. 1 : Flag. This is a sequence of "01111110". EPCM Enable PCM Transmit/Receive 0 : Disable data transmit/ receive to/from PCM port. The frame synchronization clock PFCK1 is held LOW. 1 : Enable data transmit/ receive to/from PCM port. The frame synchronization clock PFCK1 is active. B1_SW1-0 B Channel Switching Select These two bits, along with PXC bit in PCTL register, determine the connection in B1 channel. See section 7.4 for details. Note: The connection with micro-controller is through HDLC controller. When HDLC connects with layer 1, either transparent or extended transparent mode can be used. When HDLC connects with PCM port/GCI bus, only extended transparent mode can be used and the EPCM bit must be set to enable PCM function. SW56 Switch 56 Traffic 0: The data rate in B1 channel is 64 kbps. 1: The data rate in B1 channel is 56 kbps. The most significant bit in each octet is fixed at Note: In 56 kbps mode, only transparent mode can be used. "1". FTS1-0 FIFO Threshold Select These two bits determine the B1 channel receive and transmit FIFO's threshold setting. An interrupt is generated when the number of received data or the number of vacancies in XFIFO reaches the threshold value. FTS1 0 0 1 1 FTS0 0 1 0 1 Threshold (byte) 64 Reserved 96 Not allowed 8.2.5 B1_ch Extended Interrupt Register B1_EXIR Read_clear Address 90H/24H Value after reset: 00H 7 6 RMR 5 RME 4 RDOV 3 2 1 XFR 0 XDUN -73 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller RMR Receive Message Ready At least a threshold lenth of data has been stored in the B1_RFIFO. RME Receive Message End Used in transparent mode only. The last block of a frame has been received. The frame length can be found in B1_RBCH + B1_RBCL registers. The number of data available in the B1_RFIFO equals frame lenth modulus threshold. The result of CRC check is indicated by B1_STAR:CRCE bit. When the number of last block of a frame equals the threshold, only RME interrupt is generated. RDOV Receive Data Overflow Data overflow occurs in the receive FIFO. The incoming data will overwrite the data in the receive FIFO. XFR Transmit FIFO Ready This interrupt indicates that up to a threshold length of data can be written into the B1_XFIFO. XDUN Transmit Data Underrun This interrupt occurs when the B1_XFIFO has run out of data. In this case, the W6692A will automatically reset the transmitter and send the inter frame time fill pattern on B channel. The software must wait until transmit FIFO ready condition (via XFR interrupt), re-write data, and issue XMS command to re-transmit the data. 8.2.6 B1_ch Extended Interrupt Mask Register B1_EXIM Read/Write Address 94H/25H Value after reset: FFH 7 6 RMR 5 RME 4 RDOV 3 2 1 XFR 0 XDUN Setting the bit to "1" masks the corresponding interrupt source in B1_EXIR register. Masked interrupt status bits are read as zero when B1_EXIR register is read. They are internally stored and pending until the mask bits are zero. All the interrupts in B1_EXIR will be masked if the IMASK : B1_EXI bit is set to "1". 8.2.7 B1_ch Status Register B1_STAR Read Address 98H/26H Value after reset: 20H 7 6 RDOV 5 CRCE 4 RMB 3 2 XDOW 1 0 XBZ RDOV Receive Data Overflow A "1" indicates that the D_RFIFO is overflow. The incoming data will overwrite data in the receive FIFO. The overflow condition will set both the status and interrupt bits. It is recommended that software must read the RDOV bit after reading data -74 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller from receive FIFO at RMR or RME interrupt. The software must abort the data and issue a RRST command to reset the receiver if RDOV=1. CRCE CRC Error Used in transparent mode only. This bit indicates the result of frame CRC check: 0 : CRC correct 1 : CRC incorrect RMB Receive Message Aborted Used in transparent mode only. A "1" means that a sequence of seven 1's was received and the frame is aborted by the B1_HDLC controller. Software must issue RRST command to reset the receiver. Note : Bit CRCE is valid only after a RME interrupt and remains valid until the frame is acknowledged via RACK command. RMB must be polled after a RMR/RME interrupt. XDOW Transmit Data Overwritten At least one byte of data has been overwritten in the B1_XFIFO. This bit is cleared only by XRST command. XBZ Transmitter Busy The B1_HDLC transmitter is busy when XBZ is read as "1". This bit may be polled. The XBZ bit is active when an XMS command was issued and the message has not been completely transmitted. 8.2.8 B1_ch Address Mask Register 1 B1_ADM1 Read/Write Address 9CH/27H Value after reset: 00H 7 MA17 6 MA16 5 MA15 4 MA14 3 MA13 2 MA12 1 MA11 0 MA10 MA17-10 Address Mask Bits Used in transparent mode only. These bits mask the first byte address comparisons. If the mask bit is "1", the corresponding bit comparison with B1_ADR1 is disabled. 0: Unmask comparison 1: Mask comparison 8.2.9 B1_ch Address Mask Register 2 B1_ADM2 Read/Write Address A0H/28H Value after reset: 00H 7 MA27 MA27-20 6 MA26 5 MA25 4 MA24 3 MA23 2 MA22 1 MA21 0 MA20 Address Mask Bits -75 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Used in transparent mode only. These bits mask the second byte address comparisons. If the mask bit is "1", the corresponding bit comparison with B1_ADR2 is disabled. 0: Unmask comparison 1: Mask comparison 8.2.10 B1_ch Address Register 1 B1_ADR1 Read/Write Address A4H/29H Value after reset: 00H 7 RA17 6 RA16 5 RA15 4 RA14 3 RA13 2 RA12 1 RA11 0 RA10 RA17-10 Address Bits Used in transparent mode only. These bits are used for the first byte address comparisons. 8.2.11 B1_ch Address Register 2 B1_ADR2 Read/Write Address A8H/2AH Value after reset: 00H 7 RA27 6 RA26 5 RA25 4 RA24 3 RA23 2 RA22 1 RA21 0 RA20 RA27-20 Address Bits Used in transparent mode only. These bits are used for the second byte address comparisons. 8.2.12 B1_ch Receive Frame Byte Count Low B1_RBCL Read Address ACH/2BH Value after reset: 00H 7 RBC7 6 RBC6 5 RBC5 4 RBC4 3 RBC3 2 RBC2 1 RBC1 0 RBC0 RBC7-0 Receive Byte Count Used in transparent mode only. Eight least significant bits of the total number of bytes are in a received frame. These bits are valid only after a RME interrupt and remain valid until the frame is acknowledge via the RACK bit. 8.2.13 B1_ch Receive Frame Byte Count High B1_RBCH Read Address B0H/2CH Value after reset: 00H 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -76 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller LOV RBC12 RBC11 RBC10 RBC9 RBC8 LOV Message Length Overflow Used in transparent mode only. A "1" in this bit indicates a received message 8192 bytes. This bit is valid only after RME interrupt and is cleared by the RACK command. RBC12-8 Receive Byte Count Used in transparent mode only. Five most significant bits of the total number of bytes are in a received frame. These bits are valid only after a RME interrupt and remain valid until the frame is acknowledge via the RACK bit. Note: The frame length equals RBC12-0. This length is between 1 and 8191. After a RME interrupt, the number of data available in B1_RFIFO is frame length modulus threshold. Remainder = RBC12-0 MOD threshold No of available data = remainder if remainder 0 or No of available data = threshold if remainder = 0 The remainder equals RBC5-0 if threshold is 64. 8.2.14 B1_ch Transmit Idle Pattern B1_IDLE Read/Write Address B4H/2DH Value after reset: FFH 7 IDLE7 6 IDLE6 5 IDLE5 4 IDLE4 3 IDLE3 2 IDLE2 1 IDLE1 0 IDLE0 IDLE7-0 This pattern is transmitted when the transmitter is active and transmit FIFO is empty. Valid in extended transparent mode only. 8.3 B2 HDLC controller TABLE 8.5 REGISTER ADDRESS MAP: B2 CHANNEL HDLC Offset C0/30 C4/31 C8/32 CC/33 D0/34 Access R W R/W R/W R_clear Register Name B2_RFIFO B2_XFIFO B2_CMDR B2_MODE B2_EXIR Description B2 channel receive FIFO B2 channel transmit FIFO B2 channel command register B2 channel mode control B2 channel extended interrupt -77 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller D4/35 D8/36 DC/37 E0/38 E4/39 E8/3A EC/3B F0/3C B8/2E R/W R R/W R/W R/W R/W R R R/W B2_EXIM B2_STAR B2_ADM1 B2_ADM2 B2_ADR1 B2_ADR2 B2_RBCL B2_RBCH B2_IDLE B2 channel extended interrupt mask B2 channel status register B2 channel address mask 1 B2 channel address mask 2 B2 channel address 1 B2 channel address 2 B2 channel receive frame byte count low B2 channel receive frame byte count high B2 channel transmit idle pattern TABLE 8.6 REGISTER SUMMARY: B2 CHANNEL HDLC Offset R/W Name C0/30 C4/31 C8/32 CC/33 D0/34 D4/35 D8/36 DC/37 E0/38 E4/39 E8/3A EC/3B F0/3C B8/2E B2_RFIFO B2_XFIFO B2_CMDR B2_MODE B2_EXIR B2_EXIM B2_STAR B2_ADM1 B2_ADM2 B2_ADR1 B2_ADR2 B2_RBCL B2_RBCH B2_IDLE R W R/W R/W R_clr R/W R R/W R/W R/W R/W R R R/W 7 RACK MMS 6 MA17 MA27 RA17 RA27 RBC7 RRST ITF RMR RMR RDOV MA16 MA26 RA16 RA26 RBC6 IDLE7 IDLE6 5 RACT EPCM RME RME CRCE MA15 MA25 RA15 RA25 RBC5 LOV IDLE5 4 XACTB B2_SW1 RDOV RDOV RMB MA14 MA24 RA14 RA24 RBC4 RBC12 IDLE4 3 2 1 XMS B2_SW0 SW56 XME FTS1 XFR XFR MA13 MA23 RA13 RA23 RBC3 RBC11 IDLE3 XDOW MA12 MA22 RA12 RA22 RBC2 RBC10 IDLE2 MA11 MA21 RA11 RA21 RBC1 RBC9 IDLE1 0 XRST FTS0 XDUN XDUN XBZ MA10 MA20 RA10 RA20 RBC0 RBC8 IDLE0 The B2 channel HDLC register's definitions and functions are the same as those of B1 channel HDLC. Please refer to section 8.2 for a detailed description. 8.4 PCI Configuration Register W6692A provides PCI interface for PCI-based system and only supports slave mode. There are two optional Base Address Registers (Memory or I/O) for host access to W6692A internal registers. Reads to reserved or unimplemented registers return data value of 0. Write to these registers are completed normally and the data are discarded. -78 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller After power on reset, W6692A automatically reads the configuration data from serial EEPROM interface. The first word read is Vendor ID. If Vendor ID = FFFFH, W6692A assumes EEPROM is empty and will use built-in default configuration data, otherwise, configuration data from EEPROM is used. Please refer to Section 7.9.1 for serial EEPROM data format. TABLE 8.7 PCI CONFIGURATION SPACE Address\Bit 31 24 00H 04 H 08 H 0C H 10 H 14 H 18 H - 28 H 2C H 30 H 34 H 38 H 3C H 23 16 15 8 7 0 Device ID Vendor ID Status (Bit 4 = 1) Command Class Code Revision ID -Header Type -Base Address Register 0 Base Address Register 1 Not implemented. Read as 0. Subsystem ID Subsystem Vendor ID Not implemented. Read as 0. Not implemented. Read as 0. Cap_Ptr Not implemented. Read as 0. --Interrupt Pin Interrupt Line PMC Next Item Ptr Cap_ID Data PMCSR_BSE PMCSR 40 H 44 H 8.4.1 Device/Vendor ID Register Read Address 00 H PCI Configuration Address: 00H Default: 6692 1050 H 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Device ID 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Vendor 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 ID Bits 31-16 Device ID Device ID is loaded from EEPROM after power on reset, if EEPROM is not empty. Device ID is Winbonds device ID: 6692H , if EEPROM is empty. Bits 15-0 Vendor ID Vendor ID is allocated by the PCI SIG to ensure uniqueness. The value is loaded from EEPROM after power-on reset , if EEPROM is not empty. -79 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Vendor ID is Winbonds vendor ID: 1050H , if EEPROM is empty. 8.4.2 Status/Command Register Read/Write Address 04H PCI Configuration Address: 04H Default: 0210 0000 H 31 DPE 30 -- 29 15 14 13 -- 28 -- 27 STA 12 11 26 25 DEVSEL 10 -- 9 -- 24 -- 23 FBT 8 -- 7 -- 22 UDF 6 PEE 21 66M 5 20 CAP 4 19 17 16 -3 -- 18 2 1 0 MAE IOAE Bits 31-16 are Status register and bits 15-0 are Command register. Reads to Status register behave normally. Bits in Status register are cleared if the corresponding write data bits are '1' in a write operation. Bits 15-0 are Command register. When 00H is written to this register, the device is logically disconnected from the PCI bus for all accesses except configuration accesses. The power up value of Command register is 00 H . Bit 31 DPE Detected Parity Error R/W_clr 1 = A parity error is detected. 0 = No parity error is detected. Bit 30 SSE Signaled System Error Not implemented. Read as 0. Bits 29-28 Master Aborted, Target Aborted Not implemented. Read as 0. Bit 27 STA Signaled Target Abort 1 = Target Abort is signaled. 0 = Target Abort is not signaled. R/W_clr Bits 26-25 DEVSEL Timing Read_only 01 = Medium DEVSEL# timing. Bits 24 PERR# Asserted Not implemented. Read as 0. Bit 23 FBT Fast Back-to-back Transaction Read_only 0 = Unable to accept fast back-to-back transaction. Bit 22 UDF User Definable Features Read_only 0 = Unable to support User Definable Features. -80 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Bit 21 66M 66 MHz Function 0 = Support 33 MHz only. Bit 20 CAP Capability Read_only 1 = Power management capability is supported. Bits 19-16 Reserved Read as 0 Bits 15-10 Reserved Read as 0 Read_only Bits 9 Fast Back-to-back Not implemented. Read as 0. Bit 8 SEE SERR# Driver Enable Not implemented. Read as 0. Bits 7 Address/data Stepping Not implemented. Read as 0 Bit 6 PEE Parity Error Response Enable 1 = Enable parity error response 0 = Disable parity error response R/W Bits 5-2 VGA Palette, Memory Write and Invalidate, Special Cycle Not implemented. Read as 0. Bit 1 MAE Memory Access Enable 1 = Enable memory access response 0 = Disable memory access response Bit 0 IOAE I/O Access Enable 1 = Enable I/O access response 0 = Disable I/O access response R/W R/W 8.4.3 Class Code/Revision ID Register Read Address 08H PCI Configuration Address: 08H Default: 0204 0000 H 31 30 29 28 27 26 Base Class Code 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Sub-Class Code 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 Programming Interface 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Revision ID 2 1 0 Bits 31-8 Class Code Read_only -81 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller This value is loaded from EEPROM after power-on reset, if EEPROM is not empty. The default value is 020400 H to specify that the W6692A is an ISDN network communication device, if EEPROM is empty. Bits 7-0 Revision ID Read_only This value is assigned by the ISDN system manufacturer and identifies the revision number of the system. This value is loaded from EEPROM after power on reset, if EEPROM is not empty. The default value is 00 H, if EEPROM is empty. 8.4.4 Header Type/Latency Timer Register Read Address 0CH PCI Configuration Address: 0CH Default: 0000 0000 H 31 30 29 28 27 BIST 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Header Type 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 Latency Timer 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Cache Line Size 2 1 0 Bits 31-24 BIST Built-in Self Test Read_only This register is always read as 0. It means that W6692A does not support BIST function. Bits 23-16 Header Type Read_only The value of this register is 00H. This means a signle function device, with header type 00H. Bits 15-8 Latency Timer Read_only This register is not implemented and is read as 0. Bits 7-0 Cache Line Size Read_only This register is not implemented and is read as 0. 8.4.5 Base Address Register 0 Read/Write Address 10H Depending on EEPROM status and MEN, IEN bits in EEPROM, there are different implementations: MEN IEN 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 EEPROM empty Location 10H Memory Base Address Reg. Memory Base Address Reg. IO Base Address Reg. Not Implemented Memory Base Address Reg. Location 14H IO Base Address Reg. Not Implemented Not Implemented Not Implemented IO Base Address Reg. PRE used Yes Yes No No PRE=0 If EEPROM is empty, the power on reset value at 10H =0000 0000H, and the power on reset value at 14H =0000 0001H Memory Base Adress Register: -82 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Memory Base Address 21 20 19 15 14 13 12 Memory Base Address 11 10 9 5 4 3 PRE 8 7 Hardwired to 0 6 18 17 16 1 0 0 2 Type This register can be used to relocate memory address space to any location that is aligned to 4K bytes for mapping W6692A's internal registers. Bits 31-12 Memory Base Address R/W These bits are read/write and are used to relocate the memory address space at 4K byte boundary. Bits 11-4 Read_only These bits are read_only and are hardwired to 0. Bit 3 Prefetchable Read_only This bit is hardwired to 0 if EEPROM is empty. Otherwise, it is loaded from EEPROM. Bits 2-1 Type Read_only These two bits are hardwired to 00, indicating the memory range can locate anywhere in 32 bit address space. Bit 0 Memory Space Indicator Read_only This bit is hardwired to 0, indicating a memory space is allocated. IO Base Address Register: 31 30 29 15 14 13 28 27 26 25 12 11 10 I/O Base Address 9 24 23 22 I/O Base Address 8 7 6 21 20 19 18 17 3 2 1 0 5 4 Hardwired to 0 16 0 1 This register can be used to relocate I/O address space to any location that is aligned to 256 bytes for mapping W6692A's internal registers. Bits 31-8 IO Base Address R/W These bits are read/write and are used to relocate the IO address space at 256 byte boundary. Bits 7-2 Read_only These bits are read_only and are hardwired to 0. Bit 1 Reserved Read_only This bit is reserved and is hardwired to 0. Bit 0 IO Space Indicator Read_only This bit is hardwired to 1, indicating a I/O space is allocated. -83 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 8.4.6 Base Address Register 1 Read/Write Address 14H See the above section. 8.4.7 Subsystem/Subsystem Vendor ID Register Read Address 2CH PCI Configuration Address: 2CH Default: FFFF FFFF H 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 24 23 Subsystem ID 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 8 7 6 Subsystem Vendor ID 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bits 31-16 Subsystem ID Read_only Assigned by card vendor. Subsystem ID is loaded from EEPROM after power on reset, if EEPROM is not empty. The default value is FFFF H, if EEPROM is empty. Bits 15-0 Subsystem Vendor ID Read_only Subsystem Vendor ID is assigned by the PCI SIG to ensure uniqueness. The value is loaded from EEPROM after power on reset, if EEPROM is not empty. The default value is FFFF H, if EEPROM is empty. 8.4.8 Interrupt Line Register Read/Write Address 3CH PCI Configuration Address: 3CH Default: 0000 0100 H 31 30 29 15 14 13 28 27 26 Max_Latency Timer 12 11 Interrupt Pin 10 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 Min_GNT Timer 17 16 9 8 7 6 5 4 Interrupt 1 0 3 Line 2 Bits 31-24 Max_Latency Timer Read_only This register is hardwired to 0, indicating no major requirements for the settings of Latency Timers. Bits 23-16 Min_GNT Timer This register is hardwired to 0. Read_only Bits 15-8 Interrupt Pin Read_only This register is hardwired to 01H to specify that INTA# is the interrupt pin used. -84 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Bits 7-0 Interrupt Line R/W This 8-bit register is used to communicate interrupt line routing information. BIOS or OS software must write the routing information into this register as it initializes and configures the system. 8.4.9 Capability Pointer Read Address 34H PCI Configuration Address: 34H Default: 40H 31 30 29 28 27 26 Not Implemented 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 Not Implemented 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 Not Implemented 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Capability Pointer 1 0 Bit 7-0 Capability Pointer Hardwired to 40H to indicate the Power Management Capability list begins at offset 40H. 8.4.10 Power Management Capability Read Address 40H PCI Configuration Address: 40H Default: FE62 00 01H 31 30 29 15 14 13 28 27 26 12 11 10 Next Item Pointer 25 24 23 22 Power Management Capability 9 8 7 6 21 5 20 19 18 17 16 4 3 2 Capability Identifier 1 0 Bits 31-16 are Power Management Capability register. It is loaded from EEPROM at power on if EEPROM is not empty, else the default value is used. Bit 31-27 PME-Support Indicate states which can assert PME# signal: XXXX1b - PME# can be asserted from D0 XXX1Xb - PME# can be asserted from D1 XX1XXb - PME# can be asserted from D2 X1XXXb - PME# can be asserted from D3hot 1XXXXb - PME# can be asserted from D3cold Default is 11111b. Bit 26 D2_Support 1 = D2 state is supported. Default is 1. Bit 25 D1_Support 1 = D1 state is supported. Default is 1. Bits 24-22 Aux_Current Indicating current requirement of 3.3Vaux at D3cold. Default is 001b (55 mA). -85 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Bit 21 Device Specific Initialization 1 = Device specific initialization is needed. Default is 1. Bit 20 Reserved Reserved. Read as 0. Bit 19 PME Clock 1 = PCI clock is needed for PME# assertion. Default is 0. Bits 18-16 Version Default is 010b to indicate PCI Power Management Revision 1.1 compliant. Bits 15-8 Next Item Pointer Hardwired to 00H , to indicate no further Capability list item. Bits 7-0 Capability Identifier Hardwired to 01H , to indicate a PCI Power Management Identifier. 8.4.11 Power Management Control/Status Read/Write Address 44H PCI Configuration Address: 44H Default: 0000H for bits 31-16; X000,000X,0000,0000b for bits 15-0. 31 30 29 15 14 13 28 27 26 Operational Data 12 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 PMCSR_BSE 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Power Management Control/Status Register (PMCSR) 3 18 17 16 2 1 0 Bits 31-24 Operational Data Report Read Reports the power operational data of whole PCI card. Not implemented. Read as 0. Bits 23-16 PMCSR PCI to PCI Bridge Support Extensions Not implemented. Read as 0. Read Bits 15-0 are the Power Management Control/Status register. A sticky bit has an indeterminate value at time of initial operating system boot. (It is not set/preset by PCI reset signal.) Bit 15 PME_Status Read/Write-clear, Sticky This bit is set when W6692A would normally assert the PME# signal independent of the state of the PME_En bit. Writig a "1" to this bit will clear it and cause W6692A to stop asserting a PME# (if enabled). Writing a "0" has no effect. PME event occurred No PME event PME_En=0 PME_Status=1 PME# inactive PME_Status=0 PME# inactive PME-En=1 PME_Status=1 PME# active until PMEStatus is cleared PME_Status=0 PME# inactive -86 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Bits 14-13 Data_Scale Read Used when interpreting the value of Data register. Not implemented. Read as 0. Bits 12-9 Data_Select Read Used to select which data is to be reported through the Data register and Data_Scale field. Not implemented. Read as 0. Bit 8 PME_En Read/Write, Sticky A "1" enables W6692A to assert PME#. When "0", PME# assertion is disabled. If the PME# is active, writing "0" to this bit also clears the PME# signal. Bits 7-2 Reserved These bits are reserved and read as 0. Bits 1-0 Power State Read/Write Used to get or set the device's power state. 00b - D0: fully operational 01b - D1: Not responds to PCI IO and memory accesses (PCI transation may or may not present, bus clock and VCC present), only responds to PCI configuration access, B2 HDLC stopped 10b - D2: Not responds to PCI IO and memory accesses (PCI transation may or may not present, bus clock may or may not present, VCC present), only responds to PCI configuration access, B1 and B2 HDLCs stopped 11b - D3hot : only responds to PCI configuration access accesses (PCI transation may or may not present, bus clock may or may not present, VCC may or may not present, 3.3Vaux present), a software re-initialization of the chip must be performed when returns to D0 Note : When waken up by PME event, software must read ISTA register or issue RRST command to clear the queued interrupt status bits. -87 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 9. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 9.1 Absolute Maximum Rating Parameter Voltage on any pin with respect to ground Ambient temperature under bias Maximum voltage on VDD Symbol VS Limit Values -0.4 to VDD+0.4 Unit V TA 0 to 70 C VDD 6 V 9.2 Power Supply The power supply is 5 V 5 %. 9.3 DC Characteristics TA=0 to 70 C; VDD=5 V 5 %, VSSA=0 V, VSSD=0 V Parameter Low input voltage High input voltage Low output voltage High output voltage Analog power supply current: power down Analog power supply current: activated Input leakage current Output leakage current Absolute value of output pulse amplitude (VSX2-VSX1) Transmitter output current Symbol VIL Min -0.4 Max 0.8 Unit V VIH 2.0 VDD +0.4 0.4 V VOL VOH 2.4 V Test conditions Remarks IOL= 12 mA V ICC 1.5 mA VDDA=5V, S/T layer 1 in state "F3 Deactivated without clock" ICC 6.5 mA VDD=5V, S/T layer 1 in state "F7 Activated" ILI 10 A 0 V < VIN < VDD to 0V ILO 10 A 0 V < VOUT < VDD to 0V VX 2.03 2.10 2.31 2.39 V V RL=50 1) RL=400 1) IX 7.5 13.4 mA RL=5.6 1) All pins except SX1,2, SR1,2 All pins except SX1,2, SR1,2 SX1,2 SX1,2 -88 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller RX Transmitter output impedence 30 23 Inactive or during binary ONE During binary ZERO (RL=50 ) k SX1,2 Note: 1) Due to the transformer, the load resistance seen by the circuit is four times RL. Capacitances TA=25 C, VDD= 5 V 5 %, VSSA= 0V, VSSD=0V, fc=1 Mhz, unmeasured pins grounded. Parameter Input capacitance I/O pin capacitance Output capacitance against VSSA Input capacitance Load capacitance Symbol CIN CIO COUT Min. Max. 7 7 10 Unit pF pF pF 7 50 pF pF CIN CL Remarks All pins except SR1,2 All pins except SR1,2 SX1,2 SR1,2 XTAL1,2 Recommended oscillator circuits CL 50 7.68MHz External oscillator signal XTAL1 CL50pF XTAL1 or 51 XTAL2 50 N.C. 51 XTAL2 CL Crystal specifications Parameter Frequency Frequency calibration tolerance Load capacitance Oscillator mode Symbol f Values 7.680 Max. 100 Unit MHz ppm CL Max. 50 Fundamental pF Note: The load capacitance CL depends on the crystal specification. The typical values are 33 to 47 pF. External ocsillator input (XTAL1) clock characteristics Parameter Duty cycle Min. 1:2 Max. 2:1 -89 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 9.4 Preliminary Switching Characteristics 9.4.1 PCM Interface Timing PBCK (1.536MHz) 24 CHs PFCK1 CH 1 CH 2 PTXD Port1 Port2 Port1 Port2 PRXD Port1 Port2 Port1 Port2 PFCK2 Note 1: These drawings are not to scale. Note 2 : The frequency of PBCK is 1536 kHz which includes 24 channels of 64 kbps data. The PFCK1 and PFCK2 are located at channel 1 and channel 2, each with a 8 x PBCK duration. Detailed PCM timing ta1 ta2 PBCK ta5 ta3 PFCK1 PFCK2 ta6 ta4 PTXD ta7 PRXD ta8 -90 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Parameter ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 ta6 ta7 ta8 Parameter Descriptions PBCK pulse high PBCK pulse low Frame clock asserted from PBCK PTXD data delay from PBCK Frame clock deasserted from PBCK PTXD hold time from PBCK PRXD setup time to PBCK PRXD hold time from PBCK Min. Nominal 325 325 195 Max. Remarks Unit = ns 455 20 20 20 10 20 10 Note : The PCM clocks are locked to the S/T receive clock. At every two or three PCM frame time (125 s), PBCK and PFCK1, PFCK2 may be adjusted by one local oscillator cycle (130 ns) in order to synchronize with S/T clock. This shift is made on the LOW level time of PBCK and the HIGH level time is not affected. This introduces jitters on the PBCK, PFCK1 and PFCK2 with jitter amplitude 260 ns (peak-to-peak) and jitter frequency about 2.67~4 kHz. 9.4.2 Serial EEPROM Timing tb1 tb2 EPSK tb3 tb3 EPCS tb6 tb4 A5 EPSDI Parameter tb1 tb2 tb3 tb4 tb5 tb6 tb7 tb5 tb4 Parameter Descriptions EPSK low EPSK high EPCS output delay EPSD output delay EPSD tri-state delay EPSD input setup time EPSD input hold time A4 ..... Min. 2500 2500 A1 A0 Max. tb7 D15 D14 ....... D1 D0 Remarks Unit = ns 30 30 30 30 30 -91 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 9.4.3 Peripheral Interface Timing 8-bit microprocessor timing when XMODE = 1: Peripheral Write PCI CLK XAD7-0 tc1 tc2 tc4 tc5 Hi-Z Hi-Z XALE tc3 XWRB Peripheral Read PCI CLK XAD7-0 tc1 tc2 tc8 Hi-Z Hi-Z XALE tc7 XRDB tc6 Parameter tc1 tc2 tc3 tc4 tc5 tc6 tc7 tc8 Parameter Descriptions XA7-0 setup time XA7-0 hold time XWRB pulse width write data setup time write data hold time XRDB pulse width read data delay time read data hold time Min. Max. Typical 30 30 60 90 30 120 Remarks Unit = ns 90 0 9.4.5 8-bit Microprocessor Timing Intel mode read cycle timing t1 t10 ALE t2 AD<7:0> t9 t3 A<7:0> D<7:0> t6 t8 A<7:0> t7 CS# t4 RD# t5 t11 -92 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Intel mode write cycle timing t1 t10 ALE t2 t15 t3 A<7:0> AD<7:0> A<7:0> D<7:0> t6 t14 t7 CS# t4 t13 t12 WR# Motorola mode read cycle timing A<7:0> t16 t17 t19 CS# t18 t21 t20 DS# t22 RW t23 t24 D<7:0> -93 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Motorola mode write cycle timing A<7:0> t16 t17 t19 CS# t18 t27 t26 DS# t25 RW t28 t29 D<7:0> Parameter t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 t18 t19 t20 t21 t22 t23 t24 t25 t26 t27 t28 t29 Parameter Descriptions ALE pulse width address setup time to ALE address hold time from ALE address setup time to RD#, WR# RD# pulse width CS# setup time to RD#, WR# CS# hold time from RD#, WR# data output delay from RD# data float from RD# ALE guard time RD# recovery time WR# pulse width WR# recovery time data setup time to WR# data hold time from WR# address setup time to DS# address hold time from DS# CS# setup time to DS# CS# hold time from DS# DS# read pulse width DS# read recovery time RW setup time to DS# read data output delay from DS# data hold time from DS# RW setup time to DS# write DS# write pulse width DS# write recovery time write data setup time to DS# write data hold time from DS# Min. 50 15 10 0 110 0 0 Max. Remarks 50 25 15 70 60 70 35 10 25 10 10 10 110 70 0 110 25 0 60 70 35 10 -94 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 9.5 AC Timing Test Conditions TA= 0 to 70 C, VDD= 5 V 5 % Inputs are driven to 2.4 V for logical 1 and 0.4 V for logical 0. Measurements are made at 2.0 V for logical 1 and 0.8 V for logical 0. The AC testing input/output waveforms are shown below : ". "0". 2.4 2.0 2.0 test point 0.4 0.8 0.8 Device Under Test Cload=150pF 10. ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number W6692ACF W6692ACD Package Type 100 Pin QFP 100 Pin LQFP Production Flow Commercial, 00C to +700C Commercial, 00C to +700C -95 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 11. PACKAGE SPECIFICATIONS 100PIN QFP(14x20x2.75mm footprint 4.8mm) HD D E e H E b c A2 A A1 See Detail F L y Seating Plane L 1 Controlling dimension : Millimeters Symbol A A1 A2 b c D E e HD HE L L1 y Dimension in inch Min 0.010 Nom Dimension in mm Max Min 0.014 0.018 0.101 0.107 0.113 2.57 0.25 0.008 0.012 0.016 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.547 0.551 0.783 0.020 0.746 0.740 0.756 0.960 0.976 0.039 0.047 Nom 0.35 Max 0.45 2.72 2.87 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.555 13.90 14.00 14.10 0.787 0.791 19.90 20.00 20.10 0.026 0.032 0.498 0.65 0.802 18.40 18.80 19.20 0.992 24.40 24.80 25.20 0.055 1.00 1.20 1.40 0.064 2.40 0.003 0 7 0.08 0 7 -96 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller 100PIN LQFP(14x20x1.4mm footprint 2.0mm) HD D E e H E b c A2 A A1 See Detail F L y Seating Plane L 1 Controlling dimension : Millimeters Symbol A A1 A2 b c D E e HD HE L L1 y 0 Dimension in inch Min 0.002 Nom Dimension in mm Max Min 0.004 0.006 0.05 0.053 0.055 0.057 1035 0.009 0.013 0.015 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.547 0.551 0.10 Max 0.15 1.40 1.45 0.22 0.32 0.38 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.555 13.90 14.00 14.10 19.90 20.00 20.10 0.783 0.787 0.791 0.020 0.026 0.032 0.626 0.630 0.634 0.862 0.866 0.018 0.024 0.498 0.65 0.802 15.90 16.00 16.10 0.870 21.90 22.00 22.10 0.030 0.45 0.60 0.75 0.039 1.00 0.003 0 Nom 7 0.08 0 7 -97 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0 Data Sheet W6692A PCI ISDN S/T-Controller Headquarters Winbond Electronics (H.K.) Ltd. No. 4, Creation Rd. III Science-Based Industrial Park Hsinchu, Taiwan TEL: 886-35-770066 FAX: 886-35-789467 www: Rm. 803, World Trade Square, Tower II 123 Hoi Bun Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon, Hong Kong TEL: 852-27516023-7 FAX: 852-27552064 Winbond Electronics (North America) Corp. 2730 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 U.S.A. TEL: 1-408-9436666 FAX: 1-408-9436668 Taipei Office 11F, No. 115, Sec. 3, Min-Sheng East Rd. Taipei, Taiwan TEL: 886-2-7190505 FAX: 886-2-7197502 TLX: 16485 WINTPE Note: All data and specifications are subject to change without notice. -98 Publication Release Date: Mar,2000 Revision 1.0