Standard ICs Quad analog switch BU4066BC/BU4066BCF/BU4066BCFV The BU4066BC, BU4066BCF, and BU4066BCFV each consist of four independent switches capable of controlling either digital or analog signals. When Enable Input (CONT) is set to the H level, impedance is low (ON status) between switch input and output, and when Enable Input (CONT) is set to the L level, impedance is high (OFF status). As the BU4066BC has a good propagation characteristic, it can control large input voltage amplitudes. These switches can be used in analog and digital signal switching and in chopper modulator and demodulator cir- cuits. @Logic diagram a a _L. Voo t. _fVop Voo | IN / OUT OW | Y pO | | rh OUT/IN ' TT Lt al ogl | : i CONT +f a @Block diagram IN/OUT | 1 ___SO 4 | Von | OUT /IN | 2- a r--1 13 | CONT.A ourm [) 72] conto IN/OUT | 4 i 41) IN/OUT SL CONT.B {5 Swe 4 10] QUT/IN CONT.C | 6 swo g OUT /IN ee vee [7 a @ | wrour DIP / SOP / SSOP 442 REHM : cece te . cee age me amen cee eae cn see genteel en arn aon nme ae snp ERE RCIA IIMARONRSE FAIRER mm ST ei sone areenceeeRaRI SARTRE ERpremianmrernantetmmneN terete i Standard ICs BU4066BC/BU4066BCF/BU4066BCFV @Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25C) Parameter Symbol Limits Unit Power supply voltage Vop 0.3~~20 Vv Power dissipation Pd 1000 sae SOP) mW Operating temperature Topr 40~85 Cc Storage temperature Tstg 55~150 Cc Input voltage Vin 0.3~Von+0.3 V @Electrical characteristics DC characteristics (unless otherwise noted, Ta=25C) Parameter Symbol | Min. Typ. Max. Unit Voo (V) Conditions Measurement 3.5 _ - 5 High-level input voltage Vin 7.4 _ - Vv 10 _ Fig. 1 11.0 - _ 15 _ 7 15 5 Low-level input voltage Vir - _ 3.0 Vv 10 _ Fig. 1 - _ 3.75 15 8 High-level input current In _ - 0.3 BA 15 Vin=15V Fig. 1 3 Low-level input current Ie _ _ 0.3 BA 15 Vi=0V Fig. 1 s _ 150 | 600 5 | Vi=0.25V, R=10kQ 3 _ 500 950 5 Vin=2.5V, Ri=10kQ ON resistance Ron _ 200 600 Q 5 Vin=5V, Ri=10kQ Fig. 1 a _ 230 500 10 Vin=5V, R= 10kQ - 180 280 15 Vin=7.5V, Ru=10kO g - 25 _ 5 3 ON resistance deflexion ARw | | to | | @ 10 ele Fig 1 = 2 _ 5 - 15 _ _ 0.3 15 Vin=15V, Vour=0V leakage cent lof - Tro3 | * 15 | Vin=OV, Vour=15V Fig ad _ 1.0 5 Quiescent supply current Ibo - ~ 2.0 BA 10 Vi=Voo or GND ~ _ 40 15 input capacitance (control input) Cc _ 8 ~ pF _ f=1MHz _ Input capacitance (switch input} Cs - 10 _ pF _ f=1MHz _ nenm 443 et im en APE SEE ARIMA ETEINA EHIME Standard ICs BU4066BC/BU4066BCF/BU4066BCFV @ Electrical characteristics Switching characteristics (unless otherwise noted, Ta=25C , C.=50pF) Parameter Symbol | Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions ms 4 Y Von (V) Circuit _ 20 50 5 Propagation delay time feu _ = . SW IN~OUT teu. 12 40 ns 10 Ri=10kQ Fig.2 _ 10 30 15 Propagation delay time t < = Output H , L PHZ a6 , 73 1 CONT-OUT te 35 i) ns 10 High Z Fig.2 _ 30 70 15 RL=1kQ _ 60 140 5 Propagation delay time | tezH - Output High Z-> H , L . CONT--OUT tea 20 | ns 10 | Ri=tka Fig.2 ~ 15 40 15 Feedthrough attenuation FT _ 0.7 _ MHz 5 Vss=5V, RL=10k9*' Fig.2 Sinewave distortion D ) Ot _ % 5 Vss==-8V, RiL=10kQ*? Fig.2 Crosstalk Vss=5V, Ri==10k0 (CONT-*OUT) CTc 600 mVp-P 5 f=1MHz Fig.2 Crosstalk (2) _ _ _ ri . between channels CT 1 MHz 5 Vss 5V, RL=10kQ Fig.2 ve *1 VIN : SVP-p sinewave, frequency that enables oo 50dB at channel off *2 Vin : SVe-P sinewave @Measurement circuits Voo oo | | Ron=10 WH 1) ko i Vout | RL=10kQ I Fig. 1 (a) Input voltage, current Fig. 1 (b) On resistance Fig. 1 (c) Channel off leakage current esther en tee eR MN IN Standard ICs BU4066BC/BU4066BCF/BU4066BCFV 10% af ez Pia Fig. 2 (a) Propagation delay time (IN to OUT) Fig. 2 (b) Propagation delay time Fig. 2 (c) Propagation delay time (CONT to OUT) {CONT to OUT) a Vpp=5V ' Vop=5V | SVP-P =5V Vss=--5V Vss==-5V CMOS fogic P| BU4000B series Fig. 2 (d) Sinewave distortion, feedthrough attenuation Fig. 2 (e) Crosstalk Vss=~-5V Fig. 2 (f} Control IN + OUT crosstalk RoHm 445 inerrant ane ape ate Am DRM Standard ICs BU4066BC/BU4066BCF/BU4066BCFV el @Electricai characteristic curve POWER DISSIPATION : Pa (mW) 0 7& 1 125 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE : Ta (C) 150 Fig. 3 Power dissipation - ambient temperature characteristic @Externai dimensions (Units: mm) BU4066BC BU4066BCF 19.4403 a7t02 14 8 HARARE x Qo Hy 4 Bs O S PEEEEEE rr . . y B + 2 2 | io me + 030.1 3s 2 | " +O1, 6 iar 0.40.1 O.3Min._ \ 3 ve : Lil 0.15 | a DIP14 SOP14 BU4066BCFV 5.0+0.2 14 ERARS my a Hl Fi 3 sLbe qi rm # vr 1 S # _ 3 erelr t < 6] 0.85 02201 9.3Min._ | Bre SSOP-14 406 nom