PC Evaluation System
Preliminary Technical Data
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The ADISEVAL is a PC-based evaluation system for many of
the iSensor™ products. It comes with a Parallel Interface
Board, parallel interface cable, 2 12-pin ribbon cables, and the
iSensor™ CD, which contains product documentation and
evaluation software.
Getting started with this system requires four simple steps.
1. Connect J2 of the Parallel Interface Board (see Figure 1) to
the appropriate power supply, using Table 1. For simplicity,
connect pin 1 to pin 4 and connect pin 2 to pin 3. Set the
voltage on the power supply per Table 2. Turn power off.
2. Install the ADIS16XXX/PCBZ evaluation board on the
Parallel Interface Board, using 2mm machine screws and
the two 12-pin ribbon cables, as shown in Figure 2. Make
sure that these cables are aligned correctly on each header
before applying power. Hook up the system to a PC using
the parallel cable.
3. Locate the product-specific evaluation software on the
iSensor™ CD or download it from:
www.analog.com/isensor-evaluation. See Tabl e 3 for a list
of products supported by each installation package.
4. Unpack the zip file and double click on the setup.exe file.
Follow the prompts to install the software.
5. Go to the created directory. In most cases, this will be a
subdirectoy under “C:\ProgramFiles\Analog Devices
iSensors\.” Double-click on the giveio.exe. Follow the
prompts to install this driver, which enables the parallel
port communications in the PC.
6. Double click on the ADIS*.exe file to start the software.
7. Click on “Interface” and select, “Parallel.” Enter the
address of the parallel port on the PC and click the “OK”
button. The parallel port address can be found under the
Device Manager in Windows XP.
The software contains help files that describe each function of
the software. The right button on the mouse has the ability to
speed up changes when the Pointer is placed over titles, graph
axes and waveform data.
See Figure 4 (ADIS16003, ADIS16006), Figure 5 (ADIS16080,
ADIS16100), Figure 6 (ADIS16201), Figure 7 (ADIS16203),
Figure 8 (ADIS16209) and Figure 9 (ADIS16250) for basic
software assistance.
Table 1. Power Supply Hook-up – J2
Pin Number Function
1 Digital I/O Power Supply
2 Common
3 Common
4 Sensor Power Supply
NOTE: No reverse polarity protection provided.
Table 2. Power Supply Voltages
Evaluation Board Power Supply Voltage
ADIS16003/PCBZ +3.0 to +5.25V
ADIS16006/PCBZ +3.0 to +5.25V
ADIS16060/PCBZ +4.75 to +5.25V
ADIS16080/PCBZ +4.75 to +5.25V
ADIS16100/PCB +4.75 to +5.25V
ADIS1620x/PCBZ +3.0 to +3.6V
ADIS1625x/PCBZ +4.75 to +5.25V
Table 3. Evaluation Software
Installation Package Filename Supported Products
003ES(x).zip ADIS16003 ADIS16006
ADIS16060 ADIS16080
201ES(x).zip ADIS16201
203ES(x).zip ADIS16203
204ES(x).zip ADIS16024
209ES(x).zip ADIS16209
250ES(x).zip ADIS16250 ADIS16251
Model Package Description
ADISEVAL iSensor™ PC Evaluation System