Product Brief
Unmatched RAID Performance for Next-Generation Servers and Storage
Today’s data center, cloud and high-performance computing environments not only require
increased storage capacity to handle massive volumes of data, but are also challenged to protect
and deliver data as quickly as possible to meet the needs of applications and end users. To address
these performance demands as capacity scales, the newest 6Gb/s SAS RAID controllers from Avago
off er a powerful combination of intelligent performance, enterprise RAID data protection and
proven interoperability with the latest server platforms based on the PCI Express 3.0 speci cation.
The MegaRAID SAS 9270-8i, with eight internal ports, delivers two 800MHz PowerPC® processor
cores and a 72-bit DDRIII interface that drives 1GB cache memory. Powered by the LSI SAS 2208
dual-core ROC, the 9270-8i controller includes the latest PCI Express 3.0 and 6Gb/s SAS technology
and helps users to maximize the performance bene ts of solid state storage.
Enterprise Data Protection
Standard support for the most popular RAID levels and accessories, including RAID 5, RAID 6 and
battery backup, further strengthen the data protection capabilities of the MegaRAID SAS 9270-8i.
The intelligent LSIiBBU09 battery backup unit uses heat-tolerant cell technology to withstand
ambient temperatures up to 55 degrees Celsius while protecting the integrity of cache memory in
the event of a power or server failure. This resistance to a high temperature environment along with
remote mounting options gives system builders the exibility to place the LSIiBBU09 away from
thermal hot spots in multiple locations throughout the chassis.
Support for Advanced Software Options
The family of 6Gb/s MegaRAID controllers are designed to support advanced software options that
provide white box channel partners with enhanced performance and data protection capabilities.
These new software options help enable end users to address key business challenges while helping
to deliver a higher return on their IT investments. MegaRAID CacheCade™ Pro 2.0 software and
MegaRAID Fast Path software boost transactional I/O performance of solid state disk con gurations,
while MegaRAID Recovery software and MegaRAID SafeStore™ software enable enhanced data
protection and security.
Intuitive RAID Management Utility
The MegaRAID Management Suite™ software provides essential tools to manage MegaRAID
products, whether deployed in an enterprise or small business. Avago off ers a collection of
applications and tools including a pre-boot setup utility and a full spectrum of online RAID
management utilities. This suite of applications allows administrators to adjust SAS or SATA topology
views from the system host, controller and disk enclosure down to the logical and physical drive
level. Extending to enterprise deployments, these tools scale to more easily con gure, monitor and
manage RAID and JBOD volumes locally or over the LAN network.
Key Features
■ Eight internal 6Gb/s SATA+SAS ports
■ Two Mini-SAS internal connectors
■ LSI SAS 2208 Dual- core 6Gb/s ROC
–x2 800MHz PowerPC Processors
■ PCI Express 3.0 Host Interface
■ 1GB DDRIII cache memory
■ RAID Levels 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 50 and 60
■ Support for optional heat-tolerant
battery backup
Key Advantages
■ Unmatched RAID performance
■ Connect up to 128 3Gb/s and 6Gb/s
SATA and SAS hard drives or SSDs
■ Helps users realize potential of solid-
state storage deployments
■ Heat-tolerant battery backup option
■ Support for Advanced Software
MegaRAID® SAS 9270-8i
Eight-Port 6Gb/s PCI Express® 3.0 SATA+SAS RAID Controller