Mulimedia ICs SCSI active terminator BH9595FP-Y / BH9596FP-Y These SCSI active terminators, developed as a substitute for conventional discrete terminators, maintain good consistency between VM level (2.85V) and GND level (0V) and between VM level and VDD level, and have extremely low power consumption, dropping to a maximum of 90 milliwatts at standby (compared to the maximum of 990 milliwatts used by conventional resistance terminators). These SCSI active terminators electrically control SCSI lines, connecting and disengaging the terminating resistor by electrically controlling the enable pin. (The enable pin is enabled at the HIGH level and switched to the High-Z state by the LOW level in the BH9595 and by the HIGH level in the BH9596, completely disconnecting the SCSI line from the SCSI terminator.) These SCSI active terminators allow for the configuration of flexible, energy-saving SCSI networks, and are ideal for notebook computers, hard disk drives and a wide range of other products with SCSI capabilities. Applications *Compact disk drives, optical disk drives, CD-ROM drives, tape drives, personal computers (including laptop computers and notebook computers), workstations, mainframes, laser printers, plotters *1)Features Internal 2.85V power supply and push-pull operation, for good consistency at all signal levels. 2) Enable pin for terminator enabling and disconnecting, facilitating SCSI network construction. 3) Low power consumption, ideal for energy-saving systems. Power consumption during standby : 90mW (compared to 990mW for conventional resistor terminators)Power consumption at 25% duty : 614mW (compared to 1,360mW for convention resistor terminators)Significant reductions in power consumption are possible. 4) Wide operating range. TERM power : 4.0 ~ 5.5V (Transient : 6.0V) 5) Thin, microminiature design, ideal for space-saving applications. Package body size : 13.6 x 5.4 x 1.9mm 6) Active termination of 18-line SCSI. 7) Internal thermal shutdown circuit. 8) Compatibility with SCSI-I and SCSI-II. 1 Mulimedia ICs BH9595FP-Y / BH9596FP-Y *Absolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25C) Symbol Limits Unit Power supply voltage Parameter VDD1 - 0.3 ~ + 7.0 V DC Output current 1 ISLD - 30 mA DC Output current 2 ISLS 35 mA Input voltage Vi Power dissipation 3 Pd V - 0.6 ~ (VDD1 + 0.6) Operating temperature Topr Storage temperature Tstg 1.45 W 0 ~ + 75 C C - 55 ~ + 125 1 Drain Current (from Module to SCSI Line) / Line 2 Sink Current (from SCSI Line to Module) / Line 3 When mounted to a 90 x 50 x 1.6 mm glass epoxy board *Recommended operating conditions (Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit V VDD1 4.0 4.5 5.5 Input voltage VIH VDD1 - 0.6 -- VDD1 + 0.6 V Input voltage VIL - 0.3 -- 0.8 V VSLX - 0.3 -- VDD1 + 0.3 V Power supply voltage SCSI Line voltage Transient 6V *Block diagram Not to be used (N.C.) "H": ENABLE "L": DISCONNECT EN 1 TSD 2 MODE CONTROL SCSI LINE 15 3 SCSI LINE 16 4 25 TSD POW 23 SCSI LINE 14 to SW POW POW SCSI LINE 18 6 20 SCSI LINE 11 POW (PUSH - PULL) POW (PUSH - PULL) GND GND 110 Resistors SCSI LINE 1 8 SCSI LINE 2 9 19 SCSI LINE 10 POW (PUSH - PULL) POW (PUSH - PULL) SCSI LINE 3 10 SCSI LINE 4 11 (PUSH - PULL) 2.85V SUPPLY SCSI LINE 5 12 VDD1 13 22 SCSI LINE 13 21 SCSI LINE 12 SCSI LINE 17 5 GND 7 24 VM POW 2.85V GENERATER POW (PUSH - PULL) BH9595FP-Y 18 SCSI LINE 9 17 SCSI LINE 8 16 SCSI LINE 7 15 SCSI LINE 6 14 VDD1 (TRMPWR) Schottky barrier diodes SYSTEM POWER 5.0V 0.1 2 + 2.2 - For BH9596 "L": ENABLE "H": DISCONNECT Mulimedia ICs BH9595FP-Y / BH9596FP-Y *Pin descriptions Pin No. Pin name Pin No. Pin name 1 (N.C.) Not to be used 14 VDD1 2 EN (Output enable) 15 SCSI Line 6 3 SCSI Line 15 16 SCSI Line 7 4 SCSI Line 16 17 SCSI Line 8 5 SCSI Line 17 18 SCSI Line 9 6 SCSI Line 18 19 SCSI Line 10 -- GND -- GND 7 GND 20 SCSI Line 11 8 SCSI Line 1 21 SCSI Line 12 9 SCSI Line 2 22 SCSI Line 13 10 SCSI Line 3 23 SCSI Line 14 11 SCSI Line 4 24 VM 12 SCSI Line 5 25 TSD (TSD signal output) 13 VDD1 characteristics *DCElectrical characteristics (unless otherwise noted, Ta = 25C) Parameter Input leakage current Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit IIL 50 110 200 A Conditions Vi = GND, VDD1 = 5.5V IIH -1 -- 1 A Vi = VDD1, VDD1 = 5.5V SCSI line leakage current ISLZ -1 -- 1 A EN = ENABLE4, VDD1 = 5.5V SCSI line short current 1 ISLD 15 25 30 mA EN = DISABLE5, SCSI Line = GND, 4.0 VDD1 5.5V SCSI line short current 2 ISLS 7 20 30 mA EN = DISABLE5, SCSI Line = VDD1 4.0 VDD1 5.5V VM voltage VM 2.700 2.85 3.000 V IDDSTB -- 1.0 2.0 mA EN = ENABLE4, 4.0V VDD1 5.5V SCSI total sink current ISLS 300 -- 550 mA EN = DISABLE5, 18 SCSI Line = GND 4.0 VDD1 5.5V SCSI total drain current ISLD 300 -- 550 mA EN = DISABLE5, 18 SCSI Line = VDD1 4.0 VDD1 5.5V SCSI equivalent resistance RSL 105 -- 115 EN = DISABLE5, SCSI Line: VDD1 = 4.7V Pin capacity 3 PC -- 5.0 6.0 pF EN = ENABLE4 Standby current 1 4.0 VDD1 5.5V 1 Drain Current (from Module to SCSI Line) / Line 2 Sink Current (from SCSI Line to Module) / Line 3 Guaranteed performance 4 BH9595FP-Y: EN = GND, BH9595FP-Y: EN = VDD1 5 BH9696FP-Y: EN = VDD1, BH9696FP-Y: EN = GND 3 Mulimedia ICs BH9595FP-Y / BH9596FP-Y Transient characteristics (unless otherwise noted, Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Load Transient Voltage 2.85VGND VMTD1 Load Transient 1 / 10 decay Time 2.85VGND Min. VMTD2 Load Transient 1 / 10 decay Time GND2.85V VMTS1 Load Transient Voltage 2.85VVDD1 TS1 Load Transient Voltage VDD12.85V VMTS2 Load Transient Voltage VDD12.85V TS2 Conditions EN = DISABLE, 4.0 VDD1 5.5V 100 mV -- 100 s EN = DISABLE, 4.0 VDD1 5.5V All SCSI Lines: 2.85VGND Level - 100 100 mV EN = DISABLE, 4.0 VDD1 5.5V All SCSI Lines: GND2.85V Level -- 100 s EN = DISABLE, 4.0 VDD1 5.5V All SCSI Lines: GND2.85V Level - 100 100 mV EN = DISABLE, 4.0 VDD1 5.5V All SCSI Lines: 2.85VVDD1 Level -- 100 s EN = DISABLE, 4.0 VDD1 5.5V All SCSI Lines: 2.85VVDD1 Level - 100 100 mV EN = DISABLE, 4.0 VDD1 5.5V All SCSI Lines: VDD12.85V Level -- 100 s EN = DISABLE, 4.0 VDD1 5.5V All SCSI Lines: VDD12.85V Level TD2 Load Transient Voltage 2.85VVDD1 Unit - 100 TD1 Load Transient Voltage GND2.85V Max. All SCSI Lines: 2.85VGND Level BH9595FP-Y: EN = VDD1, BH9596FP-Y: GND The transient characteristics are guaranteed design values. SCSI Line Potential VDD1 Level 2.85V GND Level - 5.5V - 2.85V 0 V t = 50ns VMTD1 VMTS1 VMTD2 VMTS2 VM TD1 TD2 TS1 TS1 SCSI Line #1 VDD1 SCSI Active Terminator + + #18 Same Voltage as VDD1 - - VM Fig. 1 Measurement of transient characteristics 4 Mulimedia ICs BH9595FP-Y / BH9596FP-Y *Application example System Power System Power TERMPWR Line SCSI Line SCSI Line #1 #1 SCSI DATA LINES + 2.2 + 2.2 - - VDD1 VDD1 SCSI Active Terminator SCSI Active Terminator EN #18 #18 EN GND GND VM VM Fig. 2 5 Mulimedia ICs BH9595FP-Y / BH9596FP-Y *Thermal reduction curve Mode BH9595FP - Y BH9596FP - Y Disable L H Enable H L 2.5 POWER DISSIPATION: P (W) *Mode selection table shutdown *(1)Thermal All outputs are opened at 175C (typically). (2) Temperature hysteresis is approximately 20C. (3) Thermal shutdown output table 1.45W Duty64% 1.00 0.50 0 Level Conditions 1.50 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: Ta (C) Normal "Low" Shutdown "High" Fig. 3 notes *(1)Operation This terminator's operational range includes harmonic frequencies. Mount to minimize ground impedance. (2) Connect the VDD1 pin (TERMPWR) to a grounded 2.2F bypass capacitor. *External dimensions (Units: mm) BH9595FP-Y BH9596FP-Y 13.6 0.2 2.75 0.1 14 0.11 1.9 0.1 1 13 1.95 0.1 0.8 0.36 0.1 0.3Min. 0.15 HSOP25 6 0.25 0.1 5.4 0.2 7.8 0.3 25 1 2 3 When mounted on a 90 x 50 x 1.6 (mm) glass epoxy board. Reduced by 11.6mW for each increase in Ta of 1C over 25C. Can withstand continuous use of 64% duty, at 25C.