FLASH Development Toolkit User's Manual ADE-702-277 Rev. 1.0 10/03/01 Hitachi, Ltd. HS6400FDIW2S Cautions 1. Hitachi neither warrants nor grants licenses of any rights of Hitachi's or any third party's patent, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights for information contained in this document. Hitachi bears no responsibility for problems that may arise with third party's rights, including intellectual property rights, in connection with use of the information contained in this document. 2. Products and product specifications may be subject to change without notice. Confirm that you have received the latest product standards or specifications before final design, purchase or use. 3. Hitachi makes every attempt to ensure that its products are of high quality and reliability. However, contact Hitachi's sales office before using the product in an application that demands especially high quality and reliability or where its failure or malfunction may directly threaten human life or cause risk of bodily injury, such as aerospace, aeronautics, nuclear power, combustion control, transportation, traffic, safety equipment or medical equipment for life support. 4. Design your application so that the product is used within the ranges guaranteed by Hitachi particularly for maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installation conditions and other characteristics. Hitachi bears no responsibility for failure or damage when used beyond the guaranteed ranges. Even within the guaranteed ranges, consider normally foreseeable failure rates or failure modes in semiconductor devices and employ systemic measures such as fail-safes, so that the equipment incorporating Hitachi product does not cause bodily injury, fire or other consequential damage due to operation of the Hitachi product. 5. This product is not designed to be radiation resistant. 6. No one is permitted to reproduce or duplicate, in any form, the whole or part of this document without written approval from Hitachi. 7. Contact Hitachi's sales office for any questions regarding this document or Hitachi semiconductor products. Contents Chapter 1 Introduction.......................................................................................1 1.1 Key Features........................................................................................................................ 1 Chapter 2 System Overview ..............................................................................3 2.1 User Interface ...................................................................................................................... 3 Menu bar........................................................................................................................... 4 Toolbars ............................................................................................................................ 5 Workspace toolbar ............................................................................................................ 6 Project toolbar................................................................................................................... 7 Standard toolbar................................................................................................................ 8 Status Bar.......................................................................................................................... 9 Pop-up menus ................................................................................................................... 9 Data entry.......................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Help ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Context Sensitive Help ..................................................................................................... 10 2.3 Hot Keys.............................................................................................................................. 10 Chapter 3 Basic Operation.................................................................................13 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Starting the FDT .................................................................................................................. 13 Creating a New Workspace ................................................................................................. 13 Saving a Workspace ............................................................................................................ 18 Closing a Workspace ........................................................................................................... 18 Exiting the FDT................................................................................................................... 18 Programming the Data to the FLASH ROM ....................................................................... 18 Erasing Data from the FLASH ROM .................................................................................. 20 Reading the FLASH ROM Data.......................................................................................... 20 Chapter 4 Configuring the User Interface..........................................................21 4.1 Arranging Windows ............................................................................................................ 21 Minimising windows ........................................................................................................ 21 Tiling windows ................................................................................................................. 21 4.2 Locating Currently Open Windows..................................................................................... 21 Locating a specific window .............................................................................................. 21 4.3 Enabling/disabling the Status Bar........................................................................................ 22 4.4 Enabling/disabling the Toolbar ........................................................................................... 22 4.5 Enabling/disabling the Workspace ...................................................................................... 22 4.6 Enabling/disabling the Message Log................................................................................... 22 4.7 Enabling/disabling the Dependency Log............................................................................. 22 4.8 Customising the Toolbar ..................................................................................................... 23 Toolbars ............................................................................................................................ 23 Commands ........................................................................................................................ 24 Adding a button to the Toolbar......................................................................................... 24 Positioning a button in the Toolbar................................................................................... 24 Removing a button from the Toolbar ............................................................................... 24 Chapter 5 Menus................................................................................................25 5.1 File....................................................................................................................................... 25 Open... ............................................................................................................................. 25 New Workspace................................................................................................................ 25 Open Workspace.............................................................................................................. 25 Save Workspace................................................................................................................ 25 Close Workspace .............................................................................................................. 25 Save ............................................................................................................................. 25 i 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 ii Save As... ......................................................................................................................... 26 Save All ............................................................................................................................ 26 Close File .......................................................................................................................... 26 Recent Workspaces........................................................................................................... 26 Recent Files....................................................................................................................... 26 Exit ............................................................................................................................. 26 Edit ...................................................................................................................................... 26 Undo ............................................................................................................................. 26 Redo ............................................................................................................................. 26 Create Selection... ............................................................................................................ 26 Cut ............................................................................................................................. 26 Copy ............................................................................................................................. 26 Paste ............................................................................................................................. 27 Find... ............................................................................................................................. 27 Replace... ......................................................................................................................... 27 View .................................................................................................................................... 27 Toolbar ............................................................................................................................. 27 Status Bar.......................................................................................................................... 27 Workspace ........................................................................................................................ 27 Message Log ..................................................................................................................... 27 Dependency Log............................................................................................................... 27 Project.................................................................................................................................. 27 New Project...................................................................................................................... 28 Add Files to Project... ...................................................................................................... 28 Remove File from Project................................................................................................ 28 Set Active Project ............................................................................................................. 28 Insert Project... ................................................................................................................. 28 Build Device Image .......................................................................................................... 28 Download Device Image .................................................................................................. 28 Freshen all Target files ..................................................................................................... 28 Properties... ...................................................................................................................... 28 Device.................................................................................................................................. 28 Connect to Device/Disconnect from Device..................................................................... 28 Erase FLASH blocks........................................................................................................ 28 Upload Image................................................................................................................... 29 Blank check ...................................................................................................................... 29 Download `file name' ....................................................................................................... 29 Cancel FLASH Operation................................................................................................. 29 Image ................................................................................................................................... 29 Fill... ............................................................................................................................. 29 View ASCII ...................................................................................................................... 29 View as Bytes ................................................................................................................... 29 View as Words.................................................................................................................. 29 View as DWords............................................................................................................... 29 Align to 8 Bytes ................................................................................................................ 30 Download `file name' ....................................................................................................... 30 Tools.................................................................................................................................... 30 UPB Diagnostics.............................................................................................................. 30 JTAG Development System... ......................................................................................... 30 Advanced Configuration.................................................................................................. 30 Kernel Build Assistant... .................................................................................................. 30 Customise......................................................................................................................... 30 Window ............................................................................................................................... 30 Workbook View................................................................................................................ 30 Docking Views ................................................................................................................. 30 Tile Windows.................................................................................................................... 31 `file name'......................................................................................................................... 31 5.9 Help ..................................................................................................................................... 31 Help Topics....................................................................................................................... 31 About... ............................................................................................................................ 31 Chapter 6 Windows ...........................................................................................33 6.1 Workspace window ............................................................................................................. 33 Docking View................................................................................................................... 33 Hide ............................................................................................................................. 33 6.2 Workspace ........................................................................................................................... 34 New Project...................................................................................................................... 34 Insert Project into Workspace.......................................................................................... 34 Open Workspace.............................................................................................................. 34 Save Workspace................................................................................................................ 34 Close Workspace .............................................................................................................. 34 Properties... ...................................................................................................................... 35 6.3 Project.................................................................................................................................. 35 Add Files to Project... ...................................................................................................... 35 Set as Active Project ......................................................................................................... 35 Remove Project................................................................................................................. 35 Connect to Device / Disconnect........................................................................................ 35 Erase FLASH blocks........................................................................................................ 36 Upload Image................................................................................................................... 36 Blank check ...................................................................................................................... 36 Cancel FLASH Operation................................................................................................. 36 Build Device Image .......................................................................................................... 36 Freshen all Target files ..................................................................................................... 36 Properties... ...................................................................................................................... 36 6.4 Device Image - Sub Folder.................................................................................................. 37 Build Device Image .......................................................................................................... 37 Freshen all Target files ..................................................................................................... 37 Properties... ...................................................................................................................... 37 6.5 Device Image - Sub-Project Properties................................................................................ 37 6.6 Target files - Sub Folder...................................................................................................... 38 Add Files to Project... ...................................................................................................... 38 Freshen all Target files ..................................................................................................... 38 Properties... ...................................................................................................................... 38 6.7 Target files - Sub-Project Properties.................................................................................... 38 6.8 Device Image....................................................................................................................... 39 Edit ............................................................................................................................. 39 Remove File from Project................................................................................................. 39 Block usage...................................................................................................................... 39 Rebuild Image................................................................................................................... 39 Download Image to Device .............................................................................................. 39 Properties... ...................................................................................................................... 39 6.9 S-Record Files ..................................................................................................................... 40 Edit ............................................................................................................................. 40 Remove File from Project................................................................................................. 40 Download File to Device .................................................................................................. 40 Freshen Local File ............................................................................................................ 40 Properties... ...................................................................................................................... 40 6.10 Workspace Properties ........................................................................................................ 40 6.11 Project Properties............................................................................................................... 41 (1) Project ......................................................................................................................... 41 (2) Kernel.......................................................................................................................... 42 iii 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 iv (3) Communications ......................................................................................................... 42 COM Port ......................................................................................................................... 42 Use default baud ............................................................................................................... 42 Target Baud Rate .............................................................................................................. 42 (4) Device ......................................................................................................................... 43 BOOT Mode...................................................................................................................... 43 USER Program Mode ....................................................................................................... 43 Select Interface ................................................................................................................. 43 Kernel already resident..................................................................................................... 43 (5) Programmer................................................................................................................. 44 Device Protection ............................................................................................................. 44 Message level.................................................................................................................... 44 (6) Modules....................................................................................................................... 45 (7) Comments ................................................................................................................... 45 Undo ............................................................................................................................. 45 Cut ............................................................................................................................. 45 Copy ............................................................................................................................. 45 Paste ............................................................................................................................. 45 Delete ............................................................................................................................. 45 Select All ........................................................................................................................... 46 Device Image Properties.................................................................................................... 46 (1) File properties ............................................................................................................. 46 (2) Dependencies .............................................................................................................. 46 Rebuild Now...................................................................................................................... 46 (3) Block usage ................................................................................................................. 47 S-Record Properties........................................................................................................... 48 (1) File properties ............................................................................................................. 48 (2) Dependencies .............................................................................................................. 48 (3) Block usage ................................................................................................................. 49 Output Window ................................................................................................................. 49 Copy ............................................................................................................................. 49 Clear Messages ................................................................................................................. 49 Save Messages... .............................................................................................................. 49 Allow Docking.................................................................................................................. 49 Hide ............................................................................................................................. 49 Editor Window .................................................................................................................. 50 Cut ............................................................................................................................. 50 Copy ............................................................................................................................. 50 Paste ............................................................................................................................. 50 Undo ............................................................................................................................. 50 Redo ............................................................................................................................. 50 Display Unit...................................................................................................................... 51 Align to 8 Bytes ................................................................................................................ 51 Create Selection... ............................................................................................................ 51 Fill... ............................................................................................................................. 51 Find... ............................................................................................................................. 51 Replace... ......................................................................................................................... 51 Properties... ...................................................................................................................... 51 Erase Blocks ...................................................................................................................... 52 Select All .......................................................................................................................... 52 Select Written ................................................................................................................... 52 Erase ............................................................................................................................. 52 Cancel ............................................................................................................................. 52 FLASH Controller ............................................................................................................. 53 Device Selection ............................................................................................................... 53 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 Commands ........................................................................................................................ 53 Connect ............................................................................................................................. 53 Blank check....................................................................................................................... 53 Erase FLASH blocks......................................................................................................... 53 User settings...................................................................................................................... 54 Connection........................................................................................................................ 54 BOOT Mode...................................................................................................................... 54 USER Program Mode ....................................................................................................... 54 Select Interface ................................................................................................................. 54 Kernel already resident..................................................................................................... 54 Kernel ............................................................................................................................. 54 Download file `file name' to device ................................................................................. 54 Customise - Toolbars......................................................................................................... 55 Show Tooltips................................................................................................................... 55 Cool Look ......................................................................................................................... 55 Large Buttons.................................................................................................................... 55 New... ............................................................................................................................. 55 Reset ............................................................................................................................. 55 Toolbar name .................................................................................................................... 56 OK ............................................................................................................................. 56 Delete ............................................................................................................................. 56 Cancel ............................................................................................................................. 56 Customise - Commands..................................................................................................... 56 Categories ......................................................................................................................... 56 Buttons ............................................................................................................................. 57 Description........................................................................................................................ 57 OK ............................................................................................................................. 57 Cancel ............................................................................................................................. 57 Customise - Output Window ............................................................................................ 57 Messages........................................................................................................................... 57 Change Colour.................................................................................................................. 57 Change Font ..................................................................................................................... 58 Tabs ............................................................................................................................. 58 Change Font ..................................................................................................................... 58 OK ............................................................................................................................. 58 Cancel ............................................................................................................................. 58 Customise - General .......................................................................................................... 59 Programming .................................................................................................................... 59 Read-back verification...................................................................................................... 59 Reset on disconnect........................................................................................................... 59 Automation ....................................................................................................................... 59 Reload last Workspace at startup ..................................................................................... 59 Download active project Device Image at startup............................................................ 59 OK ............................................................................................................................. 59 Cancel ............................................................................................................................. 60 Simple Interface................................................................................................................. 60 Flash Program ................................................................................................................... 60 v Preface About this guide This guide explains the use of the Hitachi FLASH Development Toolkit (hereafter referred to as FDT). Chapter 1, Introduction, provides a brief explanation to the tool and lists its key features. Chapter 2, System Overview, describes how the different facilities make up the FDT Graphical User Interface. Chapter 3, Basic Operation, describes how the FDT is activated and the FLASH ROM is written. Chapter 4, Configuring the User Interface, provides a way to configure the FDT Graphical User Interface. Chapter 5, Menus, and chapter 6, Windows, give reference information about the operations and facilities available through these respective areas. Assumptions It is assumed that the reader is experienced in using Microsoft Windows applications on PC-compatible computers. vi Document Conventions This manual uses the following typographic conventions: Table 1: Typographic Conventions CONVENTION MEANING [Menu->Menu Option] Bold text with `->' is used to indicate menu options (for example, [File->Save As...]). `dialog name' The `' is used to indicate the name of a dialog box or menu. FILENAME.C Uppercase names are used to indicate filenames. "enter this string" Used to indicate text that must be entered (excluding the "" quotes). Key+Key Used to indicate required key presses. For example. Ctrl+N means press the Ctrl key and then, whilst holding the Ctrl key down, press the N key. U When this symbol is used, it is always located in the left-hand margin. It indicates that the text to its immediate right is describing "how to" do something. (The "how to" symbol) IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. F-ZTAT is a trademark of Hitachi, Ltd. vii viii Chapter 1 Introduction The Hitachi FLASH Development Toolkit (FDT) is an on-board FLASH programming tool for Hitachi F-ZTAT microcomputers that provides a high-performance and user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI). FDT is intended to be used with the Hitachi Embedded Workshop (HEW), to provide a complete solution for the embedded software developer using Hitachi F-ZTAT microcomputers. FDT may also be used as a general purpose S-Record or Binary editor. 1.1 Key Features * Standard window operation based on the 32-bit Windows GUI. * Various online help functions. * Selectable messaging levels. * Simple programming environment using an adapter board. * Serial communication: maximum 115,200 bits/s. 1 2 Chapter 2 System Overview FDT is a modular software system, utilising self-contained modules for specific tasks. These modules are linked to a general purpose Graphical User Interface, which provides a common look & feel independent of the particular modules with which the system is configured. FDT employs a hierarchical structure so that work can be organised in a logical manner. The top level of the structure is the workspace. To be useful, the workspace must contain at least one project. In order to create a project, a workspace must be created first. Each project specifies its own target device configuration (specified when creating the project) and set of target files (S-Record / Binary) that can be used to program the device. The project settings for the target device connection need only be set once, as they are stored between sessions. A single project within the workspace is active at any point in time. The Active project is the context to which all Device Menu, Project Menu and Project Toolbar commands will be directed. When a project has been created, target files can be added to it. These files may be: * Used to program the device. * Used to build a Device Image. * Opened in the binary editor. The files added to a project are automatically copied from their original source location. In copying a file, a dependency link is created such that if the original source file is modified then the copied version in the project may be updated upon request. When using a project it is possible to take advantage of the following FDT features: * Target file dependency checking. * Advanced messaging levels. * Device Image builder. * Uploading data from the target device. 2.1 User Interface The FDT Graphical User Interface is a Windows application that presents a work environment, which allows the user to program FLASH memory. 3 Menu Bar Tool Bar Workspace window Editor window Message Log window Status Bar Figure 2.1 - FDT Graphical User Interface Menu bar Commands are grouped into related areas on the Menu bar as indicated by the menu titles. Using the mouse the user can select a command operation, invoke a dialog box or a window to interact with the system. Clicking the left mouse button on a menu title will pull down that menu, from which a selection can be made. If a menu item does not perform an action directly, but instead displays a dialog box or window for further user interaction, then its name is appended with an ellipsis (three dots, ...). If a menu item can also be invoked by pressing a hot key (a combination of keys), then the hot key is displayed to the right of the item. If a menu item toggles a feature ON or OFF then a check mark (u) will be displayed next to its text when it is ON: 4 If a menu item has the symbol (8) next to it then a cascading or hierarchical menu is available. Clicking on the menu item will reveal the cascading menu: Menus can also be selected directly from the keyboard by pressing the ALT key followed by the corresponding key of the underlined letter or number for the menu item that the user wants to select, e.g. ..press ALT+F, O in sequence to open a project ([File->Open]). Toolbars The FDT has several toolbars located below the Menu bar. This provides quick access to FDT features by clicking the respective button with the mouse. The buttons on each toolbar are arranged in associated groups. To find out the function of the button, move the mouse over the button and a hint will be displayed next to the button and in the status bar. The toolbar buttons can be customised to provide a button for the majority of the features available in FDT and can be arranged in an order that the user finds convenient. For more details about changing the arrangement of the toolbar buttons and a detailed description of each button's function, see chapter 4, Configuring the User Interface. 5 Workspace toolbar New Workspace Open Workspace Save Workspace New Project Properties New Workspace - launches the `New Workspace' dialog box. Open Workspace - launches the `Open' dialog box. Save Workspace - saves the current Workspace. New Project - launches the `Project Wizard' dialog box. Properties - launches the `Project Properties' dialog box. 6 Project toolbar Active Project Add S-Record Files Build Image Download Device Image Connect Disconnect Erase Blocks Blank Check Upload Data Cancel FLASH Operation Active Project - sets a new active project from those available in the workspace. Add S-Record Files - launches the `Open' dialog box so that S-Record files may be added to the project as a target file. Build Image - builds the open Device Image file into a binary image file for downloading the target FLASH memory. Download Device Image - downloads the currently open file. Connect - connects the device to the interface. Disconnect - disconnects the device from the interface. Erase Blocks - launches the `Erase Block' dialog box to erase all or individual blocks of the device FLASH memory. Blank Check - checks whether or not the FLASH section of the target device is blank. Upload Data - launches the `Upload Image' dialog box to allow data to be obtained from the target device. Cancel FLASH Operation - cancels the FLASH operations Download, Upload and Erase. 7 Standard toolbar Open file Save file Save all Cut Copy Paste Create Selection Undo Redo View as Bytes View as Words View as DWords Toggle ASCII Align view to 8 bytes Find Find and Replace Fill selection Download active file Open file - launches the `Open' dialog box. Save file - launches the `Save' dialog box. Save all - saves all open files. Cut - removes the highlighted block to the clipboard. Copy - copies the highlighted block to the clipboard. Paste - copies the contents of the clipboard to the window at the cursor position. Create Selection - selects a block of the specified size in the active file. Undo - reverses the previous editing operation. Redo - reverses the previous Undo operation. View as Bytes - view the file data as 8 bit bytes. View as Words - view the file data as 16 bit words. View as DWords - view the file data as 32 bit double words. 8 Toggle ASCII - turns ASCII data ON or OFF Align view to 8 bytes - data is displayed on each line as 8 bytes. The number of bytes that can be accommodated on each line is dependent upon the size of the window. Find - launches the `Find' dialog box. Find and Replace - launches the `Replace' dialog box. Fill selection - launches the `Fill' dialog box. Download active file - downloads the current active file in the Editor window to the target FLASH memory. The `FLASH Controller' dialog box will be launched when no files are registered in the project. Status Bar The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the FDT application window. It provides the user with information about what the application is doing or the last action performed. The left section of the Status Bar describes the action of the Toolbar items as the mouse arrow key is positioned over an item. The next section indicates whether the interface is connected to the device and the port used. It also indicates what action is taking place. When an action is being performed, the third section gives an increasing percentage display. The last section of the bar indicates the state of the Caps Lock key. Pop-up menus Many windows have local pop-up menus in order to make commonly used features easier to access. These menus are invoked by clicking the right mouse button in the window (or pressing SHIFT+F10) and then selecting the required menu option. An example pop-up menu is: The contents and operation of specific pop-up menus are explained in detail in the description of each FDT window, see the chapter 6, Windows. 9 Data entry When entering data in the `Find', `Replace' or `Fill' dialog boxes only hexadecimal or ASCII values can be used, based on the ASCII Search check box. When entering hexadecimal values a preceding `0x' is fixed in the entry text box, so hexadecimal values are appended. 2.2 Help FDT has a standard Windows context sensitive help system. This provides on-line information for using the system. Help can be invoked by pressing the F1 key or via the Help menu. Additionally, some windows and dialog boxes have a dedicated help button to launch the help file at the appropriate location. Context Sensitive Help To get help on a specific item in the FDT graphical interface, a help cursor can be used. To enable the help cursor press SHIFT+F1. Your cursor then changes to include a question mark ( ). You can then click on the item for which you require help and the help system will be opened at the appropriate location, if help information exists. Help can be invoked through the Help menu. 2.3 Hot Keys There are various hot keys for frequently used operations. These are as follows: Help F1 Open Ctrl+O New Workspace Ctrl+N Open Workspace Ctrl+W Save Workspace Ctrl+E Save Ctrl+S Undo Ctrl+Z Redo Ctrl+Y Cut Ctrl+X Copy Ctrl+C Paste Ctrl+V Find Ctrl+F Replace Ctrl+H New Project Alt+N Add File to Project Ctrl+A 10 Build Device Image Ctrl+B Download Device Image Ctrl+Shift+P Freshen all Target Files Ctrl+T Properties Alt+Shift+R Erase FLASH Blocks Alt+R Upload Image Alt+U Blank Check Alt+B Cancel FLASH Operation Ctrl+Break Fill Ctrl+L View as ASCII Alt+A View as Bytes Alt+1 View as Word Alt+2 View as DWord Alt+4 Align to 8 Bytes Alt+8 Download Image Ctrl+P 11 12 Chapter 3 Basic Operation 3.1 Starting the FDT To start the FDT, open the `Start' menu of Windows, and select `Program', `FLASH Development Toolkit 2.0', and the FDT shortcut. The `Welcome to the FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box will open by default. To create a new workspace, select `Create a new Workspace' and click the `OK' button. To open a recent workspace, select `Open an existing Workspace' and the workspace to be opened from the list box, and click the `OK' button. 3.2 Creating a New Workspace (1) Enter the workspace name, then click the `OK' button. (Specify whether or not a directory is to be created and a location.) 13 (2) If you want to run the Project Wizard, click the `Yes' button. (3) Enter the project name, then click the `Next' button. 14 (4) Select the device you wish to use from the drop-down list. If there exists a user-created kernel in addition to the default path, select `User specified path' to specify the path. (5) Enter the numerical values for the input clock, select the main or peripheral multiplier from the dropdown list, and click the `Next' button. 15 Supplementary: 1. Device Protocol The 0.35-m process microcomputer is fixed to protocol B. 2. Crystal Frequency Enter the frequency of the CPU clock or the crystal generator as integers or in a format such as xx.xx. You can only input two digits to the right of the decimal point. 3. Multiplier for CKM Select the multiplier of the system clock (master clock) for the input clock. 4. Multiplier for CKP The frequency rate (CKP) selected depends on the microcomputer. Enter the multiplier of the peripheral clock for the input clock. Note (6) To enter the input clock and frequency rate, refer to the hardware manual and confirm the range to be set. Select a port and baud rate from the drop-down lists, then click the `Next' button. Note For the baud rate, refer to the hardware manual and select a rate where the variance is within 3%. Supplementary: 1. Use default Baud Rate Set this option only when the HMSE Evaluation Board is used. 16 (7) Select the operating mode, then click the `Next' button. (The interface is `Direct Connection'.) (8) Select the protection level for programming the FLASH ROM and the messaging level, then click the `Finish' button. 17 3.3 Saving a Workspace When the [File -> Save Workspace] menu option is selected, the FDT workspace can be saved. 3.4 Closing a Workspace Select [File -> Close Workspace] to close the FDT workspace. If the workspace or its project is changed, select Save or Not Save. 3.5 Exiting the FDT To exit the FDT, select [File -> Exit], press the Alt + F4 key, or select the `Close' option from the system menu (the system menu can be opened by clicking the icon in the upper-left are of the title bar). 3.6 Programming the Data to the FLASH ROM (1) When the target file (S-Record file) is downloaded: 1. Select [Project -> Add Files to Project] or press the Ctrl + A key to add the file to be downloaded to the project. 2. Click the right mouse button on the file (*.mot) displayed in the workspace window, and select `Download File to Device'. 3. Programming will be completed when `Image successfully written to device' is displayed in the message log window. 18 (2) When the device image is downloaded: 1. Add the target file to the project. (Same as item 1 of (1) above.) 2. Click the right mouse button on `Device Image' displayed in the workspace window, and select `Build Device Image'. 3. The creation of the device image is complete when `Build Complete - Saving Image...' is displayed in the message window. 4. Click the right mouse button on the file (*.fpr) displayed in the workspace window, and select `Download Image to Device'. 5. Programming is complete when `Image successfully written to device' is displayed in the message window. 19 3.7 Erasing Data from the FLASH ROM 1. Select [Device -> Erase FLASH blocks...] to display the `Erase Blocks' dialog box. 2. Select the block to be erased. (When Name of the block is clicked, the block name is inversely displayed.)* 3. Click the `Erase' button to start erasure. 4. When `Erase complete' is displayed in the message window, erasure is completed. Note To erase all blocks, clicking the `Select All' button inversely displays all blocks. To erase the programmed block, clicking the `Select Written' button inversely displays the target block. 3.8 Reading the FLASH ROM Data 1. Display the `Upload Image' dialog box from [Device -> Upload Image...]. 2. Enter the start and end addresses. 3. Click the `Upload' button to start reading. 4. When `Upload operation complete' is displayed in the message window, reading is complete. 20 Chapter 4 Configuring the User Interface When the user interface for FDT was designed an attempt was made to make frequently used operations quickly accessible and have related operations grouped in a logical order. However, when the user is in the middle of a long session he may find it more useful to have a different arrangement of the user interface items. FDT facilitates this user customisation. This chapter describes how the user interface can be arranged and how various aspects of the display can be customised. 4.1 Arranging Windows Minimising windows When an operation is finished on an open Editor window but it may be necessary to look at it in its current state later, it can be reduced to an icon, this is called minimising the window. To minimise a window either click on the `minimise' button of the window, or select [Minimise] from the window drop-down menu. The window is minimised to an icon at the bottom of the Editor window. Note The icon may not be visible if there is another window open over the bottom of the screen. To restore the icon back to a window either double click on the icon, or click once to pop up the icon menu and select [Restore], or select required window from the Menu bar [Window] drop-down menu. Tiling windows After some time there may be many windows open on the screen. All the windows can be arranged in a tile format with none of them overlapping each other using the "Tile Windows" option. To invoke this select the [Window->Tile Windows] menu option. All currently open windows are arranged in a tile format. Windows that are minimised to icons are not affected. 4.2 Locating Currently Open Windows When many windows are open in the FDT application window it is quite easy to lose one of them behind the others. Locating a specific window There are two methods to find the lost window. 1. To select a specific window, invoke the [Window] menu. Click on the required window from the list of open windows at the bottom of the menu. The currently selected window will have a check mark next to it in the window list. The window selected will be brought to the front of the display. If it is minimised the icon is restored to a window. 2. If the [Window->Workbook View] menu item is checked, a specific window can also be selected by clicking on the tab containing the file name at the bottom of the Editor window. If the window is not minimised it will be brought to the front of the display. If it is minimised, the minimised icon will be brought to the front of the display. 21 4.3 Enabling/disabling the Status Bar The user has the option to enable or disable the Status Bar. By default, the Status Bar is displayed at the bottom of the FDT application window. To disable the display of the Status Bar, select the [View->Status Bar] menu option. If the disable option is selected, the Status Bar will be disabled and removed from the FDT application window display. To re-enable the Status Bar display, select the [View->Status Bar] menu option again. The Status Bar will be enabled and added to the FDT application window display and the menu option checked. 4.4 Enabling/disabling the Toolbar The user has the option to enable or disable the Toolbar. By default, the Toolbar is displayed at the top of the FDT application window. To disable the display of the Toolbar, select the [View->Toolbar] menu option. If the disable option is selected, the Toolbar will be disabled and removed from the FDT application window display. To re-enable the Toolbar display, select the [View->Toolbar] menu option again. The Toolbar will be enabled and added to the FDT application window display and the menu option checked. 4.5 Enabling/disabling the Workspace The user has the option to enable or disable the Workspace. By default, the Workspace is displayed. To disable display of the Workspace, select the [View->Workspace] menu option. If the disable option is selected, the Workspace will be disabled and removed from the FDT application window display. To re-enable the Workspace display, select the [View->Workspace] menu option again. The Workspace will be enabled and added to the FDT application window display and the menu option checked. 4.6 Enabling/disabling the Message Log The user has the option to enable or disable the Message Log. By default, the Message Log is displayed. To disable display of the Message Log, select the [View->Message log] menu option. If the disable option is selected, the Message log will be disabled and removed from the FDT application window display. To re-enable the Message log display, select the [View->Message log] menu option again. The Message log will be enabled and added to the FDT application window display and the menu option checked. 4.7 Enabling/disabling the Dependency Log The user has the option to enable or disable the Dependency Log. By default, the Dependency Log is displayed. To disable display of the Dependency Log, select the [View->Dependency Log] menu option. If the disable option is selected, the Dependency Log will be disabled and removed from the FDT application window display. To re-enable the Dependency Log display, select the [View->Dependency Log] menu option again. The Dependency Log will be enabled and added to the FDT application window display and the menu option checked. 22 4.8 Customising the Toolbar The selection and arrangement of buttons displayed on the Toolbar can be customised to suit a user's requirements. To change the display invoke the [Tools->Customise...] menu option. The `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box will be displayed: The `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box has four tabs, Toolbars, Commands, Output Window and General, which are further described in chapter 6, Windows. Toolbars The Toolbars tab allows the user to select a group (e.g. workspace) and to select the functions for that group. A check mark in the Show Tooltips box indicates that the action of the button will be displayed when the mouse arrow is pointing to the button. If the box is unchecked no action is displayed. A check mark in the Cool Look box removes the border around all menu and toolbar items. If the box is unchecked the borders are present. If the Large Buttons box is checked, the size of the buttons is increased. The New... button launches the `Toolbar Name' dialog box which allows the user to name and generate a new toolbar. After entering the new name and clicking on OK, the new name will be added to the Toolbars list and an empty toolbar is displayed on the interface. Selecting the Commands tab allows the user to select and add buttons to the new toolbar. The user can place the new toolbar anywhere on the GUI by dragging it with the mouse. When a user created toolbar is selected in the Toolbars list, the Reset button is renamed to Delete. Clicking on this button will remove the new toolbar from the list and from the GUI. The Reset button resets the selected toolbar to its default settings. 23 Commands This tab shows the buttons and describes the action for each button in each group and allows the user to customise the toolbar according to an individual application. Clicking on an item in the Categories box displays the buttons available for that category. The Buttons area displays a picture for each button in the selected category. To obtain a description of the action of a button, click on that button. The description will appear in the Description area. Adding a button to the Toolbar U To add a button to the Toolbar: 1. Select the button from the appropriate category, by pointing the mouse pointer at the button and press the left mouse button. 2. Drag the button to the required position in the Toolbar. 3. Release the mouse button. Positioning a button in the Toolbar U To move a button position in the Toolbar order: 1. Select the appropriate button on the Toolbar to move with the mouse as above. 2. Drag the button to the required position on the toolbar. 3. Release the mouse button. Removing a button from the Toolbar U To remove a button from the Toolbar: 1. Select the button with the mouse as above. 2. Drag the button to the `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box. 3. Release the mouse button. 24 Chapter 5 Menus This document follows the standard Microsoft menu naming convention: Menu Bar Menu Title Drop-down Menu Menu Option Ellipse Cascading Menu Check Mark Hot Key 5.1 File The `File' menu is used for aspects of the program that access data files. Open... Launches the `Open' dialog box allowing the user to open an existing file. The file may be an S-Record file (.rec, .mot, .a20, .a37), a Device Image file (.fpr) or a FDT Workspace file (.fdt). New Workspace Launches the `New Workspace' dialog box allowing the user to specify the name and location of a new workspace and creates a new workspace directory. Open Workspace... Launches the `Open' dialog box allowing the user to open an existing FDT Workspace file (.fdt). Save Workspace Saves the details of the currently active Workspace. Close Workspace Closes the currently active Workspace. Save Saves the current active file. 25 Save As... Launches the `Save As' dialog box allowing the user to save and name the uploaded DEVICE Image file with a .fpr extension, or if an S-Record file is active to rename and save that file. Save All Saves all files that have not been saved on the Editor window. Close File Closes the current active file. Recent Workspaces Provides a cascaded menu listing recently used workspaces allowing the user to select one. Recent Files Provides a cascaded menu listing recently used files allowing the user to select one. Exit Closes and exits the FDT application. 5.2 Edit The `Edit' menu is used for aspects of the program that access or alter data in the Editor window. Undo Allows the user to reverse the previous editing operation. Redo Allows the user to reverse the previous Undo operation. Create Selection... Launches the `Create Selection' dialog box allowing the user to create a selection area by entering its start address, end address and length. The selected area can be used in conjunction with the Clipboard, Fill or Search and Replace. Cut This will remove the contents of the highlighted block from the window and place it on the clipboard in the standard Windows manner. This option is only available if a block is highlighted. Copy This will copy the contents of the highlighted block to the clipboard in the standard Windows manner. This option is only available if a block is highlighted. 26 Paste This will copy the contents of the Windows clipboard into the child window at the current cursor position. Find... This will launch the `Find' dialog box allowing the user to enter either hexadecimal or ASCII data. The scope of the search is bounded by the area selected, for the active file in the Editor window. If a match is found, the Editor window is updated to display the found data. Replace... This will launch the `Replace' dialog box allowing the user enter either the hexadecimal or ASCII data to be found and the replacement data, in the same format. The scope of the search is bounded by the area selected, for the active file in the Editor window. If a match is found, the Editor window is updated to display the found data, click on the now enabled Replace button to replace the data. 5.3 View The `View' menu is used to display or remove FDT GUI features, such as displaying child windows and toolbars. Toolbar Toggles the toolbar feature on and off. If the feature is active then a check mark will be displayed to the left of the menu text. Status Bar Toggles the status bar feature on and off. If the feature is active then a check mark will be displayed to the left of the menu text. Workspace Toggles the Workspace on and off. If the feature is active then a check mark will be displayed to the left of the menu text. Message Log Toggles the Message Log on and off. If the feature is active then a check mark will be displayed to the left of the menu text. Dependency Log If this item is checked, the Dependency Log is available as a tab for the Output window. 5.4 Project The `Project' menu provides high level control and facilities for projects within the workspace. 27 New Project... Launches the `Project Wizard' dialog box allowing the user to create a new project and enter any comments. When an FDT project is created all its project details are maintained in a project file. The project file is named after the project with a file extension of .cpj. Add Files to Project... Launches the `Open' dialog box allowing the user to add S-Record files (.rec, .mot, .a20, .a37) to the project. Remove File from Project... Removes the selected file from the project. Set Active Project Provides a cascaded menu listing projects within the currently open workspace allowing the user to designate one as the active project. Insert Project... Launches the `Open' dialog box allowing the user to open FDT created Projects (.cpj files). Build Device Image Builds the target files into a binary image file (Device Image) for subsequent downloading to the target FLASH memory. Download Device Image Loads the open Device Image file into the target FLASH memory. Freshen all Target files Updates the files contained in project to the current contents of their original source files. Properties... Launches the `Project Properties' dialog box for the current project. This dialog box contains six tabs - Project, Communications, Device, Programmer, Modules and Comments. 5.5 Device The `Device' menu provides control facilities for interacting with the target device. Connect to Device/Disconnect from Device This connects the GUI to the device if it is not connected or disconnects if it is connected. Messages will appear in the Message log if the connection can not be made. The Status Bar will indicate whether or not the device is connected. Erase FLASH blocks... This launches the `Erase Blocks' dialog box. 28 The `Erase Blocks' dialog box allows the user to specify which blocks are to be erased. The Written column indicates whether data is present in the block. To start the operation, select the required block names in the list and then click the Erase button. Note Whilst blocks that contain no data need not be erased, FDT will erase all specified blocks. Upload Image... This launches the `Upload Image' dialog box, which enables the uploading of a range of data from the target device. This is intended for access with FLASH memory. The data is placed in the Editor window. Blank check This launches a blank check on the device FLASH and reports back both to the Message log and a status window. Download `file name' This downloads the current active file into the target FLASH memory. Cancel FLASH Operation Cancels the current FLASH operations of Download, Upload and Erase, if they are active. 5.6 Image The `Image' menu provides facilities for displaying and maintaining the contents of the active file in the Editor window. Fill... Launches the `Fill' dialog box for the currently active file, allowing a selected area to be filled with the specified data. The data to be filled can be an ASCII character via the ASCII Fill check box. View ASCII Toggles the ASCII representation of the data On and Off. View as Bytes Allows the user to view the data as 8 bit bytes. View as Words Allows the user to view the data as 16 bit words. View as DWords Allows the user to view the data as 32 bit double (long) words. 29 Align to 8 Bytes Data is displayed on each line as 8 bytes. The number of bytes that can be accommodated on each line is dependent upon the size of the window. Download `file name' Downloads the current active file into the target FLASH memory. 5.7 Tools The `Tools' menu is used to launch additional FDT features, which are not related to either projects or target devices. UPB Diagnostics... (Feature not currently available) JTAG Development System... (Feature not currently available) Advanced Configuration... (Feature not currently available) Kernel Build Assistant... (Feature not currently available) Customise... Launches the `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box allowing the user to customise the toolbar and commands. 5.8 Window The `Window' menu is used to alter the display of currently open windows within the FDT GUI. Files displayed in the Editor window are appended to the following list, these files are identified by their filename and the currently active file is denoted by check mark. Workbook View If the Workbook View is checked, tabs for each current window are located at the bottom of the Editor window. If it is unchecked the tabs are hidden. Clicking on a tab will make that file active. Docking Views With this option checked the Workspace window and the Editor window are positioned side by side. With the option unchecked the Editor window is positioned behind the Workspace window. Clicking on a window will bring it to the top of the display. 30 Tile Windows Arranges the child windows in the standard tile manner, i.e. each window is sized such that all are displayed without overlapping. `file name' This option becomes active when a file name is selected and checked. 5.9 Help The `Help' menu is used to access additional information on how to use the functionality provided by FDT. Help Topics Launches the Help system for FDT. The `Help Topics' dialog box for FDT is displayed, enabling help to be accessed on required FDT subjects through several methods. About... Launches the `About FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box, through which additional information regarding FDT can be accessed: * FDT version. * Library descriptions, build dates and versions for each of the FDT components. * FDT supported devices. * FDT supported communication interfaces. 31 32 Chapter 6 Windows This chapter describes each child window type, the features each supports and the options available through their associated pop-up menus. There are three main windows - Workspace window, Editor window and Output window. Most windows have local pop-up menus in order to make commonly used features easier to access. These menus are invoked by clicking the right mouse button within the window (or pressing SHIFT+F10) and then selecting the required menu option. Windows may also be launched from a number of the main menu items. 6.1 Workspace window The Workspace window contains details of the items in the workspace including the workspace name, projects contained in the workspace and for each project their Device Image files and Target files. Invoking certain menu items from a pop-up menu in the Workspace window will launch additional windows. The Workspace window pop-up menu has the following items: Docking View With this option checked the Workspace window and the Editor window are positioned side by side. With the option unchecked the Editor window is positioned behind the Workspace window, such that the Workspace window is a floating window. Clicking on a window will bring it to the top of the display. Hide Invoking Hide occults the Workspace window. It is restored by [View->Workspace]. 33 6.2 Workspace The Workspace is the first item in the window, in the following example this is "Workspace `Rocket Launcher'": The pop-up menu for Workspace has the following items: New Project... Launches the `Project Wizard' dialog box allowing the user to create a new project and enter project comments. Insert Project into Workspace... Launches the `Open' dialog box allowing the user to insert an existing project into the Workspace. Open Workspace... Launches the `Open' dialog box allowing the user to open an existing FDT Workspace file (.fdt). This will close an open Workspace and load the specified replacement. Save Workspace Saves the details of the current workspace and its project(s). Close Workspace Closes the current workspace. 34 Properties... Launches the `Workspace Properties' dialog box which shows the following details: * the Workspace Name, * its filename and path, * the time and date when the workspace was last saved, * if the workspace has been modified and not yet saved, * the number of projects in the workspace, * the name of the current active project. 6.3 Project The Project is the next item in the hierarchy below the Workspace. In the following example, both "Azimuth Controller" and "Launch Sequencer" are Project names. The pop-up menu for Project has the following items: Add Files to Project... Launches the `Open' dialog box allowing the user to add S-Record files to the project. Set as Active Project Sets the highlighted project as the active project. Remove Project Remove the highlighted project from the Workspace. Connect to Device / Disconnect This connects the GUI to the device if it is not connected or disconnects if it is connected. Messages will appear in the Message log if the connection can not be made. The Status Bar will indicate whether or not the device is connected. 35 Erase FLASH blocks... This launches the `Erase Blocks' dialog box. The `Erase Blocks' dialog box allows the user to specify which blocks are to be erased. The Written column indicates whether data is present in the block. To start the operation, select the required block names in the list and then click the Erase button. Note Whilst blocks that contain no data need not be erased, FDT will erase all specified blocks. Upload Image... This launches the `Upload Image' dialog box, which enables the uploading of a range of data from the target device. This is primarily intended for access with FLASH memory. Other memory-mapped areas may also be accessed. The data is placed in the Editor window. Blank check This launches a blank check on the device FLASH and reports back both to the Message log and a status window. Cancel FLASH Operation Cancels the current FLASH operations of Download, Upload and Erase, if they are active. Build Device Image Builds the target files into a binary image file (Device Image) for subsequent downloading to the target FLASH memory. Freshen all Target files Updates the files contained in project with the current contents of their original source files. Properties... Launches the `Project Properties' dialog box for the current project. This dialog box contains seven tabs Project, Kernel, Communications, Device, Programmer, Modules and Comments. 36 6.4 Device Image - Sub Folder This contains the Device Image file the project. The Device Image - Sub Folder pop-up menu has the following items: Build Device Image Builds the target files into a binary image file (Device Image) for subsequent downloading to the target FLASH memory. Freshen all Target files Updates the files contained in project with the current contents of their original source files. Properties... Launches the `Project Properties' dialog box for the current project. This dialog box contains seven tabs Project, Kernel, Communications, Device, Programmer, Modules and Comments. 6.5 Device Image - Sub-Project Properties With the `Project Properties' dialog box invoked from the Device Image - Sub Folder pop-up menu, clicking the left mouse button will launch the `Sub-Project Properties `Device Image'' dialog box. 37 6.6 Target files - Sub Folder This contains the S-Record files for the project that will be used to build the Device image. The Target files - Sub Folder pop-up menu has the following items: Add Files to Project... Launches the `Open' dialog box allowing the user to add S-Record files to the project. Freshen all Target files Updates the files contained in project with the current contents of their original source files. Properties... Launches the `Project Properties' dialog box for the current project. This dialog box contains seven tabs Project, Kernel, Communications, Device, Programmer, Modules and Comments. 6.7 Target files - Sub-Project Properties With the `Project Properties' dialog box invoked from the Target file - Sub Folder pop-up menu, clicking the left mouse button will launch the `Sub-Project Properties `Target files'' dialog box. 38 6.8 Device Image The Device Image is the item contained in Device Image - Sub Folder. In the following example, "Azimuth Controller.fpr" is the Device Image file for the project "Azimuth Controller". The pop-up menu for Device Image has the following items: Edit Displays the Device Image file in the Editor window to allow the user to carry out modifications. Remove File from Project Removes the device image file from the project. Block usage... Launches the `Device Image Properties' dialog box and displays the Block usage tab. Rebuild Image Rebuilds the binary image file (Device Image) with its constituent target files, for subsequent downloading to the target FLASH memory. Download Image to Device Downloads the Device Image to the device FLASH memory. Properties... Launches the `Device Image Properties' dialog box. This contains three tabs - File properties, Dependencies and Block usage. 39 6.9 S-Record Files S-Record files are the items contained in Target files - Sub Folder. In the following example, both "azEVT.mot" and "azLUT.mot" are target files for the project "Azimuth Controller". Each S-Record file pop-up menu has the following items: Edit Displays the S-Record file in the Editor window to allow the user to carry out modifications. Remove File from Project Removes the selected S-Record file from the project. Download File to Device Downloads the selected S-Record file to the device FLASH memory. Freshen Local File Updates the files contained in project with the current contents of their original source files. Properties... Launches the `S-Record Properties' dialog box. This contains three tabs - File properties, Dependency and Block usage. 6.10 Workspace Properties Invoked from the Workspace pop-up menu item Properties.... The `Workspace Properties' dialog box shows details of: * the Workspace Name, * its filename and path, 40 * the time and date when the workspace was last saved, * if the workspace has been modified and not yet saved, * the number of projects in the workspace, * the name of the current active project. 6.11 Project Properties The `Project Properties' dialog box can be invoked from the Properties... item of the pop-up menus in Project, Device Image - Sub Folder, Target files - Sub Folder, and also the main menu [Project->Properties...]. (1) Project This shows the name of the project, the location and the filename of the project file, its creation date and time, and also the target device. 41 (2) Kernel This shows the frequency, protocol, and multiplier. (3) Communications This shows the default and current baud rates and the current port. It also allows the user to change the Port and Baud Rate. COM Port This drop-down list provides the user with a list of supported COM ports available for connection to the device. Use default baud If this is checked, the default Baud Rate will be used. (This option should be set only when HMSE Evaluation Board is used.) Target Baud Rate If the Use default baud is unchecked, the Target Baud Rate provides a drop-down list of Baud Rates between 2400 and 115200 bits/s for the user to select. 42 (4) Device This shows the device information. It also allows the user to select BOOT Mode or USER Program Mode and the `Direct Connection' interface. In addition, it can specify whether or not the kernel is in the target device. BOOT Mode This connection type specifies that the on-board programming BOOT mode sequence is to be initiated if a kernel cannot be found running on the target device. This will cause the entire FLASH memory to be erased and a kernel loaded. If a kernel is already resident the FLASH is not erased, rather information regarding the block usage is obtained to help prevent accidental overwriting. USER Program Mode This connection type specifies that the on-board programming USER Program mode sequence is to be initiated by a previously loaded user program that is used to reprogram the FLASH memory. Select Interface Only the `Direct Connection' interface is available. Kernel already resident This check box is specified when a kernel is already resident on the target device. 43 (5) Programmer This shows the state of the Function Map and allows the user to select the Device Protection Option of Automatic, Interactive, or None and the message level option of Advanced or Standard. Device Protection This allows the user to select either automatic protection (Automatic) or interactive protection (Interactive) to protect the FLASH device from accidental over-erasure and over-programming. Automatic protection will erase blocks from the device prior to programming, as necessary. Interactive protection will ask the user before an erase occurs. The FDT can be forced to write to a block containing data. In addition, None can be selected to disable device protection. Whilst connected to a device FDT keeps track of the state of the FLASH blocks and is able to determine when a programming operation will over-program a region of FLASH memory. Note If device protection is disabled the user is responsible for erasing the device prior to programming. Message level The user can select either Standard or Advanced message levels. A Standard message level generates general FDT/target device status messages regarding high-level communications details. An Advanced message level generates more detailed information regarding lower level communications details. 44 (6) Modules This shows the directory paths for each Kernel. Double clicking on a Module name launches the `Set Kernel Path' dialog box that allows the user to change the path for all kernels. (7) Comments This allows the user to insert any project comments. Clicking with the right mouse button provides a drop-down menu for editing facilities. Undo Reverses the last edit operation in the Comment window. Cut Removes the selected text in the Comment window and places it in the Windows clipboard. Copy Copies the selected text in the Comment window to the Windows clipboard. Paste Pastes the contents of the Windows clipboard into the Comment window at the cursor position. Delete Deletes the selected text in the Comment window. 45 Select All Selects all the text in the Comment window. 6.12 Device Image Properties Invoked from the Device Image pop-up menu item `Properties...'. (1) File properties The `Device Image Properties' dialog box shows details of the Device Image location and its filename, the time and date the image file was last saved, if the image file has been modified and not yet saved, if the image file is currently open in the Editor window, and also the FLASH memory size. (2) Dependencies This shows the S-Record files and their status associated with the Device image. Rebuild Now If the device image is out of date as indicated by the general device image status message, it can be rebuilt by clicking on this button. 46 (3) Block usage This shows the starting, finishing address and sizes of the blocks contained in specified file. 47 6.13 S-Record Properties The `S-Record Properties' dialog box is invoked from the S-Record pop-up menu item `Properties...' and the Editor window pop-up menu option `Properties...' and contains three tabs: (1) File properties The `S-Record Properties' dialog box shows details of the S-Record filename and its location, the time and date the file was last saved, if the file has been modified and not yet saved, and also if the file is currently open in the Editor window, and also the FLASH memory size. (2) Dependencies This shows the S-Record File, whether it has dependencies, and if it has, the Dependency path. Clicking on Change... launches the `Open' dialog box that allows the user to select a new path. The Dependency tab also shows if the S-Record file is up-to-date and when the file and the Dependency were last modified. 48 (3) Block usage This shows the starting, finishing address and size of the blocks contained in specified file. 6.14 Output Window The Output window is one of the main windows contained in the FDT GUI. The window has available pop-up menu that contains the following items: Copy Copies the contents of the active log to the Windows clipboard. Clear Messages Clears the active log. Save Messages... Launches the `Save As' dialog box allowing the user to save the contents of the active log in the Output window as a .txt file. Allow Docking With this option checked the Output window is capable of being docked within the FDT application window. With the option unchecked the Output window is a floating window. Hide Invoking Hide occults the Message log. It is restored by [View->Message log]. 49 6.15 Editor Window The Editor window is one of the main windows contained in the FDT GUI. The window has available pop-up menu that contains the following items: Cut This will remove the contents of the highlighted block from the window and place it on the clipboard in the standard Windows manner. This is only available if a block is highlighted. Copy This will copy the contents of the highlighted block to the clipboard in the standard Windows manner. This is only available if a block is highlighted. Paste This will copy the contents of the Windows clipboard into the child window at the current cursor position. Undo Reverses the last editing operation on the selected data. Redo Reverses the last undo operation. 50 Display Unit Invokes the cascaded menu as follows: Byte - view the data as 8-bit bytes. Word - view the data as 16-bit words. DWord - view the data as 32-bit double words. Align to 8 Bytes Data is displayed on each line as 8 bytes. The number of bytes that can be accommodated on each line is dependent upon the size of the window. Create Selection... Launches the `Create Selection' dialog box allowing the user to create a selection area by entering its start address, end address and length. The selected area can be used in conjunction with the Clipboard, Fill or Search and Replace. Fill... Launches the `Fill' dialog box for the current active file to write the specified data to the selected area. When the `ASCII Fill' check box is selected, the data to be written can be specified with ASCII characters. Find... This will launch the `Find' dialog box allowing the user to enter either hexadecimal or ASCII data. The scope of the search is bounded by the area selected, for the active file in the Editor window. If a match is found, the Editor window is updated to display the found data. Replace... This will launch the `Replace' dialog box allowing the user enter either the hexadecimal or ASCII data to be found and the replacement data, in the same format. The scope of the search is bounded by the area selected, for the active file in the Editor window. If a match is found, the Editor window is updated to display the found data, click on the now enabled Replace button to replace the data. Properties... Launches the `S-Record Properties' dialog box. 51 6.16 Erase Blocks Invoked by [Device->Erase FLASH blocks...], the Workspace Project pop-up menu item Erase FLASH blocks..., the Toolbar Erase Blocks and the Erase FLASH blocks... command from the FLASH Controller. The `Erase Blocks' dialog box allows the user to specify which blocks to erase. The Written column indicates whether data exists in the block. Select All Clicking on Select All will select all the blocks of the device FLASH memory. Select Written Clicking on Select Written will select only those blocks that are not empty. Erase Clicking on Erase will erase the data in the selected blocks and removes the `Erase Block' dialog box. Cancel Clicking on Cancel removes the `Erase Blocks' dialog box without performing an erase operation. Note 52 Whilst blocks that contain no data need not be erased, FDT will erase all the specified blocks. 6.17 FLASH Controller In order to launch the `FLASH Controller' dialog box an S-Record or other binary image file that is not part of a currently open Project must be open in the editor. The `FLASH Controller' dialog box is then launched by [Image->Download file name]. The `FLASH Controller' dialog box provides a quick and easy way to download files to the Target device. Device Selection This allows the user to select the Target device from a drop-down list. It also shows the FLASH and RAM size. Commands Connect Connects the Interface to the selected device. Blank check Carries out a blank check on the device FLASH memory. Erase FLASH blocks This invokes the `Erase Blocks' dialog box. 53 User settings This allows the user to use the default baud rate or select a rate and also select the communication port to be used. Connection This allows the user to select BOOT Mode or USER Program Mode and `Direct Connection' Interface. BOOT Mode This connection type specifies that the BOOT sequence is to be initiated if a kernel cannot be found running on the target device. This will cause the whole of the FLASH to be erased and a kernel loaded. If a kernel is already resident, the FLASH is not erased; rather, information regarding the block usage is obtained to prevent accidental over programming. USER Program Mode This connection type specifies that the on-board programming USER Program mode sequence is to be initiated where by a previously loaded user program is used to reprogram the FLASH memory. Select Interface Only the `Direct Connection' interface is available. Kernel already resident This control indicates if a kernel is already resident on the target device. Kernel This selects the frequency, multiplier, and protocol. Download file `file name' to device Clicking on this downloads the associated image to the device FLASH memory. The FLASH Controller implements interactive device protection, see on-line Help. If an attempt is made to write to an area of the FLASH memory that has already been written to, the user will be queried before the programming operation starts. When a FLASH Controller is launched an Output window will be created where messages will be directed. If the user wishes to save these messages he must do so before he closes the associated image file. 54 6.18 Customise - Toolbars Invoked by [Tools->Customise...] in the `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box. Show Tooltips A check mark in the Show Tooltips box indicates that the action of the button will be displayed when the mouse arrow is pointing to the button. If the box is unchecked, no action is displayed. Cool Look A check mark in the Cool Look box removes the border around all menu and toolbar items. If the box is unchecked, the borders are visible. Large Buttons Checking the Large Buttons box increases the size of the buttons. New... The New... button launches the `Toolbar Name' dialog box which allows the user to name and generate a new toolbar. After entering the new name and clicking on OK, the new name will be added to the Toolbars list and an empty toolbar is displayed on the interface. Selecting the Commands tab allows the user to select and add buttons to the new toolbar. The user can place the new toolbar anywhere on the GUI by dragging it with the mouse. Reset The Reset button resets the toolbar to the default. 55 Toolbar name Reflects the toolbar selected in the list. OK Clicking on OK, in the `Toolbar Name' dialog box adds the new name to the Toolbars list on the Toolbars window and invokes a blank toolbar on the GUI. Clicking on OK in the `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box saves any changes made and closes the dialog box. Delete If a new toolbar has been added to the Toolbars list and it is selected, the Reset button is renamed to Delete. Clicking on this button will remove the new toolbar from the list and from the GUI. Cancel Clicking on Cancel removes the `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box without saving any changes made. 6.19 Customise - Commands Invoked by [Tools->Customise...] and then select the Commands tab in the `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box. Categories Clicking on a Category from the list displays the buttons available for that category. 56 Buttons The Buttons area displays a picture of each button available for the selected category. Description To obtain a description of the action of a button, click on that button. OK Clicking on OK removes the `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box and saves any changes made. Cancel Clicking on Cancel removes the `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box without saving any changes made. 6.20 Customise - Output Window Invoked by [Tools->Customise...] and then select the Output Window tab in the `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box. Messages Change Colour Clicking on Change Colour... invokes the `Colour' dialog box. This button allows the colour of the message to be changed. 57 Change Font Clicking on Change Font... invokes the `Font' dialog box. This button allows the font of the message to be changed. Tabs Change Font Clicking on Change Font... invokes the `Font' dialog box. This button allows the font of the message-window tab to be changed. OK Clicking on OK saves any changes made and closes the `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box. Cancel Clicking on Cancel closes the `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box without saving any changes made. 58 6.21 Customise - General Invoked by [Tools->Customise...] and then select the General tab in the `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box. Programming Read-back verification The options are that it will prompt to determine if a read-back verification takes place (Query) or that it always will verify (Yes) or never (No). Reset on disconnect (Feature not currently available) Automation Reload last Workspace at startup Checking this option allows the last used Workspace to be loaded when running FDT. Download active project Device Image at startup Checking this option allows the FDT to automatically write the device image of the active project to the FLASH memory. OK Clicking on OK closes the `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box and saves any changes made. 59 Cancel Clicking on Cancel closes the `Customise FLASH Development Toolkit' dialog box without saving any changes made. 6.22 Simple Interface Invoked by [Tools->Simple Interface...]. Clicking on EXIT displays the previous screen. Flash Program Clicking on Flash Program allows the FDT to download the specified file to the FLASH memory. 60